tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3568245374738606446.post16078715426200774..comments2015-07-28T00:17:41.855-04:00Comments on Ucadia Blog: Sorry, we won’t accept your forms – One of the most false and corrupt tricks of the private bar guildsUofUhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/09487874114574597505noreply@blogger.comBlogger2125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3568245374738606446.post-66813083669208934882013-08-29T08:15:00.103-04:002013-08-29T08:15:00.103-04:00Frank, you are horribly mistaken on the events in ...Frank, you are horribly mistaken on the events in Syria regarding the use of chemical weapons. <br /><br />The evidence simply does not indicate the accusation that the government of Bashar Al Assad deployed chemical weapons and to state this is a blood libel against the Syrian people without forensic detailed analysis which the Russians have clearly demonstrated they have. An 80 page forensic analysis showing the &quot;rebels&quot; in Syria used the chemical weapons was ignored by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon when it was handed to him by Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin.<br /><br />There is a raging cyber war going on over this issue and people need to be paying better attention to what the government of Syria is being accused of.<br /><br />If I am wrong I will retract my words and offer an apology. tokyowashihttp://www.blogger.com/profile/05945423789278296235noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3568245374738606446.post-8899065368049406442013-08-14T19:37:06.450-04:002013-08-14T19:37:06.450-04:00Fantastic Frank! where is the information on how t...Fantastic Frank! where is the information on how to create the proper public forms to return the Private courts back to lawful public courts ginohttp://www.blogger.com/profile/17402583903170095864noreply@blogger.com