Wednesday, September 5, 2012

UofU - General Executor - Explanation, Purpose and Steps

General Executor - Explanation, Purpose and Steps

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The reasons, function and context as to the importance and relevance of the office of General Executor of your Estate(s) has been discussed over many episodes of Ucadia on Talkshoe (see call #90342 on However, many of you still have a number of questions.

In a special episode this week, we go through the logic, reasons and context of the office of General Executor and the present Western-Roman Legal System as well as Ucadia.


The key points to remember being:

  • Everything discussed and outlined concerning the role of the General Executor, powers and authority are directly derived from the statutes and sovereign acts of law such as the Statutes at Large of England (later Great Britain and then the United Kingdom); and
  • These statutes and systems concerning estates, executors, funds, annuities etc. remain at the foundation of the global financial system and legal system today. So far from being irrelevant, or misguided or simply wrong- the fact that such temporary trusts as Cestui Que Vie and estates as Pur Autre Vie exist; the fact that copyhold and copyright exists; the fact that annuities and bonds exist -you have every right to reclaim your estate and the role of office of General Executor; and
  • If you have not read the canons of law on; if you have not read the Journey of UCA on means in many respects you may be far from ready to follow through with these steps.  Remember you, and only you are responsible for your own actions.  Your level of competency is your choice. If you misuse information, then only you and no other are responsible for the consequences; and
  • While remedy exists, the hardest role you will ever undertake is to be a competent General Executor of your own affairs.  This is because such a role requires self discipline; it requires a dedication to learning and a competency of the law; it requires a level of respect and courtesy even unto those who attack you and may seek to do harm; it requires you to accept accountability for your own actions and a humility and charity towards others. Finally, it requires you to detach from the desire for more and more possessions and material things and to truly be “in the world but not of the world”.

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