Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Motu Proprio of Francis and why by Rule of Law means no one can be above the Law

Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here   (45 min 15 Mb)

Hello and thanks for reading and listening to this weeks blog and audio on the Motu Proprio issued by Pope Francis on the 11th of July 2013 and why under proper Rule of Law, no one can be above the Law.

Well a lot has happened since last weeks blog and audio on “Why the meaning of everything is Awareness Loves Life not Life Loves Awareness”: In the first instance, the news of this historic edict by Pope Francis has taken the internet by storm, with the predictable bunch of headline grabbers deeply infected with Mind Virus arrogantly and stupidly claiming they and they alone are responsible for this action of the Pope. Ordinarily it would be laughable if people did not take such outrageous claims so seriously.

In the second instance, I have found myself apologizing yet again for the fact that the development of the Ucadia model is not occurring in a perfectly straight line with no mistakes and referring to a blog and audio I did on Wednesday 17th July entitled The Ucadia Model- Why the mind virus and spiritual fog needs to attack it.

Given I was emotionally upset that people who I previously trusted and that even now claim to be honorable and only attacking Ucadia and Frank O’Collins as a kind of public service benefit, I apologize to these people attacking for me again.  I should not have demonstrated any emotion. I should have let your actions speak for themselves.

Some people have asked and suggested that I respond in a point by point basis to the claims and accusations. To that I say the following – every week I offer to answer questions people ask of me and every week I try to do just that, despite the ridiculous attempt to say otherwise. Secondly, I covered much of the points in the blog two weeks ago. Thirdly, anyone can spin anything into whatever they like. I once watched a show of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart where all they did was put some scary music over the children’s cartoon Dora the Explorer and used some video editing techniques to look like it was a covert message from Satan.  That’s how easy it is. 

I have answered the objections in the blog previously mentioned about being attacked by the mind virus. I answer questions every week to those who wish to ask in good faith and I have apologized even again in this blog and audio without reservation for any hurt I have caused people. 

The model is one thing, how it is used, whether people like it and whether people want to form communities by it is something else. So once again, I call out to all those people continuing mischief and pretending they are doing it for some kind of collective good – please I beg you, stop wasting all our time and let me finish the model and correcting those things which you think need to be fixed.

In fact, returning back to the Ucadia model now, there is a lot we can discuss in terms of the topic of the Motu Proprio issued by Pope Francis on the 11th of July 2013 and why under proper Rule of Law, no one can be above the Law.

The Golden Rule and the Golden Rule of Law

What is the most important law?  What is the most fundamental of precepts that if it does not exist, the very rule of law does not exist? You may already have an opinion, but before we discuss, lets review what is meant by Rule of Law?

The United Nations states that Rule of Law refers to “a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards”.

A simpler definition of Rule of Law popular amongst dictionaries such as Merriam-Webster is “adherence to due process of law; government by law”.

Yet when it comes to the courts, to lawyers, to judges, magistrates and members of the Private Bar Association, their recollection of this most fundamental of concepts is far from certain, almost vague and corrupt. For example, Blacks 2nd Edition defines Rule of Law in vague and obscure terms as “a legal principle of general application, sanctioned by the recognition of authorities and usually expressed in the form of a maxim or logical proposition”. Nothing about how fundamental it is – The Guiding rule over all law for goodness sake is diminished by the lawyers to merely an ideal, a proposition, a hope or quest.

It turns out that Aristotle and other cultures before the invention of the Private Bar Guilds and clubs for lawyers were less vague. For Aristotle was reputed to have written”

“It is more proper that law should govern than any one of the citizens upon the same principle.”

In other words, that every member of a society are subject to the same set of laws. That no one is above the law. That is simply, precisely what the primary rule of law is.  Put more simply, the Golden Rule is the Rule of Law and the Rule of Law is the Golden Rule.

Sometimes expressed as the ethic of reciprocity or the ethic of equality, what do we mean by the Golden Rule? It is a feature of law found in sacred texts and scripture throughout every major culture since the beginning of civilization itself.

For example:

From at least 1800 BCE from the Ancient Egyptian text Tales of the Eloquent Servant we have: "Do for one who may do for you, that you may cause him thus to do." 

From the 6th Century BCE we have through Confucius Analects 15:23:  "Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you".

From the Brahman Mahabharata, 5:1517 we have: "This is the sum of Dharma [duty]: Do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you".

From the Buddhist work Udana-Varga 5:18 we have “Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful”

From the Jainism work Acarangasutra 5.101-2 we have "Therefore, neither does he [a sage] cause violence to others nor does he make others do so.".  

In the Christian New Testament we have under Matthew 7:12, King James Version “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets."

If we have a look at the Ucadia Model, then there are numerous examples as the fundamental importance of the Golden Rule and Rule of Law, such as the ancient laws of Yapa, the indigenous first peoples of Australia such as Book 5 the First Law and the First Law of Truth:

1 This be the First Law of Truth: 

2 There is, there was, there has only ever been One Law; 

3 All law is equal that no one is above it; 

4 All law is measured that all may learn and know it; 

5 All law is standard that it may always be applied the same. 

6 A law be a rule given by divine instruction; 

7 This being the highest law. 

8 No lesser law may contradict it. 

9 A law be an edict, given by a great council of wise elders and agreed by all tribes; 

10 This being the second highest law. 

11 No lesser law may contradict it. 

12 A law be custom and ceremony over time. 

13 This being the third highest law. 

14 A rule that is secret cannot be a law; 

15 A rule that is unclear in meaning cannot be a law. 

16 A rule that cannot be applied cannot be a law. 

17 A rule may be written by sign or symbol, 

18 But only when spoken at a place of law is it law. 

19 A law may be spoken, 

20 But only when it is comprehended and agreed is it justice. 

21 All people of the same community, 

22 Are subject to the same rule of law. 

23 All men and women of a community, 

24 Are bound to live by the rule of law of the community. 

25 No one may be accused except by rule of law. 

26 No one may be punished except by rule of law. 

27 Where there is no justice, there is no law. 

28 Where there is no honor, there is no law. 

29 A man or woman who are not taught how to comprehend a law, 

30 Cannot be bound by it. 

31 Any law that is against such truth cannot be law.

There are many more examples, but these are just some. Now sometimes, the ethic of reciprocity, the ethic of equality is ignorantly and falsely boiled down to the clique “Do no harm”. That is not what these examples of the Golden Rule are saying. Every one of them is the positive expression of the Rule of Law that all are the same under the law, that No One is Above the Law.

The Golden Rule and History of Authority

If you have skimmed through any history book then you know that the idea of all the people voting to elect their leaders is far from an ancient concept well established. Instead, the concept of open elections for all people, not just an elite is a relatively recent event.

You may have also read and reviewed that one of the core arguments used by the professional political classes as well as the professional legal class for their authority is the constant consent of the people. That they govern by the will and consent of the people.

There is of course another source of authority that is of at least equal importance that is plastered on most government and judicial buildings around the world and it is the concept of the mandate of heaven.

Rightly, or wrongly, the oldest of civilized cultures believe the highest law to be the laws of heaven or “Divine Law”, followed then by the laws of nature and then the laws of men. 

Indeed, the foundation of all civilized rule of law, including all Western Roman Law, begins with the acknowledgment that the highest law comes from the Divine Creator of all things in the Universe expressed through the laws of the Universe and then through the reason and spirit of man to make Positive Laws.

The very meaning and essence of the idea of “office” is derived from ecclesiastical and ceremonial duty (officium) and service when in possession of some circumscribed space such as a chapel, temple, altar or sanctuary.

In recognition of the fact that the legitimacy of office is through the recognition of the supremacy of Divine Law over Positive Law, the investiture of people into office is normally created upon a sacred and ecclesiastical oath to some higher spiritual power.

Therefore all valid official positions of all legitimate governments of all societies on planet Earth depend on the acknowledgment and recognition that the highest law comes from the Divine Creator of all things in the Universe; and

The very meaning and purpose of the word “authority” is derived from the creation of instruments and pronouncements of law (auctor) in accordance with ecclesiastical ritual, ceremony or property (ritus).

Therefore all legitimate authority of all officials of all valid governments of all societies on planet Earth depend on the acknowledgment and recognition that all authority is ultimately derived from the highest authority being the Divine Creator of all things in the Universe.

Thus, the very existence of all societies and the idea of Rule of Law across Planet Earth is dependent on the idea of the existence of the Divine Creator which under the Ucadia model we describe as the Unique Collective Awareness (UCA).

As the authority and legitimacy of an office is derived from ecclesiastical authority, then the obeying of the Rule of Law is not merely duty, but necessary for the lawful effect of any action. This is because no spiritual force may flow through natural law and positive law of this world, if the sacred rules that establish such law are willingly broken.

It is why through the original laws of trust between the entrustor and the trustee known as Fiduciary Laws require such diligence. It is also why the laws between the trustee and beneficiary originally known as the Laws of Equity are equally as stringent.

How important is the Golden Rule and the Rule of Law?

So how important then is the Golden Rule and the Rule of Law? Well, if the lawyers, the judges, the magistrates and members of the Private Bar Associations as well as their colleagues as professional politicians are to be believed, then the Golden Rule as well as the Rule of Law are just sign posts, ideals, propositions, hopes and aspirations.

But if one applies even the smallest ounce of deductive reasoning then one can clearly conclude the following:

(1) If there are different rules for one set of society compared to the other set of society, then there is no Golden Rule, there is no Rule of Law and so any conveyance, ruling, statute, promulgation, trust, sentence is without any force or effect of law and is wholly immoral, unlawful and maintained only by force and fear;

(2) If there is different application of rules for one group or [over] another, then there is no Golden Rule and there is no Rule of Law and again any action done by such judges, magistrates, politicians and their business friends is without any legitimacy [whatsoever]; and

(3) If there are any absurd and wholly false statutes and rules that render judges or magistrates or politicians immune from the law they administer, if there are rulings that render banks or industries immune from prosecution then by such actions, the politicians who issue such false statutes destroy the golden rule and extinguish any form of Rule of Law until they are arrested, run out of office, imprisoned and/or held to account.

That is how clear and important Rule of Law is. No ifs or buts. No confusion. No vaguery. If the law is no equal, if it is not equally applied then there is no law. You are living under tyranny; you are living under the yoke of criminals, of warlords.

Lets take some practical examples starting with the absurdity and immorality of judicial and political immunity. What right, what sensible and ethical argument can possibly support good government by permitting judges and magistrates to be put above the law they are supposed to administer?

And yet in most if not all Western democracies, laws now exist that mean people acting in the capacity of public officials as judges, magistrates and politicians are immune from prosecution – in the case of judges in many places even if clear demonstration that they acted improperly and with malice exists.

Are there examples of judges and magistrates or even politicians going to prison? - Absolutely yes. But only after the court of public opinion overwhelmingly demanded such action and the stench of corruption was to overpowering to hide.

Of course the pathetic argument given why judges and magistrates need immunity is to protect them from interference or pressure in making their decisions. What utter malarkey.  It is the same lame and idiotic excuses they are used to create militia forces against the population in the last ten years because in the United States four thousand people have died from terrorist related incidents sponsored by shadowy alphabet quasi government agencies while there have been nearly one million deaths by firearms and they still won’t do anything about it.

The law is supposed to protect everyone including judges. So the lie about judicial immunity is easily exposed as a cover to permit nothing more than organized criminal conspiracy and public theft through the operation of private for business courts that profit from crime. It means there is no Rule of Law in any country that permits Judicial or Political Immunity. That is an absolute statement of fact, not subject to conjecture or debate.

What is another example? How about the creation of the cestui que vie trusts, the copyhold estates and the sale of these estates to private banks and business as organized commercial slavery. That would be pretty overwhelming evidence of crimes against humanity and the absence of any rule of law, wouldn’t it?

Well, as I continue to finish the canons of Fiduciary Law and Administrative Law that is clearly what the evidence in black and white in statute shows.

In the United Kingdom, you see the creation of the oxymoron of Ecclesiastical Corporations in 1832 (c. 80) and then the gradual disenfranchising of rights of people through their copyhold estates starting in 1841 (c.35) and then 1852 (c.51) and then 1853 (c.57). If you have a look at these statutes have a look at the fact that the Bank of England is considered immune from prosecution in what it does.

But wait until 1853, there you see as plain as day in the Ecclesiastical transfer of Persons to private corporations 1853 (c.50) and then the sale of copyhold estates to corporations 1853 (c.51) the blatant sale of the estates of our ancestors to banks – the formation of the commercial matrix, without our consent and with clear disparity in the law. This is not the Golden Rule, this is not Rule of Law. This is open defiance of law, open commercial slavery for the benefit of a few and elite, which these same elite deny, obfuscate, hide, they have ever done.

Carry it then through to 1858 (c.94) and then the 1894 copyhold estate act and then the property act of 1922, when they artfully hide the existence of the estates and create the copyhold enfranchisements as the corporations to which we are now attached today through our birth certificate.

Have a look at the rules as trustees used by the courts in their system where they openly mock any principles of fiduciary law such as Trustee Act of 1850 (c.60) , then 1852 (c.55), then 1888 (c.52) then 1893 (c.53) and finally 1925 (c.19) , which they still use in their system today. All the while, the courts deny deny deny they ever create trusts or that they ever convey property without our consent. There you have it, through those links, in black and white.

We see similar examples in the United States and the acts of congress in 1933 (ch. 274) that created the FDIC and for the first time in US history permitted private corporations to be the controlling interest of a publicly created entity, controlling all the assets and trusts of the nation. The act that corporatized the United States in plain sight.

The Importance of Motu Propria by Pope Francis

According to the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia, Motu Propria in Latin stands for “of his own accord” and is the name given to an official decree by a Pope personally in his capacity and office as supreme sovereign pontiff and not in his capacity as the apostolic leader and teacher of the Universal Church. To put it more bluntly, a Motu Propria is the highest form of legal instrument on the planet in accordance to its provenance, influence and structure to the Western-Roman world, over riding anything that could be issued by the United Nations, the Inner and Middle Temple, the Crown of Great Britain or any other Monarch and indeed by any head of state or body politic. If you are a member of the United Nations, or recognized by the United States or the United Kingdom or have a bank account anywhere on the planet, then a Motu Propria is the highest legal instrument, no question.

In the case of the Motu Propria issued by Pope Francis on July 11th 2013, it is an instrument of several functions and layers.

In the first instance, it may be legally construed to apply to the local matters of the administration of the Holy See.

In the second instance, the document relates to the fact that the Holy See is the underpinning to the whole global system of law, therefore anyone holding an office anywhere in the world is also subject to these limits and that immunity no longer applies.

Thirdly, we see the Holy See and the Universal Church clearly separating itself from the nihilist world of the professional elite who continue, to be proven time and time again, to be criminally insane, bark raving mad and with no desire to do anything honorable until they are torn from power by anyone, any body who cares for the law. 

On several audios and interviews I have made the clear statements that the age of the Roman Cult, as first formed in the 11th Century and that hijacked the Catholic Church first formed by the Carolingians in the 8th Century, then the Holly Christian Empire or Byzantine Church by the 13th Century and the world at large by the 16th Century ceased to exist around March 14th 2013 upon the election of Pope Francis.

There are many, many conspiracists out there, who remain highly skeptical and in reply to each and every dramatic announcements crow – it is all a smokescreen, or it isn’t enough, or it is all double speak.  The same lunacy, and I mean extreme mental illness that you can see promulgated for centuries that anyone who proposes better models of society, or the end of corruption, or to reconstitute the rule of law must be the anti-christ because he will try to deceive the world by doing good things, not evil. Utter madness. Utter barking stupidity, but sadly some people in every generation willingly drink the cool aid given to them, by disinformation agents, without using any form of reason.

In any event this document issued by Pope Francis is historic on multiple levels, but most significant above all others in that it recognizes the supremecy of the Golden Rule, the same teaching ascribed to Jesus Christ and the intimate connection to the Rule of Law, that all are subject to the rule of law, no one is above the law.

What about the existing political/business/legal elite?

So will the existing ruling elite of bankers, of politicians and judges and magistrates get the message? Sadly, I doubt it.

I have made the point of highlighting the 20 greatest lies of nihilism on the website One-Evil to highlight the fog of stupidity that entraps so many countries around the world. To the nihilists who honestly believe their own absurd sayings such as “the law is whatever we say it is” or “might is right” or we can continue to deceive the public, they will continue doing what they are doing.

But now there is a body, the Universal Church, the true Catholic Church restored that has placed a line in the sand and restored Rule of Law on Earth. Now, there can be no mistake.

We can only pray that some of the ruling elite or at least part of the governments will wake up. If they do change, then what can they do?

There are thousands of practical and sensible things the professional elites could do, to turn the world back from the brink.

But in the first instance, the top five would be:

#1.  Require all public officials to properly swear public oaths and have such proper oaths recorded on the public record so that they are subject to fiduciary law and not as agents, to be done by every politician, every office holder, every prosecutor, every judge, every magistrate, every sheriff, etc.; and

#2-Repeal all laws granting immunity to officials, corporations, judges and politicians; and repeal those laws because those laws are contrary to the laws that give them authority. If a government has a law granting immunity from prosecution, it is contrary to Motu Proprio and the Golden Rule; and

#3-Restore all statutes against frauds and treason that ensured public officials cannot commit fraud, cannot steal and cannot get away with committing treason against their own people and get away with it; and

#4-Repeal all laws granting private control of annuities (cestui que vie trusts and estates), public trusts created against citizens and return them to public administration away from private corporations including ensuring the benefits of such annuities are returning to the people as originally intended when created in 1791; and

#5-Create public banks, that cannot be privatized using the annuities of the people as the assets to back a public currency and phase out all privately issued currencies for publicly backed currencies. You don’t have to change the designs of existing currencies, but merely create public banks that are not owned by private individuals and families; and use the public assets that are returned from having been stolen by the private people and allow that publicly backed money to be circulated without interest being charged to the people by the private bankers who profit through the stealing of the energy of the public.

Stop it now and restore the law!

All public officials could restore these today if they actually cared at all about the Golden Rule and restoring the law.

You may have items you consider more important. But that is a starting list that wouldn’t involve the end of the world.  

In any event what took place in July and issued by Pope Francis is historic and the changes continue. In the meantime, I will continue to finish Fiduciary Law and Administrative Law.

Thank you to all who continue to help and support Ucadia and finishing the model. 

Cheers. Frank

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why the meaning of everything is Awareness Loves Life not Life Loves Awareness

Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here   (28 min 10 Mb)

Hello again and thank you for taking the time to read and listen to this weeks blog for Wednesday 24th July 2013 on “Why the meaning of everything is Awareness Loves Life not Life Loves Awareness”.

Last week we covered the difficult topic of The Ucadia Model and why the mind virus or ego as well as the “spiritual fog” is desperate for you not to read it, study it, comprehend and subscribe to the model. Last week we reviewed again (as we did the previous week) the sheer size of the Ucadia model, its various core elements and how it can be relatively easy for some people to sometimes confuse the model with its practical application such as developing communities. That is – the model is one thing and completely separate to how it might be used.

For example, debates, discussions, arguments and complaints about the validity of parts of the model and its application within a community is logically part of forming a community and is wholly and completely separate issue to finishing the model itself.

In any event, we finished up on the blog as well as the Q & A forum on with again emphasizing that everyone, absolutely everyone has the right to express their opinion, that everyone who has been involved in supporting Ucadia has the right to change their mind, because we all make mistakes, especially the author and architect of the Ucadia model. 

Free will is the most powerful and important force in the universe and it means that no mind can be forced to accept one thing over another; to be condemned simply because they disagree, or are frustrated at Frank O’Collins or Ucadia. I can completely empathize how frustrating and aggravating it might be for some to see the constant changes and corrections associated with the Ucadia model – all the while wondering when it will be implemented into some practical form in communities.

In response, I have been overwhelmed by the emails and texts of goodwill from so many of you who took the time from last weeks blog to express your own opinion and free will that you continue to find the Ucadia model useful and that you fully understand the need of the author and architect of it to correct mistakes and to not be white anted for trying to finish the model he created in the first place.

So before I go on, let me say thank you. Thank you to all of you who expressed your heartfelt appreciation of the continued development of Ucadia.  Thank you for those who have not given up on Ucadia or myself, despite the changes as many have.  And thank you for those who continue to find ways to help support the continued existence of Ucadia in contributing however they can to its upkeep and survival.

The difficult topic last week as well as the reaction also brought into focus a significant dynamic – the perception of what is most important in the life of any idea, any movement or change. That is to live, to grow, to love life versus the love of research, of growing awareness and development of the idea, the model that underpins it all.  In a sense, it is also a way to look objectively at the dynamics facing Ucadia and any “big idea” – the forces that push for its implementation, its community dynamics versus its completion as a model of awareness and knowledge. This is why I have chosen the topic this week of Why the meaning of everything is Awareness Loves Life not Life Loves Awareness.

Keeping perspective

If you have had the chance to review some of the websites of Ucadia or listen to some of the blogs, then you will know I am neither shy or fearful of holding back on what is continued to be revealed concerning the systematic, deliberate and horrendous corruption of law by the merchant and money lender classes of society for the past few hundred years, especially in the laws of Great Britain and its former colonies.

We have revealed the operation of the laws of estates and trusts since the 16th century trying to first justify the theft of property claimed by the Church of Rome and then secondly justifying the theft of property of the people.  We have discussed the absurdities of admiralty law and the underpinning of commerce as the operation of warfare and since the 18th century commerce as considered a grave sin requiring special dispensation or licensing.

There has been much much more we have discussed and in coming weeks as the canons of Fiduciary Law are revealed, no doubt we will be discussing in detail the operation of copyhold estates, the corruption of the role of trustees and the general destruction of the model of trusts over the past two hundred years.

The point is that all of this information and indeed the perspective has been on growing our awareness, our knowledge of how and why the law is the way it presently is? Why the courts are purely commercial today? Why there is so much institutionalized corruption and obstruction of justice?

As a result, sometimes this deep research can be overwhelming to the new listener or the new reader. It can confuse many who have not yet read any of the history to piece together the step by step process of who, what, when and why?  It can also become terribly depressing, particularly when you start to question if anything will really change.

That is why it is good to take stock sometimes – to take a clear perspective.  It is why (in part) I did the summary blogs and audios in recent weeks that boils down so much of what we know into the simplest of questions to a judge and magistrate on the questions of operating in good faith, without prejudice and under oath not to pervert the course of justice. It is also good to consider how far we have come.

If you think about it, the reasoning of hundreds of years of statutes from Westminster, followed by Washington and other capitals of commerce and occult knowledge has been an unassailable mystical fog not simply for years, or decades by for centuries.  There have been countless scholars, teachers, preachers, gurus, whistleblowers and charlatans who have come forth and expressed knowledge to us, but all the while this thick veil of mysticism, of power surrounded Western Roman Courts.  Now, those who have had the chance to listen and to read know such mist no longer exists and that the raw power of these commercial businesses is predicated almost entirely on combinations of force, fear and the promotion of ignorance.

To see the apparatus for what it is- without any supernatural mysticism. Not to be distracted or beguiled by constant nattering of secret rituals, secret meetings, secret symbols and the like. Not to be tricked down yet more rabbit holes of research of who is in power, their insane objectives and their mentally unstable views on history and spirituality. To name a thing for what it is and to see them, naked of any false claims of supernatural power.  We finally see the modern commercial courts, the injustice system and the corrupted law forms of merchants and money lenders for what they are.

This is a huge step forward compared to some years ago.  People are less and less fearful of the courts, knowing what they are and why?  Of course there are a few out there, diligently working for the status quo, terribly infected with mind virus that desperately cling to the need to promote the false beliefs of occultism of the ruling system as well as the obsession in viewing everything through the twisted lens of secret societies and conspiracies. But apart from those poor and good souls who are trapped in such self made prisons of perpetual shifting of blame and perpetual conspiracies, there has been real and manifest change.

But what about the general public?  What about the degrees of “waking up?”  Is the world changing for the better or is it still precarious and negative as so many bloggers perversely and gleefully seem to constantly promote?

What is most important?

At the time of writing this blog, across the world, the images of a new born prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge have been beamed to hundreds of millions of people.  It is a good news story that has captivated the world.

Why?  Because it typifies the best of life, the ideals of the good sovereign, the loving couple, the faithful husband and wife, the sacred new born.  It is everything we aspire to see.

Sure, there will be the people who say – “but they are part of the royal family and a life of privilege” or – “the British royal family is part of the problem”.  For once, let the conspiracies rest. Let the anger subside and see life in all its beauty and mystery, without having to throw in all the history we already know and have heard over and over and over again.

Life is most important

Life is most important. Living life is the ultimate expression of awareness in motion.  It is the ultimate expression of the dream of the divine creator.

When we seek to know, when some seek to acquire the kind of knowledge I have discussed before such as the true meaning of the Tree of Life of ancient Upper Egypt, as listed on the home page of One-Evil.Org, then you can lose perspective, you can start to become arrogant towards life in general. In looking down on people who may not know as much as you, or who seem blissfully unaware and asleep.

Yet, if you take the answer to the question as Awareness Loves Life, then when people are living, when people are getting on with life then even if they do not know the implication of what they are doing, they are still expressing the ultimate joy of the universe.

So who is smarter? The man or woman who knows the answer to everything yet does not go outside and enjoy the day or the people who express the answer by living life every day with friends, with food and with happiness?

The Fog of mind virus hates Life

Of course, there is one big complication that does not want us to express the joy of life and to be perpetually running around the rabbit hole – the Mind Virus. That is because the mind virus hates life. We can say this 100% and absolute certainty both by evidence and logical deduction of its operation.

Mind virus corrupts our perception on life. When we have are enjoying the company of others, the mind virus looks for ways to disrupt, or upset us. When we are alone, the mind virus tells us we are unloved, or hated, or a failure.

When we are learning, the mind virus challenges us and puts doubts in our mind. When we find ourselves on our own feet, the mind virus encourages us to look to others to blame for any problems in our lives.

It is the dog with a bone that won’t give up.  It is the obsession, the addiction, the condition. Mind virus looks for reasons to separate us from life, to focus on mind, and the complexities of mind.

This tells you the source of mind virus and the fog.  It is not from the physical. Nor can it be purely Unique Collective Awareness. It is in between. And we have spoken about those minds that exist in between worlds- we have a name for those minds that hate life, yet will not transition. We call it ghost energy.

Only Ideas have mass

As to the question of life, isn't it funny how we discount the power of an idea and yet our worlds problems as real as they are just constructs from ideas put into motion. That is all these things are- democracy is just an idea in motion. Crime, life and death, institutions, unemployment as real as these things are, the problems are always going to come back to the sorts of ideas in motion.    

More importantly, as the imagination of so many generations has be depressed at a time when it needs to emerge, the credibility of ideas needs to be developed.   

We are told the world is faced with so many "real" problems. In our own lives we see their effects through quality of life, employment, health, environment and personal relations.

WE sit at home waiting for a way out of our perceived problems with neighbours and friends in the same predicament, when the idea of tokens called money is just an idea. It does not stop you from working together. In fact, I laugh when people say to me, I have a computer with accounting abilities such as Excel but I cannot do anything.

Do you know the most powerful component of any monetary system is the ability to manage accounts. With email, excel and word, you have more powerful tools on one computer than all the banks combined a hundred years ago.

You could arrange a very simple exchange and clearance mechanism with literally hundreds of people just by using email, excel, word and a handful of other programs, without a single token of money. Just keep tabs on the amounts owed and then once a fortnight, clear the accounts and those who owe then need to clear the debt.

There are so many things we can do if we just keep perspective. That awareness is nothing without purpose and activity.  In other words:

Pure awareness has no mass

Only ideas have mass

Idea is awareness with purpose in motion

Motion is mass

Energy is mass

Energy is reality

Motion is reality

Reality is perception ( a dream)

Life is a dream

Or to put it another way:

Energy = mass in motion

Energy = (awareness with purpose in motion) in motion

Energy = dream in motion

Energy = idea in motion

E = mc2

The Beauty of Awareness Loves Life

The beauty of the answer Awareness Loves Life is that it is not only logical and beautiful, but it answers multiple questions within itself.

If we look at the structure of existence in relation to the Ucadia model, we see that:

First came UCA 

Then came the Universe 

Then came cellular lifeforms ultimately leading to humans 

Numerologically, we might express this as:   

There is one underlying truth, one underlying key message of understanding the meaning of ALL and it is about the privilege of being you.   
From our perspective, we might sometimes feel that life is less important than love and love is less important than pure knowledge. That is because we always look at things with a LLA perspective.  The mind virus plays on that fact of perspective from being alive.

But from the true perspective of the creator, from the perspective of ALL, the highest ideal is life. And the greatest and most precious example of life is unique life forms that are self aware and geared to experience life in all its diversities- joy, pain, happiness as well as sadness.   

The higher order lifeform known as homo sapien is such a lifeform. To UCA and to the ALL, we are the crowning glory of existence, for we are so alive and so unique (whether we sometimes comprehend this or not).    

To UCA, intelligence is not the ultimate prize, nor are answering all the questions that have ever been asked. It is all knowledge, it is everything. That you are a man or a woman 1st is the most prestigious of gifts and highest of honours. Unique, diverse life is what ALL means.   

That for all the knowledge you have read, for all that you are, what makes you most special is that you are a man or woman first. Being ALL is nothing special. Being the Divine Creator is no big deal. Having a unique perspective, feeling emotions, feeling alive is. 

It is time to come home to the underlying truth and understanding that ALL brings: You are you, yet you are more (LLA) because you are you (ALL).   

It is time to return to what it feels like to be alive. Not to worry about how much or how little we know. To be happy. To truly love yourself.  And most of all, to get out and live life to the fullest.

Thank you

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Ucadia Model – Why the mind virus and spiritual fog need to attack it

Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here   (35 min 12 Mb)

Hello and thanks for taking the time to read and listen to this weeks blog on “The Ucadia Model and why the mind virus (ego) and spiritual fog is desperate for you not to study it, comprehend it and subscribe to it”.

Last week, the topic was Taking stock – What is Ucadia? Where do I find other answers etc? It was a fairly short blog, but packed with various facts and figures, in particular the size, breath and depth of the Ucadia model developed over 28 years and virtually full time for the past 18 years.

To some, the sheer size of the Ucadia model is intimidating just in listing its facts, particularly when you look at the number of web pages, web sites and sections to it:

+ The Journey of Unique Collective Awareness; and

+ The Journey of Self; and

+ The Will and Testament and package of material to help you perfect the claim of right of your own body, mind, name and spirit as well as that which is entitled to you;

+ Maxima Textibus Sacris The foundation of twenty two (22) collection of the most sacred texts of history; and

+ The eleven (11) most sacred covenants and charters of history borne from Pactum de Singularis Caelum; and

+ Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum being the Twenty two (22) books of canons of law; and

+ The seven (7) Ucadia Patents; and

+ The thirty three (33) codes of law; and

+ The over 7,000 forms and processes defined by the codes; and

+ The Ucadia Financial System as a complete structure of assets, currencies, treasuries, rules and banks.

Over 70 web sites and nearly one million web pages.

Apart from its sheer size, the other frustration to many about the Ucadia model is just how much is not completely finished – such as the canons of law, with many books still to have all the canons listed, for example.  Then there are some who are upset when they come to the Ucadia model when they find inconsistencies and errors.

Each week on a Wednesday for nearly three years now on Talkshoe.Com, I have been part of a regular call where people are invited to call in and voice their concerns, questions or issues, or post their questions in the chat box providing the questions or comments are in good faith and not deliberately designed to be abusive. 

Excluding the very rare abusive questions, I have tried to answer every question or concern anyone asks. If I cannot answer, then I take it on notice for the next call, so that over the years I have answered many hundreds and hundreds of questions, concerns and issues. 

Another level of disclosure is the Frequently Asked Questions on the Ucadia site and other sites as well as these blogs, which allow me the opportunity to reply to concerns and to highlight the truth that despite being the author and architect of Ucadia, I have made frequent mistakes in my life, I continue to make errors from time to time and I have apologized and apologize again for my mistakes.

As anyone who has emailed me highlighting what they perceive to be an error can testify, if something is a major mistake, then I will fix it.  If someone has a difference of opinion based on reason, on reading what is already written in the model, then I certainly will consider how the model need to be improved. That is why the Ucadia Model is a model. It is why it has continued to evolved. 

For example, just as people are perfectly free by their own consent to recognize their membership to One Heaven and redeem their membership number, they are also free to revoke their membership number and choose to leave and have nothing to do with One Heaven or Ucadia.  Free will is the most important force in the universe, and this is reflected respectfully within Pactum de Singularis Caelum, the Covenant of One Heaven. See: Article 38.14 of the Covenant. That this section has not been clear in the past is an obvious mistake and the deepest of gratitude to those who highlighted such errors.

Having developed Ucadia over 28 years as the author and architect, there is much I regret and am genuinely sorry as mistakes: I am sorry for ever giving into the extreme and unrelenting pressure put on me not one, but over two years to publicly proclaim several times and in writing that I intended to walk away from all that I invented and created and hand it to people I have never met face to face. While the notion and ideal that Ucadia is ultimately a gift for everyone was correct, giving into to such pressuring from people claiming to be friends and making such statements under extreme duress was a stupid mistake, which I deeply regret as the Ucadia model is far from finished. 

I regret the mistakes in giving into the pressure to spend years and years on community development debates, discussions, groups well before the Ucadia model is finished.  As you can see from these blogs, I am very much aware of the pressures that people are under and continue to do my best to provide practical research. 

I regret the many times I have reacted negatively, often on the recordings, in not supporting external groups who genuinely want to create communities and subscribe to transparency, honesty and the ideals of the Ucadia model.

I regret not finishing the Ucadia model to the level that I hoped at this stage. There is so much that is not completed. The canons of law need to be completed. I still do not have all the words properly defined in the Lexica, nor is there the proper Lexica of symbol definitions for all the hundreds of symbols used throughout Ucadia.  In fact, the point that I have not had the time yet to properly define the meaning, purpose and provenance of all the symbols used within Ucadia is actually a pretext by some to belittle my constant previous explanations that Ucadia seeks to reclaim, to consume, to enclose the symbols previously claimed as symbols of power and re-establish their ancient provenance for positive, not negative. 

And most of all I regret any hurt, anger, frustration, bitterness or hatred I have caused in others because they felt that by not giving them what they wanted, or what they demanded of me that they were somehow cheated, or that in making mistakes and then correcting them, I somehow could not be trusted.

I certainly do not regret trusting people or trying to help people. That has been an absolute joy and I hope and wish to continue until I leave this planet. Even when people have come along and claimed to be trustworthy and friendly, only to use any form of contact or engagement as a weapon to attack either myself or Ucadia, that does not diminish my faith in the fundamental goodness of people.  It is the mind virus that wants to destroy the thing it thinks it cannot have or control.  It is the fog, that keeps us divided, not the essence of the man or woman.

I made a solemn and sacred promise 18 years ago to the Divine Creator of everything, of all and the Unique Collective Awareness, that I would finish the Ucadia Model. I was not asked to make a promise to stop work in 2011, or 2012 or 2015. Nor, was I asked to build a community or a financial system, but a comprehensive, detailed fictional model of how life could exist if heaven was on earth.  That is a promise that I try every day now to keep and not be distracted by the mind virus and the fog of negativity.

Yet there are some people who no matter what is said, refuse to view Ucadia as a model, refuse to accept to be a man or a woman is to make mistakes, who refuse to accept my apologies for previous errors and instead seek to discredit Ucadia in any manner, shape, form and method they can.  The most obvious being to try to attack Frank O’Collins and in doing so, seek to reduce the level of interest of people actually reading the Ucadia model.

Why? Why would some people be so desperate to attack Ucadia and use every trick in the book to discredit it?  Why would there be some people who have actually spoken with me, now use that contact in a deliberately misconstrued way, to try and discredit Ucadia? If Ucadia is a fictional model? If errors in Ucadia are fixed? If mistakes are corrected and apologies made, then why is Ucadia so threatening?

Also why bother speaking about it?  Why take the time out to answer such negativity?  The answer rests not only in the importance of there being a clear record in response, so people making false statements are held to account, but also to learn from what people are saying and to be reminded of just how powerful the mind virus is, how thick the fog that blinds the world.

When any excuse will do

I am reminded of a parable (and by the way, the people who hate Ucadia ABSOLUTELY HATE the parables) of the Wolf and the Lamb:

The Wolf and the Lamb

1. A Wolf finding a Lamb astray upon a path, resolved not to lay violent hands on him,

2. But to find some plea to justify to the Lamb the Wolf's right to eat him.

3. He thus addressed him: Sir, in the year past you grossly insulted me.

4. The Lamb replied: You are mistaken honorable Wolf, as I was not then born.

5. Frustrated, the Wolf then said: You trespass and feed in my pasture.

6. The Lamb replied: You are mistaken mighty Wolf, as I have not yet tasted grass.

7. Angry the Wolf then said: Then you steal and drink of my well.

8. The Lamb replied: Alas! fearsome Wolf you are in error, but for my mothers’ milk, as yet I have never yet drunk water.

9. The Wolf seized the Lamb and cried out: Be that as it is you refute all my imputations,

10. There is one you cannot deny, for I am a Wolf and you a Lamb.

11. In one final breath, the Lamb did say thus: Indeed you are a Wolf and tyrant,

12. And a tyrant will always find a pretext to justify his tyranny.

The point of this parable is that when people are full of hate, full of bitterness and self loathing; when they are crippled by the mind virus, they will use any excuse to justify their blame.

Maybe that is – why the mind virus and spiritual fog need to attack it

The responsibility when you make an oath to yourself

One of the areas that the same people who will stop at nothing to find an excuse to attack Ucadia have focused their bitterness is in somehow claiming that the public Ucadia and One-Heaven is a mirror of secret societies such as the Freemasons – keeping in mind the very statement something public and disclosed is somehow secret exposes the absurdity of mind virus in full flight.

Lets have a look at some of the words now attacked – the oath at time of membership redemption to One Heaven:

We [Your Name],

being the Divine Immortal Spiritual, expressed in our Trust Number to the circumscribed Living Flesh occupying the Earth known as [Community] within the metes and bounds of the Region known as [Province] within the metes and bounds of the Nation known as [Nation], hereby freely and of My own free will, without duress, give My oath and witness to the Sacred Covenant, also known as Pactum de Singularis Caelum; and

Furthermore, We pledge Our sacred oath to uphold the Articles of the Sacred Covenant of the Society and Our allegiance to abide by the rules and regulations as set forth by the Society and its valid Canons; and

Upon this day We hereby give notice and full consent for the Society to register Our sacred Membership Number of One Heaven through the creation of a Perfect Divine Trust in spirit and a union with a Perfect True Trust in flesh; and

Made by Me this day through the selection of the button below and the recording of this act as associated with the valid registration of My True Trust.

Now lets have a look at what this Oath actually means in the context of the sacred Covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum and the Ucadia Model.

What are you ultimately? If you have read anything of Ucadia then you know you are the personification of the absolute, the all, the divine, the almighty in flesh. If you have spent even a few minutes listening to the audios then you will have heard me speak the same phrase over and over “nothing stands between you and the divine”. Yet does this stop the assassin, the mind virus? The spiritual fog?

What the oath is saying, based on the meaning of Ucadia model and the Covenant of One Heaven is that you (in flesh) pledge an oath to you (the divine) to live according to some basic self discipline and values reflected in the Covenant of One Heaven. Is that evil? Or is that an incredibly enlightening step forward from previous oaths and affirmations we may have made in courts, or professions or any form of club you may be associated?

You are responsible for yourself. You cannot blame Ucadia if you have failed to take accountability for your own predicament. You can’t blame Frank O’Collins that somehow through failure of access to speak with him or engage with him, you have somehow been betrayed, giving you license to seek to discredit Ucadia on falsities and deliberate misrepresentations.

This oath, this promise which says no one stand between you and the divine is your promise to your highest self that you will stop running away, you will stop hiding from your past mistakes, that you will stop searching for someone to blame, that you will stop being a negative troll attacking other people trying to make a difference.

Instead, if you are someone who has made the solemn oath to your higher self, you will try every day to tackle the mind virus that is ego. It is a promise to yourself that you will try to make the world a better place and not revert to old habits, or fear mongering, or not taking competent control of your own affairs. 

Learning from your mistakes

If you are going to try and tackle the Western Roman Legal System and unearth its hidden meanings, provenance, structures and functions then I assure you, you are going to make a lot of mistakes.

If you approach the investigative process by publishing and talking about what you discover along the way, then you probably have quite a few regrets along the way in what you have said a few years ago, even six months ago compared to today.

For example, when the audios first started, I felt the Ecclesiastical Deed Poll was an excellent method to rebut the false presumptions of the Bar Associations claims of ownership of our name, our body and indeed, our soul.  It turned out thanks to more detailed research that it is our will and testament that is ultimately the most superior form of claim and rebuttal.  It turns out there is nothing legally deficient, nothing wrong with an EDP. Yet there are still people even today, who are bitter that we moved to the concepts of will and testament.

Another example is the difference between affirmations, affidavits and declarations.  Again, when we started out, there were concerns over affidavits until they were investigated in the context of the strength of sworn testimony under oath and testimony under conscience.  

But even though I have done several audios on affidavits and even though I have answered this question, there are people who remain bitter in the fact that as we learned, we changed our opinion towards affidavits.

Another example is the role of the General Executor Did I say on different talks that one might consider approaching the court process from the position of the General Executor? Yes, I did, several times.  That was the optimum research at the time.  Now, I regret those discussions as we have come so much further in realizing the pure commercial and agency roles of the courts and indeed how the courts know they are breaking their own rules.

But will I stop learning? No.  Will I stop completing the Ucadia model? No?  Would opening up the Ucadia model to groups debating again, each point as was the case over the past few years? Absolutely not.

An accusation that some make against me is I am a dictator to my own work, my own creation, invention and authorship.  Of course I need to be. I am the author and the architect of the Ucadia model.  But the argument is, well people need to debate and argue whether they like or dislike the Ucadia model and change bits they don’t like.  So hold on a second – the first part is about creating and developing a model and the second is the debate on its utility, its efficiency and its accuracy and relevance.

The second part – debating the usefulness of the Ucadia model – is already happening and has been happening for years. People vote every day by either coming to it, or ignoring it.  People express their opinions by supporting it, or attacking it.  And lets not forget that many groups, have taken large parts of Ucadia to develop their own communities.

Let me finish the Ucadia model and to those who are riddled with the mind virus, who are trapped in bitterness, or hate or a sense of betrayal, or simply want to disrupt and cripple, please I beg you, let me finish by Divine Commission. If you want to debate, then debate. If you want to form communities then go ahead, but let me finish the model.

Yes, Ucadia is fiction!

Now, if there is something more than parables that the mind virus and the spiritual fog hates more than anything is the truth that the Ucadia Model is pure fiction – it is simply an idea about an idea. That idea being that life, the universe and existence is a dream – a fiction.

I cannot tell you how that turns people riddled with the mind virus into the image of Linda Blair in the exorcist. They froth, they curse, they accuse and the mind virus reveals itself for all to see.

Because Ucadia does not use citations to other wholly fictional works.  The gifts of Constantine – a complete fraud; The texts created in the 16th and 17th Century, including many spiritual texts being a horrendous fraud, which is explained in great detail under the canons of Sovereign Law; the statutes of Westminster – completely re-written in many areas since the opportunistic fire of 1666.

The challenge of the mind virus and spiritual fog is how can something that is fictional be factual? The answer is simple – so long as the model – I mean the whole model taken as nearly one million web pages largely does not contradict itself, provides a comprehensive structure and is clear, then it serves a powerful utility- as a genuine alternative.

I do not need a letter from a king or queen or bishop to tell me I am valid or not.  Yet we are so imaged trained that so many believe unless you have a letter saying congratulations, you are no longer a slave or congratulations, we agree, then it has no value.

Think about the absurdity of the arguments of ego and mind virus when confronted with something as massive as Ucadia and the absolute confidence in knowing the whole model is fiction? Look at its great distress, its frustration, its programmed hatred.

Why? You can attack something that claims to be factual, you can belittle something that claims to be factual. But fictional models are hard to attack. Even if you throw every piece of green slime and vomit you can at the author, only some may stick.  You might try vomiting that it is a cult, or that he is possessed by some demon, or really stoop to the lowest of the low and start quoting scripture.

In the end, if you read the Ucadia model and find any part of it useful, then it is useful. That’s it.

Thank you

Finally, let me thank you all for taking the time to read. I am honestly humbled by all those who continue to find ways to help and support, despite the growing desperation of the mind virus and the spiritual fog to attack Ucadia and its author Frank O’Collins.

But, it would be remiss of me if I did not make it clear that I forgive, truly forgive those who have demonstrated perfidy against me, who lie about me, who deliberately try and misconstrue the purpose and function of Ucadia for their own ends.

I realize how powerful the mind virus is.  I have struggled with it my whole life and as many know, have sometimes failed.

But to err is to be a man or a woman.  That is why we are here. To live, to learn and to grow.  I hope you all continue to grow and find something useful within the pages and audios and materials of Ucadia. Thank you.