Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Origin of the Species Part#3 - The Alien Mind and Finding Gold

In this third article and audio, we are going to discuss the alien mind, in trying to make send of why we do what we do.

Our alien breeding and function

People all around the world today are happy in the knowledge of breeding dogs, cats, horses, pigs, cattle, goats and all manner of animals and plant life – thanks to modern genetics as well as long earned history of breeding.

So what is the primary breeding and purpose of the four models, or “versions” of hominid created by our alien parents? 

Homo Robustus as we have already discussed, appear to be the first version and model created.  They were bred to be large, powerful flesh and blood mining machines.  Deprived of the luxury of living on the surface, they were forced to live in large groups in the mines they dug, serving their slave masters.

Homo Robustus
Genetic Source
Australopithecus Robustus
Blood Type
Closest Living Hominid
230,000 before present
7 to 10 ft
Right Handed
Food Habits
Underground (mines) then caves
Purpose of Breeding

As we also discussed, the aliens discovered a massive problem to their absolute horror- when this genetically engineered mining army started to exhibit spontaneous signs of culture and civilization, through drawing, language and singing – without the alien overlords ever programming such abilities.  In fact, the source of such spirit- our higher soul was a gift from an even higher race of beings- a race hated and feared by the greys who seek only physically immortality.  So, a second race and species was eventually created.

Homo Habilis was created largely to replace the Homo Robustus and to try and “breed out” any sign of soul. To create a perfectly souless workforce of flesh and blood worker bees, who would obey commands as robots- unthinking and uncaring.  To follow any and all commands, without question even if it meant murder, suicide or torture.

Homo Habilis
Genetic Source
Australopithecus Africanus
Blood Type
Closest Living Hominid
190,000 before present
4 to 5 ft
Left Handed
Food Habits
Meat Eaters
Stone Circle Homes and Prison Camps
Purpose of Breeding
All Terrain Miners and Hunters of escaped Homo Robustus

The small but savage meat eating Australopithecus Africanus was used as the genetic source, a close relative to the chimpanzee and the Homo Habilis was borne.  Not only was the Homo Habilis bred to work in the mines, but to tend to the fields, to build the alien terrace gardens but also to hunt down and exterminate the Homo Robustus.  In fact, one of the primary elements bred into the Homo Habilis was an absolute hatred of the Homo Robustus, that they instinctively exterminate every last one of them- a job they succeeded as a separate species, but failed genetically through interbreeding.

Next came the great experiment we have discussed and which is present in all major sacred texts in the formation of the first Adam – except Adam didn’t look like the Adam we think. Instead, Homo Prometheus was a giant, with red skin and horns like a bull.  Sound familiar?  It’s hard to fathom but the first Adam has now been demonized by the second race of Adams as the Devil, and ignorantly as Satan and as Lucifer.

Homo Prometheus
Genetic Source
Homo Robustus and Alien DNA
Blood Type
O -
Closest Living Hominid
140,000 before present
12 to 14 ft
Left and Right Handed
Food Habits
Meat Eaters and Vegetarian
Forests (after being banished)
Purpose of Breeding
Hubris Experiment

Yet all ancient cultures of man, deified the first Adam and the lineage of priests and saviors that were born with the red blood, the Rus, the red hair and red freckled skin over the millennia, that led humanity out of bondage- before governments in recent centuries openly submitted to the aliens again as gods and they as the overlords of the slave planet.

Finally, we have the Homo Sapien, borne and bred as a pet, as an image of its creation. But specifically bred with one lasting “gift” of the aliens in the form of our second soul- our false soul, or counterfeit soul, also known as ego.  The alien mind.

Homo Sapien
Genetic Source
Homo Prometheus +Homo Habilis
Blood Type
O +
Closest Living Hominid
140,000 before present
4 to 6 ft
Left Handed
Food Habits
Meat Eaters
Alien Camps, then Prisons, then Cities
Purpose of Breeding
Pets, then as Overseers of Slave Species

What our alien creators did was educated the first blond and white hair, white skinned and blue eyed Homo Sapiens to become masters of all other species.  They acquired the laziness of the alien miners and traders, avoiding all forms of physical labor as beneath them.

The Homo Sapiens acquired knowledge of the alien methods of civilization of fields, of organizing slaves, of trade and the symbolism of gardens and other major works expressing the greatness of a leader, with no intrinsic benefit to the community standard of living as a whole.

The Homo Sapiens acquired a taste for blood, a disdain and disregard for natural beauty, a love of the alienesque features of a stone and brick city and the obsession of mineral wealth, particularly gold and precious gems.

Now in the past few hundred years, the alien mind has burst forth in those that claim to be gods of all of us as mere sheep and cattle. They have fully repudiated the existence of the Divine, and particularly the light beings and other higher races.  They have denounced the immortality of the higher soul and profess one thing only- that physical immortality is the only possible form of mortality.

Now with plastic surgery, the are propelling themselves, their children as fast as possible to emulating, unthinkingly to become like their alien masters- mere clones of a lifeless corpse. In a few thousand years on this present course, those that claim to be the elite may have transformed themselves into similar forms as the grays  with the rest of us mere memories and ashes of great holocausts planned and yet to come.

This is the blossoming of the alien mind that continues to imprison heaven on earth. This is the source of the insanity of the present world, the mindless stupidity of the fanatical religion of science, that has no true clue of the complete array of laws and design of the universe.

Probably one of the most stark and absurd example of alien mind, is the sharing of our love and obsession in gold, precious gems and other metals.  Men and women have killed for a handful of gold.

Today, one tiny ounce of gold is worth thousands of dollars and some have predicted the price, due to scarcity and speculation may explode.  Some therefore have even advocated gold as a source of refuge if and when the currencies of the ruling elite who seek to mimic their alien wardens are supposed to collapse.

So is there much gold still left to find?  The answer is absolutely yes. In fact, most people are within a few miles of major gold deposits across the world.  Some are even within zones where ancient asteroid strikes to the earth were so old, the craters and gold reefs have degraded that a thousand dollar metal detector could go and find tens of thousands of dollars of gold, if only they knew where to look.

Given, it is in all our breeding to worship gold as some kind of god, lets see if Ucadia can share some knowledge on how gold is truly formed, why and where might it be found.

The love of Gold and where to find some

More than ten years ago, the Ucadia Hydro Helio Atomic Matrix was published as demonstration of the extraordinary knowledge and power contained within the Ucadia model in unlocking the secrets of the laws of nature and the universe.

Based on the 12 laws of creation and the knowledge that the universe is a dream and that everything is built from Unique Collective Awareness or “UCA” in motion, the Hydro-Helio Atomic Matrix proceeded to explain not only 800+ pages of laws of chemistry in a handful of pages but that all atomic core structures are created from combinations of hydrogen and helium, not ridiculous “gummy balls” as kids are still taught in high school science labs.

Based on this knowledge, the atomic core of gold, including perfectly predicting its atomic weight and properties were explained as being constructed from a core of three iron atoms fused and a close moving hydrogen atom – hence causing the soft and malleable nature of the metal.

How then does Ucadia explain the creation of gold from iron?  Through extraordinary conditions when large asteroids strike preexisting basalt fields, fusing the material into crystalline structures and the iron within the basalt into gold – or gold/quartz reefs.

If this is true, then this should be able to be demonstrated at virtually each and every major asteroid strike- which it can.

The largest deposits of gold are within the primary impact zone – where the asteroid hits and compresses a basalt field. Then the energy from the impact is released out both in ripples, forming the crater rim and in deep energy release forming the crust deformities, later which become creek and river channels.

Like lightning, wherever there is a major strike, there will usually be a primary energy line, moving out from the front of the impact zone and then a secondary and lesser energy lines to the left and right of the direction of impact.

This is demonstrated in the following images:

United States- Please have a look at the Bakersfield Crater in California (download jpg) and see the impact zone, the primary, secondary and tertiary subterranean shockwave directions.  Then have a look at the Sacramento Crater in California (download jpg) and see the same.  Only a fraction of this gold has ever been mined, and in the case of Sacramento and San Francisco, much of it is now in a state of alluvial (surface gold) as nuggets given the age of the asteroid impacts. Also have a look at the Nevada Crater (download jpg).

Australia -In Victoria, see Ballarat (download jpg) in Australia as site where massive amounts of gold were extracted.  Also Clunes-Creswick Crater (download jpg). Here is another site nearby that is virtually untouched (download jpg).

In NSW, see the Bathurst Crater (download jpg), the Beryl-Mebul Crater (download jpg), the Crookwell Crater (download jpg), the Armidale Crater (download jpg) and the Parkes Forbes Crater (download jpg) which perfectly matches the gold rush fields, explains precisely the reason for the gold locations and highlights missing reefs and alluvial gold not yet extracted.

In Western Australia, please see the giant Kalgoorlie Crater (download jpg) and in the Northern Territory the Tanami Crater (download jpg).

There are not simple a few of these places, but hundreds and hundreds all around the world and many within a few hours drive of major cities.

Facing alien mind

If we are to see the world for what it truly is- a magical paradise and gift from the divine, if we are to free ourselves of insanity and the madness that continues, then we must collectively face our alien breeding and no longer allow this force, this history to be dismissed and to remain hidden.

The grays and other aliens, who plough the solar system as pirates and locusts, consuming resources, destroying life and adding nothing, should not be our role model.  They do not represent the majority of species in the universe, they are not gods, but the epitome of a orthodoxy and insanity- to sacrifice everything to become living gods.  What madness these beings.

Instead, our role model should be life and our ancestors, our earth and the knowledge given to us as the most amazing gift in the history of the Milky Way Galaxy- the ability to know things, we have never see with our eyes, to create things without ever experiencing the teaching or learning necessary to create.  

It is time to stop worshipping the grays as some higher god like alien race and re-read Pactum De Singularis Caelum – to commit to what we are called to be – healers, teachers, students and custodians.

Are you willing to change?


  1. No audio for part 3 bummer, thank you Frank, I feel so blessed to have found you, my entire family benifits from your character, spirt and research, press on regardless.

  2. Hey Frank...
    Have you seen this
    Some interesting points here as to human origins...
    all IS good...

  3. hey what about ab from where it has arrived

  4. hey what about ab from where it has arrived

  5. this thing is all false there is no scientific evidence just brainwashing the idiot listioners
