Wednesday, August 13, 2014

You are significant. You are powerful. You are immortal.

Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here   (32 min 13 Mb)

Hello and this is Frank O’Collins for Thursday 14th August 2014 and thank you for taking the time to read and listen to the Ucadia Blog for this week entitled You are significant. You are powerful. You are immortal.

Maybe this is the first time you have come to the Ucadia blog and audio and if so, then welcome! I hope that you find this blog and audio useful and encouraging.  I also hope that you may find the time to read and maybe listen to some of the earlier blogs that I have done of the past few years to try and shed some light on the nature and purpose and truth about Ucadia as well as the fruits of more than 20 years of research into the nature of law, of society, of finance and money and spiritual issues.

A lot of people say a lot of things about Ucadia, which is understandable- given the Ucadia Model is the culmination of several decades of work, virtually full time, and is over 70 websites, over one million web pages and covers everything from religions, to societies, to law, to finance and issues of well being.

Everyone has the absolute right to free speech and to be heard. I have acknowledged this fundamental right repeatedly over the years and it is embedded in many of the documents that I have discussed and published over the years such as Ritus Verum or the 144 truths as well as throughout the canons of law and background on the purpose of Ucadia.

I have also said repeatedly that free speech should not be confused with deliberate misrepresentations and false assertions concerning Ucadia. Even though Ucadia is founded on the principle that Life is a Dream according to certain rules and that you are part of the absolute and no one can ever own or curse or condemn your mind or your spirit, there are still people who consistently lie and seek to desperately trick people by falsely claiming Ucadia seeks to trap their souls.  Why then would people lie like that?  And why would people believe such lies when there are literally tens upon tens of thousands of pages across the Ucadia Model that expose such deliberate untruths that can be found just by typing a few words in a search engine?

Over the years as I have done over the past few months, I have continued to demonstrate the significance of the Golden Rule of Law, that no one is above the law and that all are equal to it. To show this in a practical way, I have referred people to go and read Yapa on the website One-Heaven.Org under sacred texts as well as Lebor Clann Glas also known as the Book of the Green Race as well as the various blogs here. I am also happy to see the recognition by some who have formed Grand Juries in recognition of the restoration of law that they acknowledge above any notion of Common Law or any other form of law that the Golden Rule of Law is supreme, as evidenced now by the Sacred Creed of 144 articles of true Grand Juries.

So why does there continue to be people who falsely claim that the Ucadia Model expresses nothing concerning the law, even though there are now more than 2,000 links to actual statutes in reference to definitions and maxims of law –why do these people express such deliberate falsities?

Then there is the constant theme of the Ucadia Model written, demonstrates and published for years now that legally, morally, physically and literally the Old World, the World of Mundi, the world based on Original Sin and the condemnation of people as animals and less than slaves has ended and that notice after notice was given. For a complete year, leaders, officials around the world were notified that no longer could they betray their own people and treat them as slaves and insolvent debtors. For a complete year, we notified them again stating the End of Days and the fulfilment of prophecy as all of us as part of the Christ Consciousness and the Awakening of Mind and Knowledge, yet they still refused to act. Then for a whole year we gave notice as the year of Divine Judgment that their entire world model is null and void, having no force or effect. Finally we demonstrated the compassion of the Divine Creator in forgiving all people of their transgressions but not their system which has completely ceased to 
possess any legitimacy.

Yet as we discussed last week, even after hundreds and hundreds of notices, these people still refuse to change, and remain transfixed in perpetuating utter absurdities about starting World War III even though their world has ended, all key prophecy has been fulfilled and they have no right, or authority or power to do what they do anymore. So why do the criminally insane elite continue to push every possible avenue for chaos and destruction?  Why do the double agents of Israel, masquerading as Hamas continue to fire rockets at Israel so Israel can kill more innocent children?  Why does black ops agencies of America continue to supply weapons to insane and crazy terrorists such as ISIS/ISIL only to then bomb them as well?

No wonder it can be exhausting just thinking about the madness of these people and the seeming lack of courage and action of people to take a stand. It is why if this is not your first time to read and listen to the Ucadia blog that such information as the True History of America (Part I, Part II, Part III) and last week on the last stand of the criminally insane elite in desperately seeking to start world War III anyway they can, may cause us to become less motivated than more motivated.

I have such an experience the other day, when a woman who was serving me a coffee started talking about the horror of the Malaysian Airlines MH17 that was shot down by Ukraine fighter jets thinking it was President of Russia, only for the West to desperately blame the Russian rebels, before they somehow come up with a way to strong arm the Malaysians into releasing false cockpit data and destroy any further evidence involving the Ukraine and American black ops forces. Anyway, the girl said that she was disgusted with the way the world is, but that she felt “powerless” to do anything and that the only way she could keep going was to “blank it all out” and pretend it “doesn’t exist”.

I nodded and said to her I know how she feels. I have been developing the Ucadia Model now for more than half my life and there isn’t a day that I don’t ask myself what my life would have been like if I simply followed the commercial and pirate path of so many, to focus on myself and forget the rest of the world.

I don’t see myself as any kind of messiah or guru.  I’ve said a thousand times that I am a man, nothing more. I don’t have any special powers – I don’t have x-ray vision, or can levitate objects.  In any event, I have gone out of my way to show people that I do not see myself as any savior or that I wish people to drop everything and follow me. So frequently, I ask myself do I really need the grief of people, who for whatever motivation seem determined to speak lies about me, and deliberately misrepresent Ucadia and stop people from reading the information?

Yes it seems overwhelming when you look at the state of the world at this moment.  The criminally insane elite have all the guns and satellites and financial institutions and media in their pockets.  The bat shit crazy people seem to be able to kill and rape and destroy with impunity and all we can do is either try to take a stand and become a target, or try to survive and pull out heads in, or do what some have decided and check out of this life all together.

So that is why I have decided to make this broadcast tonight.  To remind myself and to remind everyone who has the chance to read and listen the core of the Ucadia Model – the key message that You are significant. You are powerful. You are immortal. That by being reminded of this key message, we remember that by reading and knowing who we are, by changing our mindset, even if we feel afraid to stand up, we are participating in an enormous awakening and change. That the greatest change to the world doesn’t begin by manning the barricades, or marching against the pirates, but by our own conscious decision to learn and to know and to keep present in our minds the fact that You are vitally significant to the existence of the Universe; and You are part of the Divine Creator and the personification of the Divine Creator and that You are already immortal and can never die – even though your flesh will die.

You are Significant

It is the unmistakable sign of any form of cult, or mind control or system of trickery when the message being promoted is predicated on the assumption that you are “less than what you could be”.  This is the basis of the entire self help movement, the cosmetic and fashion industries, the health and diet industries and virtually every single religion.

In contrast, if you take the time to read the Journey of UCA on Ucadia.Com or the covenant of One Heaven or the material on the canons of law such as the 12 laws of creation, then you will see that far from being insignificant, the very existence of the Universe depends on every single point of awareness, much less than every single fundamental unit of matter – and that if one point of awareness ceased to exist, then the whole of existence would cease.

So what this means is that you are not just important – you are the reason existence continues.  You have the same free will as the Divine Creator. You can choose to be or not to be. You can choose to use your talents or waste them. You can choose to learn or switch off and plays games. You can help support Ucadia or not.

Yet whatever you choose to do. Make no mistake- you are vital to existence, even if others may make you feel less and that you feel insignificant. That is often because your perspective is of the world within the dream, where size, number matters. Yet in the realm of consciousness and Unique Collective Awareness, it is the quality and breath of though and intent that makes a difference. Things like giant aircraft carriers, or guns, or metal bars become meaningless. In Mind, it is the power of the thought, not how many believe.

If you have read Ucadia and know this, then great. Sometimes we just need to be reminded of what we already know and not get stuck on how dismal the world seems.  If you have not yet read, then I encourage you to read.

You are Powerful

As to power, it seems sometimes that everyone is seeking some kind of immortality of existence through fame and influence. When young people under the age of 30 are asked what they want to be in the future? Almost all unanimously express their desire to be famous- rather than something of deeper substance. It is as our lives have devolved into a superficial reality television show.

Power is now measured in the superficial – the type of car, the quality of clothes, the size of the house and the amount of money in someone’s bank account. Intellect appears merely a means to accomplish such ends and any kind of thinking that is altruistic is merely a brand extension – a way of broadening appeal rather than genuine intent.

Thus, there are people seen as having power and those that want it.  There are people with lots of money and many with very little. Power therefore obsesses,  consumes, and drives countless millions to get up in the morning and to willingly participate as accessories to the pirate world of the criminally insane elite.

Yet for those who choose not to participate, either by circumstance or their own strength of character, the issue of power still looms large.  With the greatest respect of many within the truth movement, if you look at the actions of some, then you can see underpinning much of what is said, is a desire to gain or regain power – as merely a mirror of the status quo rather than genuine change.

How bizarre is such behavior when you can travel o any ancient site on the planet and see all that remains of wealth and power in many cases is a few weather beaten stones – yet what transcends is the knowledge and wisdom of such civilizations.

Power is the knowledge presented in such models as Ucadia – the ability to see a different perspective of the Universe.

Indeed, the most powerful you will ever be is the Divine Creator of the Universe carnated in flesh into the form you are now- with the ability to see and know everything, yet through the unique perspective of a flesh bound living form with all the emotions, uncertainties and experiences of this life.

As powerful as our sun is – it can only ever be a sun. yet you are you and can feel the warmth of the sun on your face and yet still travel in mind to any place in the universe. You can gaze into the night sky and see the Magellan clouds, yet you can allow your mind to expand to be every breath, every heard beat, every flow of blood in your body, every thought.

I laugh when I read people speak of power and the carnation of power as a President or a Pope and that somehow if Lucifer or Christ were to return they would choose to be in the form of someone who the world would see in a superficial way as powerful.

It is much more likely that such energy would present itself in plain sight, so there can be no mistake, yet as the same time would be no more powerful than one man or woman. As weak as any soul could appear under the insane and bat shit crazy standards of the merchant classes , yet unmistakable in evidence that drawing the line of the end of days and the hypocrisy of such people claiming to serve such powers is ended.

In fact, that is exactly what the little valid prophecy that exists through history said. Like a thief in the night. Not like some emperor arriving to fan fare, flag waving and saluting marines.

The fact that the criminally insane elite cannot see such obvious evidence is testament to the end of their power one day, one month, one year, one age from now.

You are Immortal

Our ancients knew that Life is a Dream.  It is evidenced in the corrupted philosophies of Plato in the writings of Marcus Aurelius and in the mysteries of the Kabbalah and other texts.  The elite are trained to know this, yet hold such information for themselves – because fear of death is the most powerful motivational fear of all- when people believe they only live once.

Once people break such stupid mindset and realize they are already immortal, it is only a matter of time that system of slavery and perpetual servitude break down.

The Universe is a Dream. You are part of the Dream and part of the Dreamer. You are the personification of the Dreamer within the Dream.

What you think and what you dream matters. So choose wisely. Be positive. Commit to learning. Commit to life and living. Meditate and use your incredible consciousness to perceive for positive change. Lead by example. You do not have to give up your job, or your home or your wealth, or feel guilty. No one is speaking about mind control concepts as guild or feeling less. 

If you do feel depressed from time to time, then recognize this is normal, given the nature of the world and our diets and pressures. But remember what you are, remember who you are and don’t allow that mind virus each of us have inside to trick us into believing the propaganda that you are insignificant, you are weak and you are a waste.

The universe needs you. The world needs you. I need you and your help and support. So please, don’t feel guilty or less or powerless. Because You are significant. You are powerful. You are immortal.

Thank You. Cheers Frank

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