Thursday, January 29, 2015

Greater Self Knowledge is the only Lasting Remedy

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Hello, this is Frank O’Collins with the Ucadia Blog. The topic of this blog is Greater Self Knowledge is the only Lasting Remedy. I am not going to put the Ucadia day-time or the Roman date time on the blogs moving forward. The reason for that is that when I do these blogs, I do them after reflecting and meditating on the emails that I have received in the most recent week, the feedback that some of you provide, sometimes directly onto the blog. I also reflect and meditate on the issues that are happening in the world at the time, the progress that is going on with the Ucadia model and topics that we may not have covered in enough detail in the past.

While I repeat certain information in the blogs, sometimes over and over again such as with The Golden Rule of Law, the purpose of the blogs is not to say the same things over and over again but to try to cover the vast array of subjects that are covered in the Ucadia model, to provide background to you behind the information such as that found in the canons of law or the websites. It becomes a library of information that you can go and tap in to. For these reasons the date and time of my recording these blogs in the future should not be of relevance. More relevant is the subject matter or the topic and whether you want to discuss more.

Last week we covered the topic In a World Suffering from Lack of Discernment Truth is God. I went through and repeated a few things I had said before such as talking about people’s levels of comprehension, people’s abilities to listen to what is being spoken about in the blogs or to comprehend what has been written in blogs and to overcome the ‘white noise’ that includes different people’s opinions. Some of that ‘white noise’ is also done deliberately to confuse people. There were a number of comments.

When I did last week’s blog and spoke about the subject of truth and gave you the example in your own life that you and only you can truly validate through your gut and through your heart. Many of you ‘got’ what I was saying. Some of you didn’t get what I was saying. We will cover some of those points where people went spinning off in different directions about whether the stomach has enough neurons and whether neurologists recognize the stomach as a ‘third brain.’ I’ll come to that particular comment in a moment.

The point was that rather than looking for absolutes around you, when you approach things in a rational, reasonable and sensible way and when you calm your mind down and you think through the steps, and when you reflect on what people are saying, selling and promising, you have your own bullshit detector. You have your own way of discerning without worrying about what Frank O’Collins or anyone else you feel is trying to convince you to believe or not to trust.

The reason I wanted to follow up on last week’s blog with this week’s topic that won’t be a long topic tonight, on the subject Greater Self Knowledge is the only Lasting Remedy is because I am very much aware from the emails that I receive that all this stuff about your heart, awareness and “life is a dream” all sounds great, but if you are facing losing your home, or you face the prospect of going to prison, or you face the prospect of losing your life savings, if you are facing intimidation, if you are facing some other form of violence, then that is the reality you face at the moment. If you are struggling to survive then that is the reality you are facing at the moment.

Because so many people find themselves in that reality what most people then that are coming to sites whether it be Ucadia or any other site that is offering information on the subject matter of law, it is not to have a philosophical discussion but to try to save yourself and to try to stop the trouble and get out of the situation. It is to try to find some sort of relief, and if not remedy, some form of basic relief. I get that is what people want and that is why a lot of people initially came and were drawn to Ucadia. We used to talk about things, for example, like ecclesiastical deed polls. We used to speak in terms of different steps. I admit that we went through those things.

Maybe that is what initially drew people to Ucadia when we would speak about these things giving step one, step two, and step three. Maybe that is why people felt they were drawn to Ucadia on the Estates and Trusts. When we didn’t appear to some [people] to follow through with that information, then that is maybe where a lot of people lost interest with Ucadia and felt that it didn’t live up to their expectations or that it really wasn’t for them. I get that. 

I don’t live in a bubble. I am not sitting on a fortune and I don’t have any patrons, trust fund or bank account that I can tap into and sit here and speak to my heart’s content. I am faced with the daily, weekly, and monthly ritual of how I survive and pay to keep the websites going. I sometimes feel embarrassed by the fact that I have had to share with you how challenging my life is. But, I face the prospect that many of you do that if I don’t find ways to bring in money and do things to keep myself afloat because I don’t have any patrons, we wouldn’t have anywhere to live in one or two months’ time. 

Let me be as crystal clear as I can possibly be when I say I fully comprehend why people are driven to find some kind of remedy and why people have a laser-like focus on remedy and why they may not hear a lot of what we discuss because they need to save their homes, stop from going to prison, or stop the ‘bleeding’ of money being seized in penalties and just find a way to live and survive, much less finding some lasting peace.

So, when someone comes on the internet and talks about how you can access your ‘secret’ Cestui Que Vie trust or how you can use the mythological system called A4V, accepted for value, that sounded great, I’ve heard all this stuff and it sounds fantastic. It’s all rubbish and is based on deliberate or through sheer incompetence misinterpretation of the legal concept of ‘set-off’ but it all sounds great. It sounds fantastic. When people hear that the birth certificate under certain circumstances can be used as a bond or some means of directing payment, then great! The people are off and running and hundreds if not thousands if not tens of thousands of people are running around with all kinds of ‘paper remedies’ today just as other thousands were doing last year or the year before.

I want to talk about the continuation of discernment and what remedy there truly is. This is not to sell false hope but to really address where we are at and trying to get a message across and through. I am in the same boat as you and I am like you. That is why I chose the topic tonight; Greater Self Knowledge is the only Lasting Remedy. 

This won’t be a long blog but I want to cover some language I used last week in the form of the word “stupid.” I am aware that language, like the word “stupid,” for some may be offensive. I know that where I have on occasion swarn or used vulgar language in audios may be justified by effect, it doesn’t always serve well and it’s a turn off for some people.

I want to reveal to you why I chose the word, “stupid.” I want to put a bit more context to it, not as an excuse, but as an explanation and why I found the word, “stupid” particularly relevant last week. The word, “stupid” comes from the Latin word stupidus meaning "struck senseless or amazed". And that comes from stupeo meaning to be amazed or confounded, confused or struck senseless. That is why I chose the word, “stupid.” It was not because of the additional definitions that are assigned to it such as “lacking in intelligence or exhibiting the quality of not having any intelligence.” I didn’t mean that; that is someone placing a judgment on the word, “stupid.”

I was looking to the fact that in the topic last week in a world suffering from lack of discernment, many of us find ourselves paralyzed by the pressures of our lives, by the pressures of our families and friends and society, as well as by our norms and our culture and what we want and what we need and what we feel we cannot achieve. We look at life and think, “Is there any hope?” I have people whom I know and have deep affection for who know a lot of the Ucadia model and have shared many experiences in the development of this Ucadia model, and even with all that knowledge they will come to me sometimes and ask me, “What’s the point? What is the point in going on when no matter what we do this machine takes all our energy? No matter what we do the courts still make it up as they go along. No matter what we do the media keeps lying and the politicians stay in power and nothing changes.

I say to them that I know how they feel. I am not a robot; I have emotions. I get upset, I get excited, and I get depressed. These are all normal emotions. But then I say, ”If we only live one life, and we only have one life to live that is the standard way that science demands that we see in the world, and that religion demands that we view, then maybe this mad world of piracy and Mundi makes sense. Maybe the whole point of this is to be a better pirate.” But, if there is something more to life and if there is such a thing as an afterlife and if we can prove that life is a dream and we can prove that there is such a thing called Unique Collective Awareness, Collective Consciousness, then everything that we do in terms of acts of greed, jealousy, gluttony, perfidy, avarice, dishonesty, or willful ignorance are all against our better interests.

Maybe living such a stupid and willful life then is what is leading so many people into a state of ‘ghost’, Mundi. It’s the same thing as Stupid Heaven. That is what I am saying: if you live a stupid life, if you choose to live a stupid life, then you will die “stupid.” If you die “stupid” then you run the risk of being stupid in death and that is being a ghost. Of course, being a ghost is an incredibly stupid state. It is an ignorant state. And yet, millions and millions and millions of lives are lost and people find themselves as ghosts.

That is why I don’t ultimately judge people and condemn this or that. That is not what the Ucadia model is about. Secondly by stupid and reckless actions, people condemn themselves. Self-knowledge is not the exclusive domain of Ucadia, not at all. Knowledge of self comes from the collective experience of your life, what you choose to learn, what you choose to experience, the experiences you have and the people you meet—the good and the bad.

When people think in desperation that from a position of ignorance and stupidity that they can literally cut, paste and fill in pieces of paper and that will somehow resolve their problems in the courts or by sending it off they will win a prize. Or people think they can send something off and get a golden ticket, an endless supply of chocolate or whatever is in the mad promise given to you. In truth two wrongs don’t make a right. If you are following and believing – and I use that word in that way – that paperwork can solve your problems in their courts, then you are being a bloody idiot. I cannot make it any clearer than that. If you don’t know what you are doing and you follow one of these lying gurus, fill in their paperwork and send it through without any knowledge, then you are being a bloody idiot. By the way we don’t send paperwork. There is nothing with Ucadia about sending paper in. If someone claims that there is, they are not telling the truth. There are no templates on Ucadia for sending documents to courts. 

If you do fill in paperwork and if someone says to you that if you do a certain process you will get access to the ‘account’, or if you do this you will save your home, or if you do this you will walk away with ‘all the money.’ The promises are outrageous. If you fill in this kind of paperwork you are being a bloody idiot. The problem when you are being such an idiot and doing paperwork like that, no matter what the promise is or the protest they give you about not listening to others because they are ‘just jealous’ because they don’t know, the real issue is that you don’t know. The issue is that you do not know. You don’t know why. Let them show the statutes and if the statutes show and say their paperwork is accepted then let’s see it on the public record, loudly and clearly. If you still don’t know and you are doing this yourself, be very, very careful. Once the court has a document with your name on it, proving yourself to being incompetent and an idiot – that is ‘game over.’ They have no problems then in taking your home, they have no problems in doing what they have to or want to do.

If you are competent, you learn and read. I keep saying to you, “please read” the canons of One Heaven, please go to the website and read the canons of positive law, ecclesiastical law, bioethics, and sovereign law. There is so much there that can help you and you can start to see the bigger picture. 

Greater self knowledge is really the only lasting remedy because we live more than one life and because in a world full of lies and half-truths the only thing we can ultimately trust in terms of knowledge is what makes sense to us and how it comes together for us. It is what our own internal bullshit detector can help us discern.

That brings me to some of the feedback from last week. If you look at the canons of law, under the laws of bioethics there is some extraordinary knowledge listed in those canons in terms of the honor and respect of all forms of life and maxims. Look at article 29 and the Right to Life, or Article 92 on the Treatment of Animals. But if you don’t go and read this, if you don’t want to go and read these canons, it’s then making comments and skating across the surface and making judgments. Those are opinions and that is fine. Everyone is allowed to have opinions. But, don’t make judgments on Ucadia unless you are prepared to read what is there.

Article 92 on the Treatment of Animals has maxims that are universal in terms of respect of life and the prevention of cruelty of life. Don’t make presumptions and come on and write comments on the blogs. Please go and read. I cannot always go back and keep responding to what people are saying through these blogs and teachings. It takes time to read and we don’t always have that time when we feel that we are up against something. Our own competence, our own awareness, our own ability to take ownership of our own life and mind is essential. It is essential! Until we do take responsibility for our own lives and we still live in a way that we keep looking to whom we vest our life, to whom we vest our trust, rather than taking ownership ourselves, and if we keep looking for someone that we want to have as a Messiah, rather than being our own Christ Consciousness, then people will continue to be able to trick us, we will feel helpless and lost at times and we may feel, “what is the point” sometimes.

Whatever you choose to read, I hope that you will read with discernment and I hope you read with some of the essential measures that we have discussed in recent weeks, months and years of what is The Golden Rule of Law, what is true justice. And also what is meaning, what is sense, what is reason, and what is logic? What are the tools to discern right from wrong, truth from false in our own terms and how do we keep from getting stuck in an endless loop when people want to sell us jabberwocky as in Alice in Wonderland, just meaningless dribble. If you want a place to start, then please go read the Canons of One Heaven. It’s all there: logic, reason, rhetoric, and structures. If you do and when you do, you will without question grow in self-knowledge.

What then do you do if you are facing an eviction or you are facing foreclosure or terrible difficulties? This is what I say to you and what I am working on, and it is taking a long time to get here, I am finishing the Canons of Fiduciary Law. When I finish the Canons of Fiduciary Law, I am moving to finish the Canons of Administrative Law. When you are facing court, court issues, summonses, and all kinds of the things they throw at you, you are dealing with procedural and administrative law. The Canons of Administrative Law will make that clear. I cannot help people one on one. I wish I could and I just don’t physically have the time to do that. Nor, has it been appropriate to put up templates if people are not able or are unwilling to read the background. It serves no purpose. It makes Ucadia as bad as anyone else that put up information for people to cut and paste without competence.

I have never stopped thinking about, reflecting on the emails that many of you have sent to me over the years as to the challenges and traumas in your lives and the help that you need. I work towards that every day. We will have the Canons of Administrative Law up. When we do have those canons we will do an update on the workshop material and through the combination and completion of the Canons of Administrative Law and the other books of maxims in Canon Law of One Heaven, then I am confident we will be in a position to help people with modules of knowledge and units that relate to things like foreclosures or issues of handling court or criminal actions, as well as claims and credit cards and other things that people face. In the interim there is a lot you can do. The thing that I urge the most is for you to read, to listen, and to discern and reason. I urge you to use your own abilities of logic.

That’s it from me; this is a short blog today. In the coming weeks we will talk about the Ucadia language and the updates and reflections on Fiduciary Law, I will do a summary on Fiduciary Law. I will do an introduction on Administrative Law and what you can expect to see in particular on the websites. 

Until we speak next week, please be safe and be well. Thank you and good night.


  1. Hi Frank,

    I agree 100% with you that life is a dream and that there is such a thing called Unique Collective Awareness, Collective Consciousness, and that everything that we do in terms of acts of greed, jealousy, gluttony, perfidy, avarice, dishonesty, or wilful ignorance are all against our better interests. There is no doubt that the world should have a legal system based on the Golden Rule of Law, and the research you have done on the history of law is absolutely phenomenal. In an ideal world we would all take your research and teachings and the world would finally be truly civilised with justice for all. But the reality is that the world we live in today, is not remotely fair, just or civilised and has not been for centuries, if ever?

    Like I said before, the majority of the 99% are just struggling to survive in this matrix like slave system designed for us by the elite 1% and their alien overlords. They do not even begin to understand why there is no justice and that democracy is just an illusion.

    I guess there are a lot of people out there with legal issues looking for answers to help solve their problems and they tend to look up to someone like you Frank, who has such extensive knowledge of the law. They want fairness, they seek justice. The problem as I see it, is that they are failing to see that the current legal system is totally rigged and corrupt and designed to trick and deprive them of their property and rights. IMO anyone who expects justice from the legal system is deluding themselves. Generally speaking, money talks and might is right. That is the only way you can win in this legal system and until enough people decide that is not good enough, then it will remain so.

    Unfortunately when we arrive on this earth is appears we are pretty much a blank slate and have forgotten (or should that be had wiped) everything we learnt from our previous lives, so we have to spend a good part of each life trying to relearn what we have forgotten. But of course for most people this seldom happens, because we are so brain washed into this "reality" right from the get go and then it is reinforced on a daily basis by school, society,the media etc. So most people never even get to see that this whole existence is just a dream and not the only possible reality. Sure we all see things slightly differently, but for most of us, our matrix like collective reality, is as real as it gets. It does not surprise me in the slightest that most people haven't got a clue what's really going on behind the scenes. We are all constantly lied to and deceived about the true state of the world on a daily basis. Divide and Rule, that is the name of the game and until enough people wise up, it will remain so in my opinion.

  2. I do not know if it is true or not, but the Buddhists say we have to keep coming back until we finally learn all the lessons that existence on this planet has to teach us, before we can "progress to the next level". Another theory is that when we die, we get conned into repeatedly coming back to earth, by going towards the light, (which is a trap), because the ET's wipe our memories and then re-attach our consciousness to a new body for our next life as a new energy (battery) slave on earth. If that's true, then I'm definitely not going towards the white light next time....what a bloody scam eh!

    So we are all looking for answers as to why life is the way it is. To try and make some kind of sense of our existence on this crazy beautiful planet! That is what originally attracted me to and then eventually your other Ucadia websites. You have certainly helped me make some sense of it all, but who knows what the real truth of the matter is? They say As above, so below. Its certainly a bit of a shocker to discover we are not at the top of the food chain, that's for sure.

    All I know is that if we are indeed a genetically modified slave species and this planet is run by a bunch of evil, fearful reptiles, then given half a choice, I ain't planning on coming back next time.


  3. thank you for all you do frank. I appreciate it.
