Friday, February 22, 2013

The Prophecy of Kew – The prophecy that predicted the events at the Vatican today more than 35 years ago

Many of the more than seven billion people on planet Earth have heard of the Secrets of Fatima – a series of visions and prophecies witnessed by three young Portuguese shepherds in 1917 allegedly of Blessed Virgin Mary. 

According to the official public version by Catholic Church, the three visions and secrets related to the Warning of Hell, World War (I and II) and the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II. In contrast, the original and uncorrupted visions were supposedly about the End of Hell, the warning against the church involvement in World War and its destruction at the sign of the last Pope – in reference to the 1,000 year old prophecy of St Molochy (aka the revelations of Moloch).

Yet more than thirty five years ago, in a leafy suburb of Kew in Victoria, a young boy (not much older than the children of Fatima at the time of their vision) experienced a prophetic vision every bit as significant as Fatima that would change his life forever. It was the foretelling of the very events being witnessed at the Vatican in Rome today.

The Prophecy of Kew

Here is the exact words of the young boy who experienced the vision, recounted and published first in 2001and then updated in 2005  – a full 7 years before the events today and discussed on many dozens of interviews and audio conversations since:

One night (August 15, 1977), I had this vision. I was standing in front of two massive doors. At first, I did not know where I was. In front of me the doors were adorned with the most intricate and fine gold images of battles and conquests, of saints and martyrs. It was as if the whole history of the western world was immortalised in great gold panels across these huge doors. For what seemed an age I stood gazing upon the splendor and detailed scenes of these doors at which point I thought "wow these must be worth a fortune".   

With that thought, the great doors swung open and I then knew I was standing at the doors to St Peters in Rome, although in real life St Peters doesn't have doors like these. I looked around for any other sign of a person, but found none, so I entered through the great doors.    

As I walked into the Church, the thought that no one else was around intrigued me, you would kind of expect someone around. Just as that thought had appeared in my head I could see in front of me in the distance at the central Altar of St Peter's a man dressed like the Pope. He was standing with his hands over the altar and his head down.    

I did not immediately recognize him as The Pope, because this man was much shorter and rounder than Pope Paul VI.    

Being a true believer at the time in the Roman Catholic faith I immediately took pity on him for whatever was troubling his mind and started to walk closer to him. As I approached close enough so that we could see each others eyes he looked up at me. His face was round and stern. He wasn't Pope Paul VI, yet he was dressed as the Pope.    

Even so, he looked like the Pope, so I stretched out my arms to embrace him and comfort him. But instead of embracing me he recoiled in fear, a look of total horror before raising his left arm to protect himself. In retrospect, this was one of the most potent memories of the dream, the look of total and complete fear on the face of the little round man with the stern face, dressed like the Pope.    

And at that very moment the entire Basilica started to crumble around us, the ceiling, the walls, the altar. The next moment I was standing on top of the crumbled ruins of St Peters alone.   

The next day the dream troubled me. What did the symbolism of the doors mean? Why did the Pope cower and recoil in front of me when I approached open arms? Why did the church fall down and I survive but the office of Pope was no more?   

Over months I began to forget the dream. It was just a dream and a silly result of a clearly overly imaginative mind. But twelve months to the day (on August 15, 1978), I had the dream again. The description and the results the exact same.   

Now I was scared. This was clearly meant as a message, but what? Was I supposed to join the priesthood like so many others of my ancestors? Was I supposed to dedicate my life to saving the church? Was it somehow my destiny to save the Pope?   

From then on this dream haunted me and unsettled me as to my purpose. By the time I was twenty the pressure was unbearable and I announced to the world that I was going to become a priest. The first people I told were my family and then old friends such as Archbishop Little. He was so happy he even bought me my own set of prayer books and took me to lunch to celebrate.   

But over time no other visions came, no more conversations with God. Within a year of my grand announcement I was selling insurance for AMP.   

I did however see the exact same face of the Pope in these two dreams again some years later. While I had never forgotten the stern round face of this little man dressed as Pope, I had given up believing it was ever a real Pope as Pope John Paul I and Pope John Paul II never looked at all like him. It wasn't until 2005 when I finally came face to face again with that same man as his image was beamed around the world. Without doubt, it was Joseph Alois Ratzinger, the exact same face I had seen as Pope in 1977.  


The Vatican finally takes notice

While the world and all media around the world appear wholly asleep and without interest to one of the most significant prophecies of the twentieth century now coming true, the Vatican was finally forced to take notice of the visions and messages coming to the same man by 2009.

These specific visions concerning the papacy of Pope Benedict had already been proceeded by numerous other visions and dreams as explained in the above link.  It had also been the catalyst to the eventual creation of a massive model and antithesis to the present Western-Roman model of wage slavery and incompetence by the present professional, political and judicial classes.

The true third secret of Fatima predicted that not only would the foundation of the Catholic Church be shaken, but that all spiritual contact – good and bad – would be cut off literally.  In extraordinary events of 2009, the most elite of the satanic brotherhoods all around the world began experiencing the same phenomena of an absence of genuine spiritual contact in response to their rituals.

Now in the hyper media world, there are plenty of people who “pretend” to be possessed or in commune with some ancient good or demonic spirit.  But the “real thing” is quite different.  It requires more than  mind reading, or even supernatural phenomena. Instead, such abilities must be able to produce precise, verifiable knowledge that is unmistakably from a divine source and not a “lucky guess”.

The revelation of the perfect 300 mile wide pentagram in Poland formed by the worst Nazi death camps of World War II, pointing to the North Star and aligning to the Pentagon founded on September 11, 1941.  Less than ten people at the time knew about this supreme satanic project designed to harness the powers of darkness to control the world for a thousand years (a New Reich). Furthermore, it revealed the true origins of a particularly influential ancient religion not from the Levant (hence "Semitic") but from Persia. Yet no one alive for twenty years knew these facts concerning the energy lines of "evil".

Through a series of profound visions, the same man who had experienced the Prophecy of Kew, dictated the visions of the Pentagram and a deep crime against humanity perpetrated by Pope Pius XII and the elite at the time through a series of articles on the Vatican Jesuit Holocaust. See: 

Because of its controversial nature, the revelations have never been published in any mainstream media outlet.  However, the message was loud and clear- a key source of revelation was still operating on all channels and it related to the fulfilment of the Prophecy of Fatima and the Prophecy of St Molochy in the form of Pactum De Singularis Caelum.

The Public Conversation

From 2009 until the events in 2013, a public conversation ensued concerning the extraordinary revelations contained in the instrument known as Pactum De Singularis Caelum (see: )

When more was produced, it appeared the Vatican would respond with specific messages, all publicly – never directly. This culminated in a vision at the beginning of February concerning the proper implementation of Vatican II and the end of the age of false morality and collective conformity (prison planet) towards personal and moral responsibility.

Seven days after this vision expressed in a private message was relayed to an extraordinarily influential member of the Catholic Church at the very top of the Illuminati, a Pope resigned.

Truth drowned out by sensationalism, ego and falsities

Before the age of personal responsibility and truth finally erupts, we remain in a world where truth is easily drowned out by sensational claims, uncontrollable ego and deliberate falsities.  This is certainly the case with the events surrounding Pope Benedict.

People have come from all quarters claiming some theories or stupidly and arrogantly claiming to have some influence over events.

No one physically living has control over these massive events.  That is the whole point of the unprecedented revelations, signs, prophecies in the last one hundred years.

The War in Heaven is over.  Now it is time to bring peace to Earth.

Everything that is written in this article is true and I testify to this fact before the Divine Creator of all existence and all the angels, saints, demons and heroes now united under One Heaven.

The reason I can make such a solemn and absolute oath to the truth of this article is I am that boy from Kew. I am the author of Ucadia. I am Frank O’Collins.

And if there is one thing I ask people to consider at this point in time, is to never give up your hope and love of the Divine, or your faith. Do not give up on Life, because the Divine Creator has certainly not given up on any of us.

Be gentle to one another. Forgive those who trespass against you and celebrate your existence.

I am no greater than you, or anyone else. I am a man- the greatest office I shall ever hold.

Finally, until the day I leave this planet I will try with all my energy to fulfill my promise in finishing the Ucadia model with your help. Thanks. Frank


  1. This is another beautiful piece of writing. thank you Frank. Love and Light in my heart always. Namaste.

  2. Frank, I love your work! I love how you are so dedicated to the Canons that you gave up playing the piano until they are all done. You have been such an inspiration to me on my quest. I am wondering if you have head of the One People's Public Trust and if so, what are your thoughts about it? I'll include a link just in case. Take care and thank you for all that you do.

  3. once again...wisdom of the ages thank you for all your effort frank
