Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Year of Redemption and Age of Personal Accountability

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On December 29th 1963, Pope Paul VI formally reopened proceedings to an extraordinary event his predecessor (Pope John XXIII) had tried to begin a year earlier– the effects of which continue to unfold literally to the present day. The event was the opening of the Concilium Oecumenicum Vaticanum Secundum, otherwise known as “Vatican II”. 

Far from simply being “pomp and circumstance” of an internal event of the Roman Catholic Church and associated eastern churches, Vatican II heralded a major philosophical milestone in the history of Western philosophy – an answer to the question of whether a model of society based on personal experience, personal faith and accountability supersedes the traditional model of conformity to the collective for the “common good”?

Vatican II did not start the battle between the rights of “the unique awareness” versus needs of “the collective awareness”. Such battles are at the heart of every organized system of society from the beginning of civilization to the present day. The debate concerning alleged “war on terror” – itself an oxymoron claims that individual freedoms of members of a society must necessarily be sacrificed for the “common good” of the whole.  Thus, we have seen the greatest loss of freedoms within 11 years of anytime for over 100 years.

Many who come to read this article may be direct victims of the kind of rise in brutality in Western societies as rights are curbed, as police have been retrained as militia, as families have been divided, as homes have been destroyed, as politicians, bankers, lawyers and business leaders have continually failed to abide any shred of morality or decency.

In direct contrast, Vatican II heralded a fundamental shift – a shift away from the model of collective servitude, of “common good”, towards individual responsibility and accountability. This shift, rooted in deep logic and reason made clear that the legitimacy of the body politic and the existence of “Rule of Law” exists not by some “top down” consent, but by the “bottom up” will and consent of each member.

Now, midst the gloom and the fear of the future and in the year representing the 50th anniversary of Vatican II, the news has been announced that for the first time in over 600 years (if ever), Pope Benedict XVI is the first Roman Pontiff to resign from such office – the ultimate sacrifice of power and prestige just before the most ancient Day of Atonement in Mithraic history, the Day of Blood (Sanguis) and the Day of Sacrifice being the Ides of Mars or March 14th (on original moon calendar) and 15th (in solar calendar).

So what does the historic resignation of Pope Benedict and Vatican II have to do with you, or us or anything?  What does this mean for our future? What is happening and what might we expect to see in the days, weeks, months and years as a result of these historic times?

A Planet of Slaves

If you have had the time (and inclination) to read some of the blog articles on Ucadia or listened to some of the broadcasts, then you may have deduced the irrefutable fact that far from being free, most people have been willing or unwitting slaves to a system that views their energy in the same way as a machine views batteries.

Certainly, the general standards of living for people in Western-Roman nations are vastly improved compared to the squalor of even one hundred and fifty years ago.  Yet the fact remains that the present global banking system is still founded on annuities – slave bonds – based on your value to the greater “estate” in exchange for your limited welfare and support.

Again, this is no idle conspiracy but the cold hard reality of “how the world works” today, as it did one hundred years ago, one thousand years ago and even three thousand years ago. All that has changed is the décor of the prison plantation and the measures to keep you in service.

Yet, if you have studied the most recent articles on the present blog concerning the origin of the species then you may also have seen that far from the division of the world into slave plantations by Popes Sixtus IV (1471-1484), Innocent VIII (1484-1492) and Alexander VI (1492-1503), there is compelling archeological evidence to suggest the planet Earth has been operating as a giant “prison planet” for at least 280,000 years. 

Furthermore, if you consider the articles on this blog concerning the genetic, body type and blood type issues of the Homo species, then there is strong evidence – especially amongst the oldest sacred knowledge of civilization – that “humans” were created as worker bees for alien races in search of rare earth minerals.

Even the Bible makes clear the genetic engineering origins of the Homo species – albeit in simplistic and generalized terms. In fact, there is not a single civilization of substance that did not possess accompanying creation narratives concerning the genetic engineering origins of the Homo species.

Arch Conservatism vs Libertarianism

Fifty years ago as proceedings got underway in Rome at the Second Vatican Council, the battle lines were drawn between philosophers (theologians) within the Catholic Church – on one side the arch conservatives who fought to keep the church the way it was, or even tighten restrictions and on the other the “progressives” who saw the inevitable workings of spirit for change.

Those who fought for progress and change towards individual responsibility, personal experience and faith were leaders such as Cardinal Augustin Bea, Bishop Christopher Butler, Fr Marie-Dominique Chenuthe, Karl Rahner, S.J. and John Courtney Murray, S.J..

Those who fought for protection and conservativism were leaders such as Cardinal Francis Spellman, Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani and numerous young and talented priests and bishops in attendance such as Bishop Karol Wojtyła (Pope John Paul II) and Fr Josef Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI).

In fact, since the period of 1984, it could be said under Pope John Paul II, arch conservatives who have been against the vision of individual responsibility within the context of the Second Vatican Council have actively worked with groups seeking to maintain a conservative agenda, or return to a more autocratic conservative agenda.

This is not a contradiction to the deep personal hatred of Pope John Paul II towards Russia, being his driving force in using every force available to him to architect the downfall of the Soviet Union.  While the arguments of oppression and lack of freedom may have been numerously claimed in public speeches as a motivating factor, his deep conservative roots are evident in the selection of Josef Ratzinger as Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (1981-2005).

The evidence of the conservative agenda against personal liberties and towards a less tolerant society of less freedoms and rights is overwhelming during this period of influence under John Paul II and Josef Ratzinger known then as “God’s Rotweiller”, particularly in societies such as the United States, Canada, Australia and Western Europe.

Were Pope John Paul II and Josef Ratzinger directly responsible for the increased incidence in child molestation by priests during their tenure?  Were they responsible for the rise of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases through Catholic influenced “third world” countries? Were they responsibly for the greatest period of destruction of natural resources and ecosystems by “conservative” multinationals into third world countries? Or the record breaking loses by “conservative” bankers in the world? Or the rise of UCC and other “profit by crime” systems operating within the “conservative” courts of the United States, Canada and Australia?

Neither man were directly responsible.  But their refusal to acknowledge the vision, the mission and the revelation of the Second Vatican Council enabled immoral, corrupt, mentally insane and wholly incompetent people to rise up under the guise of “conservative values” to wreck and destroy the world at an unprecedented rate.

Personal Accountability

No one is without blame or transgression in the world today.  It is a fact of life that we make mistakes.  But what matters is how we choose to live and act.

The general intent of our present society could be reasonably described as “a general desire to avoid all forms of suffering” - not only the rejection of pain but those things deemed “too difficult”. Further, such desire to avoid “suffering” is coupled with the addiction to ego, instant gratification, superficiality and the worship of ignorance in many forms.

This model did not devolve to such a state under “liberal” governance, but the arch-conservative leadership of several decades, which saw the wholesale dismantling of core pillars of society – directly contradicting the manifesto of such leaders.

Such desires of the avoidance of “suffering”, the avoidance of things “too difficult” is also in direct contradiction to the lessons and teachings of the great “heroes” of history and the difficult path and challenges that typify the archetype of the hero: in the solitary journey, in the one who leaves the flock, but one who does not abandons his Divine Mission; to be in the world, but not of this world; to dedicate one’s soul to a higher cause; to recognize intellectually, but to know spiritually; and to freely embrace the path of suffering as the catalyst to illumination and emancipation.

The wilderness of society is a strange place; wilderness; making for even stranger bedfellows where the lines between hero, heretic or villain sometimes blur.  But sometimes the wilderness provides the environment for learning what is important and what is not- such as the absolute necessity of continued renewal, of embracing, not rejecting the absolute vital catalyst to illumination and emancipation found in the rigor of self-discipline and the ancient vows of poverty, obedience and humility.

Such vows are not the remnants of antiquated systems of control, but the cornerstones of personal responsibility- of good faith, of clean hands, of respect of rule of law and of clear conscience.

Thus, for all the faults that may be ascribed to the man, the events demonstrated by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI should be respected as one of the most momentous events in civilized history.

For a man to sacrifice the greatest prize in the world today.  For a spirit to reflect and reveal the overwhelming call for change. For a man to humble himself before all.

Remember this time. Remember this day. Remember to be competent and accountable for your actions. Especially if you are a politician, banker or industrialist.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Frank for this post. You are correct and this Pope's resigning is indeed connected to the Malahide prophecy in order to show to the world that everything goes as it was said.

