Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Why is the global economic system about to totally collapse? What can be done to save the world from financial Armageddon?

Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here   (55 min 19 Mb)

Hello and thanks for reading and listening to the Ucadia blog for this week (the 25th of September 2013) entitled “Why is the global economic system about to totally collapse? What can be done to save the world from financial Armageddon?” Today, I want to share with you the undeniable proof as to why the present global economic system is about to collapse any day or any week or any month soon; what is the global economic system or global financial system anyway and how did we get into this mess?; how the world can quickly introduce a global economic system that puts people and not the idol of money at its heart; and why the simple and straightforward steps towards this new global economic system are urgently needed to be implemented to avoid financial Armageddon.

Before we start, let me address the three most common and immediate concerns you or anyone you choose to make aware of this blog and audio may have. I will start with the inevitable numbing effects of the “boy who cried wolf syndrome”.

“The boy who cried wolf syndrome” is the accumulative effect that most of us feel after being bombarded with messages of fear and doom and catastrophe on an almost daily basis. There are literally tens of thousands of web sites and blogs on the internet dedicated to broadcasting the message of the impending doom of the global economic system.  And it is not just people in the truth movement or fringes of society. There have been many respected researchers and experts who have come out since 2008 to warn us that far from being “out of the woods” to use yet another cliché, that the worst is still yet to come. An extraordinary writer I deeply admire called Harry Dent has written now a series of books on what he felt for certain was going to be the inevitable global economic meltdown of firstly 2010 and then later 2012.

Just like the villagers in the parable of the boy who cried world, after a while the constant threats and claims of doom have the reverse effect, where we start to “switch off” even if the compelling arguments of an imminent collapse are overwhelming. We start to rationalize against the odds, almost as our way of regaining a sense of control by waving our fist at such prognostications. Sometimes we are vindicated as the fear mongering is mere confection as in the 24 hour cable news cycles and their need to create news to fill their business model. Then there are times we are horribly wrong. All I ask readers and listeners to consider for this particular article is to overcome the almost instinctual reaction to maybe “switch off” because of the “boy who cried wolf syndrome” and hopefully consider the points we are about to discuss.

The second concern for most people is the classic “expert syndrome” which is often paired with how we rationalize away the many fears dumped on us by talking heads in the media via the “boy who cried wolf syndrome” namely “what is your qualification to make such claims?”

“Expert syndrome” presupposes that someone in a senior position or someone who has obtained a multitude of qualifications must as a consequence have a better handle on issues and events within their domain. Of course, history exposes such presumptions as an absurdity, especially when it comes to such fields as economics and the complete lack of competence and foresight of virtually every single major economist in the world in predicting the global financial crisis of 2008 and subsequent events.

In my case, I have spent the past 28 years in developing ideas for the Ucadia model and 19 years almost full time in finishing it. It has allowed me to research and investigate all aspects of what constitutes a community, a city, a society, a nation, a union of nations and indeed complex global systems.  It is why when you go onto such websites as One-Heaven.Org and click on such websites as Globe-Union.Org you can see the most comprehensive model of society in the 33 codes of law ever conceived. Furthermore, in writing such sacred texts as Lebor Clann Glas also known as the Book of the Green Race, which you can see under Sacred texts on the website One-Heaven.org, I have been able to research and clarify the repeating patterns of societies – their rise and collapse – and the fact that this is not the first time we have faced potential financial ruin at the hands of bankers.

For some, the proof of the Ucadia model itself will be enough to trust what I am going to speak about in this blog is sufficient. For others, unless the one writing or speaking has exact and detailed qualifications accepted by the status quo then nothing that is said or written can be considered credible. In the end, I hope those that are reading are able to overcome the effects of “expert syndrome” to consider the points we will be raising.

Now, the third and final most common objection or concern to the subject matter of this blog is the classic “what makes your ideas any better than someone else?”  It is the brilliant consumer defense to any argument which demands that the reader or listener be “romanced” to then be “sold” on the suggestions over inferior alternatives.

In truth at the end of the day I am not here in this article to sell you anything. If you don’t want to believe then that is entirely up to you. The truth is, given only the few thousand that know of Ucadia and the few hundred that read the Ucadia blog, there will probably only be a very small number that read anyway. But it will have been said and it will have been written and notice will have been given. If people care to search on Google about these subjects, it will appear.

So when history then is written, no one will be able to say, “I wasn’t told”, or “there was no advanced or divine notice”. Notice has definitely been given, even if a few choose to listen.

So as I said at the beginning, today I am going to share with you the undeniable proof as to why the present global economic system is about to collapse any day or any week or any month soon; what is the global economic system or global financial system anyway and how did we get into this mess?; how the world can quickly introduce a global economic system that puts people and not the idol of money at its heart; and why the simple and straightforward steps towards this new global economic system are urgently needed to be implemented to avoid financial Armageddon.

Next week, I will be following up with a second blog in this series about how someone can survive the coming global economic system collapse and how people if they are not totally infected with mind virus can quickly work together to not only survive but actually thrive.

Finally, in two weeks I will complete the three part series on the Ucadia Financial System Model and why this complete system that is ready is capable of being rapidly implemented and stands to transform the world by freeing us of the insanity and lack of accountability and fairness of global banking and the global economic system over the past few hundred years.

Let’s start then with the undeniable proof as to why the present global economic system is about to collapse any day or any week or any month soon.

The Wicked Lord

OK, so how do I summarize the mountain of complex arguments and discussions as to the single biggest problem of the present global economic system? On reflecting about this genuine question, the best example I have to give is actually the ancient parable of the Wicked Lord, sometimes given in more recent millennia as the parable of the Wicked Servant.

If you go to the website One-Heaven.Org and look at the sacred text called Tara you will see a version of this ancient parable under Number 24 Benevolence. Maybe you already know it. It is only twenty six sentences, so I ask for your indulgence and let me just read it out to explain the analogy:

The Wicked Lord

1 There was a great King who sought harmony across his kingdom, 

2 And that there was law and order and all debts were paid. 

3 So he called each of his Lords to account of their affairs. 

4 One Lord was brought before the great King owing one thousand talents. 

5 But because he couldn't pay, the King commanded him to be sold, 

6 With his wife, his children, and all that he had, and payment to be made. 

7 The Lord then fell down and knelt before the King and said: Oh wise and benevolent King, 

8 Pity your humble servant and have patience with me, for while it shall ruin me and my people, 

9 Better I die trying to repay what I owe, than to bring dishonor to my lands. 

10 The King upon hearing the great hardship that was to befall his Lord, did decree: 

11 Upon this day and henceforth, as I now forgive my servants debts, 

12 So shall all long term debts be forgiven, 

13 That no man be required to die in debt and dishonor. 

14 The Lord having his own debts forgiven returned to his lands, 

15 Yet did not enact the laws of the King. 

16 Instead, he forced upon his own servants a terrible toil and misery to pay their debts, 

17 And destroyed homes and imprisoned even children for failure to repay debts. 

18 When the Great King heard these terrible acts, 

19 He had the Lord seized and brought before him in chains, saying thus: 

20 Oh wicked and vile servant! By Divine Decree, I demanded that all debts be forgiven, 

21 That as you so prayed to be forgiven, so even the poorest be forgiven their debts. 

22 Yet in your arrogance you forgot both my power and my laws. 

23 Henceforth, any Lord who fails to honor Divine Law is a tyrant, 

24 And any lender who fails to forgive long term debtors is a thief. 

25 And it be the sacred obligation upon every able bodied man, 

26 That such vermin as these tyrants and thieves be extinguished from the earth.

Now, if you take all the levels of assets, annuities, derivatives, trusts, estates, corporations, bonds, securities, currencies and accounts and boil the whole global economic system down to the simplest fundamentals, then it about honoring your obligations and balancing the books.

On the one hand, if a debtor does not honor his or her obligations, then any system of fair trade becomes extremely difficult, if not impossible. At the same time, if lenders do not forgive long term debts in recognition of the cycle of life and Rule of Law, then over time there is a deliberate impoverishment of whole communities and unjust enrichment of those controlling the accounting system.

We see that in the parable of the wicked lord where the maxim of “all debts must be paid” remains fundamental but also “all long terms debts must be forgiven” is the moral offset – so that there is balance.

Similarly, if assets do not offset debts, then the system does not balance and the whole premise of accounting from its inception is the good conduct and due diligence of trustees entrusted by the Church and others claiming moral stewardship and authority of the parent or “father figure”. In other words, from the inception of central banks in the 16th Century, first called the exchequers it was the moral duty of bankers to ensure that the books balanced.

Now, if you have listened to the previous blogs and audios then you know there is a lot more to the evolution of the global economic system beyond just balancing the books and forgiving long term debts. For one, the invention of annuities in the 18th century as effectively financial bonds created on the energy of a member of a community that pledges themselves to perform for that community or estate that would be paid up front in exchange for some long term income – saw a fundamental change in the way societies viewed different forms of currency, underwriting and banking.

Annuities in theory remain the cornerstone of the global financial system today. However, there is nothing altruistic about these instruments connected to the cestui que vie trusts and birth accounts of citizens. Today they are nothing more than slave bonds whereby men and woman are degraded by the moneylenders as bankers and merchants into things- commodities to be bought and sold.

In reality, the modern economic system long since jumped the rails in trying to balance debts versus assets, especially when junk bond traders and merchant banks flexed their muscle and effectively hijacked the system in the 1990’s. Now, there is absolutely no attempt to balance the books and instead the global economic system rests on three forms of control: (1) control people’s ability to trade and purchase (2) control the amount of capital people are allowed to have to trade and purchase and (3) control the media as the primary tool of maintaining the lie.

This is the modern global economic system in a nutshell.  People are controlled and I mean totally controlled by ensuring no one can earn a living, receive wages or purchase things ultimately without a bank account and if they step out of line, then that bank account will be frozen or what little capital is within it will be seized. This is piracy and tyranny on an unprecedented scale to the extent that every major government now serves the interests of the banks. I repeat that every major industrialized government in the world has been serving the interests of the banks to worship the false god of money.

The second control mechanism of the global economic system since it went off the rails has been not to control the amount of capital to banks and major corporations, but ensure people have as little of their own sweat equity and capital as possible.  The theory is both brilliant and terribly evil. If people are poor in capital, then they are forced to comply; forced to focus on day-to-day existence; far more likely to keep aligned and not rock the boat. And such alphabet agencies as the tax offices are there to ensure people stay poor and are constantly in a state of fear.

Tax offices are no longer about raising government revenue. Many governments stopped pretending they could balance the books decades ago. Instead tax offices around the world are literally the Rottweiler’s of the bankers through the IMF to keep people in a state of fear, accountable to no one and now streamlined as a relentless machine of control.

Take Ucadia as an example. Since its inception not one single major patron, wealthy person, organization, government or agency has contributed one single cent. In fact, Ucadia still exists on a week by week and month by month basis, with no certainty the existing controllers of the global economic system will allow it to survive. Instead, I have had to deal with the bridge trolls and threats like everyone else. I have had to work every week and use up valuable time that I might otherwise have had available to complete the model just to stay alive. Meanwhile not one single major donor has stepped up to help fund Ucadia and ensure it is completed. Not one across the planet. That is the power of the control mechanisms since the 1990’s that no longer even need to pretend to balance the books or forgive long term debt.

The third mechanism that keeps the global economic system going day after day is the media. The media has become the most complicit, the most awful and deceitful body of men and women of virtually any era of human civilization. Single handedly by picking generally good looking, morally inept and shallow people of character the media networks have consolidated into a handful of massive multimedia networks as official arms of the banking system – selling lies constantly on a 24 x 7 basis and ensuring more and more victims can be found to play such ponzi schemes as the stock markets.

For examples, I have no doubt that if you hear of any prominent world leader speaking of the need to reform the present insane and morally corrupt global economic system to something fair and sustainable, then the nihilists masquerading as conservatives will be whipping out all kinds of talking heads to try and spin such common sense as some rallying call for communism, or socialism or some “anti-American” or “Anti-free market” attack. What utter rubbish. What complete disinformation – yet that is precisely what you will see.

The present system is not capitalism it is crony-debtism. The present system does not represent any of the basic principles of capitalism and free market principles whatsoever. Instead, we are dealing with closed and rigged markets, rigged capital and artificial scarcity practices controlled by monopolization of capital. That’s the present model of Wall St and it is crony-debtism. But that still won’t stop the talking heads performing their duty to spread disinformation and spin.

Yes, the global economic system has historic provenance – a provenance that the bankers like to claim is legitimate. But in reality the present system is irreparably broken and only exists by force and fear through the three levers we mentioned being to (1) control people’s ability to trade and purchase (2) control the amount of capital people are allowed to have to trade and purchase and (3) control the media as the primary tool of maintaining the lie.

The Scorpion and the Frog

OK, so now that we have been able to cut through the noise and summarize what is fundamentally broken with the present global economic system through the parable of the “Wicked Lord”, why is such a system at risk of imminent collapse? For example, if one turns on any cable news channel, especially their finance channels, then we continue to be told that economies are improving; the stock markets are rallying; and now has never been a better time to invest. Sure, there continue to be banks that have collapsed or consolidated, but by all accounts the governments working for the banks have never been more compliant and the system never under more control of threat or fear.

Well, the best example I have to give of why the system is in imminent risk of collapse is actually the ancient parable of the Scorpion and the Frog. If you go to the website One-Heaven.Org again and look at the sacred text called Tara you will see a version of this ancient parable under Number 15 Character. Maybe you already know it. It is only eight sentences, so please let me just read it out to then explain the analogy:

The Scorpion and the Frog

1 A Scorpion found itself trapped on a sand bank soon to be submerged by the torrent of a river in flood. 

2 Seeing a Frog, the Scorpion pleaded that the Frog to carry him to safety. 

3 The Frog replied and said: As a creature known for its insanity, how then can I be assured you will not sting me? 

4 The Scorpion said thus: Kind Frog, for reason assures that upon such act, we would both assuredly die. 

5 Upon these words, the Frog felt satisfied and they set out. 

6 But midstream, the Frog did feel the horrendous pain of the Scorpion sting. 

7 As the Frog could feel the paralysis course throughout his body and they started to sink, he called out in his final breath the single word of why? 

8 To which the Scorpion said thus: Alas!, it is the curse of my character that I destroy that which I cherish most. 

In case you haven’t already made the connection, the bankers and people who control the present global economic system that have made money their god and idol are the scorpion and you and the rest of us are the frog.

Why did I choose this analogy to describe why the present system is going to collapse? Because it perfectly describes the insatiable character of those who rule the existing global economic system that worships money and spiritual nihilism.

If these people just pulled back on their greed, let people keep their houses, let people keep their jobs and what little they have in their savings accounts, then the global economic system almost certainly could survive for years to come.

But they can’t help themselves, like the scorpion. They have to keep squeezing. They have to continue to turn the tax offices into something more sinister and evil than anything seen since the Gestapo of World War II. By their character they have to keep foreclosing on people, even if they are up to date on their mortgage payments. They have to keep throwing people on the scrapheap by depriving them of any dignity of a decent job.

Why are the bankers so insane as to destroy their own system?

Why? Why are the bankers so insane? Because, until recently no one has genuinely taken them to task or called them to account. No one has reminded them of their original position within the global structure of power since the 16th century. No one has called out to remind the neo-cons and nihilists that such a system is an abomination of the rule of law as well as any form of Divine Law.

Of course, this is not the first time that bankers became so greedy as to destroy the very thing they craved. Remember the story of Jesus Christ at the Jerusalem Temple and the moneylenders?  What do you think a banker is? The word banc comes from the Latin and Italian for bench.  Money lenders would sit at benches at the market squares of cities and merchants would have to trade their currencies for the currency of the market before buying or selling goods. Bankers have always been the middle men, the ones why try to insert themselves between the normal and perfectly moral practices of exchanging goods and services.

How can the insanity of the bankers and financial collapse be avoided?

So how can a global economic system that puts people and not an idol called money at its heart be implemented quickly and effectively to avoid complete collapse? How can employment be increased in a meaningful way?

The steps are straight forward. But it requires the resolve of senior religious and political leaders.  Here are the ten steps to implementing a new global economic system within one hundred and forty four days – remembering that everything I am about to list will be resisted by the scorpions, or argued by their agents as technically impossible:

Step #1-Require all public officials to properly swear public oaths to the Declaration of Independence or similar document edifying the Golden Rule and Rule of Law and have such proper oaths recorded on the public record so that they are subject to fiduciary law and not as agents, to be done by every politician, every office holder, every prosecutor, every judge, every magistrate, every sheriff, etc. If officials do not operate under proper oaths, then they are neither officials nor is there any Rule of Law; and

Step #2-Repeal all laws granting immunity to officials, corporations, judges and politicians; and repeal those laws because those laws are contrary to the laws that give them authority. If a government has a law granting immunity from prosecution, it is contrary to Motu Proprio and the Golden Rule; and

Step #3-Restore all statutes against frauds and treason that ensured public officials cannot commit fraud, cannot steal and cannot get away with committing treason against their own people and get away with it; and

Step #4-Nationalize all bank account numbers, to then be created and administered by each county/council and then state so that account numbers become a public asset, so that each branch of government has a master list and banks only rent use of such accounts to provide commercial services. Furthermore, that no man or woman may be denied an account from which to buy and sell and live. This removes more than 50% of the power of private and commercial banks, eliminates fraud and forces banks to be accountable; and

Step #5-Nationalize all bank account clearance transactions so that no company may own the transactions themselves between bank accounts. This removes more than 40% of the power of private and commercial banks. When combined with Step #4, it allows any county, or city or state or nation to continue trading even if commercial banks collapse or seek to obstruct the interests of the community; and

Step #6-Repeal all laws granting private control of annuities (cestui que vie trusts and estates) created against citizens and return them to public administration away from private corporations including ensuring the benefits of such annuities are returning to the people as originally intended when created in 1791; and

Step #7-Create public central banks, that cannot be privatized using the annuities of the people as the assets to back a public currency and phase out all privately issued currencies for publicly backed currencies. You don’t have to change the designs of existing currencies, but merely create public banks that are not owned by private individuals and families; and use the public assets that are returned from having been stolen by the private people and allow that publicly backed money to be circulated without interest being charged to the people by the private bankers who profit through the stealing of the energy of the public; and

Step #8-Outlaw the bar associations creating financial instruments on court cases (such as bonds) and ensuring all officers of law have clean hands; and

Step #9-Outlaw commercial banks fractionalizing currency (creating currency out of thin air); and

Step #10-Outlaw commercial banks directly owning real property and restore clean hands policy for banks in financial transactions.

These ten steps would immediately and positively transform the economies of every nation on planet Earth. It would herald a restoring of balance without any banker feeling threatened that they will be dragged into the streets and hung up for their transgressions.

These ten steps are moral, they are perfectly atuned to Divine Will and are necessary steps. Whether or not people will respond only time will tell.

To all who continue to help thank you. To all who continue to find a way to donate and help Ucadia stay alive for another week or month, thank you again.

Until we speak next week, please be well, be safe. Thank you. Frank

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous information.

    Are you aware of Ellen Brown's Public Banking Institute? http://publicbankinginstitute.org/

    While she is an attorney, and most likely unaware of the "public trust", she has gained momentum and appears to know how to set up county and/or state banks. She has written about the incredibly successful public bank that was established in Australia after the Great Depression.
