Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Dangerous Secular Delusion: Why Nihilists still refuse to acknowledge the irrefutable proof the Divine Creator exists

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If you have been reading and listening to some of the stories firing across the Internet, then you might be aware of the fact that from the 1st of September this year (2013), one of the most historic and highest authority legal proclamations came into effect called a “Motu Proprio” by Pope Francis whereby the Rule of Law under the Golden Rule was re-established within the rank and file of the Holy See and Vatican for the first time in over one thousand years.

On this jurisdiction alone, it is an epic announcement and one that will have ramifications for decades to come. The Rule of Law being the Golden Rule as exemplified in Matthew 7:12 where Jesus Christ was supposed to have said “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets”, is to be found at the heart of every major ancient religion and many of the greatest and longest global empires.

Yet as we discussed at the end of July this year (2013) in the article Motu Proprio of Francis and why by Rule of Law means no one can be above the law, anyone who holds any form of office anywhere in the world - by virtue of the meaning of the terms office and authority -  is now bound to this edict whether they know it or not, or whether they like it or not. Or to put it more bluntly, every head of government and every government, every judge, magistrate, general and public servant is now bound to end corruption of the law and ensure the reintroduction of the Golden Rule as the Rule of Law.

As we said two weeks ago, this is no easy task. Whereas it took more than six thousand years for various civilizations to accumulate nearly 500,000 different laws by 1540, within two hundred and fifty years by 1799 another 500,000 new laws had been created, then by 1920 another ten million laws and from 1920 to the present day an astounding 100 million laws at least have been created, with less than 20% resembling anything approaching law and the Rule of Law. Instead, most of these millions of new laws have been about how to make money; how to screw the workers even more; how to privatize and steal public assets; how to grant further powers and privileges to an already privileged elite class.

There has been NO RULE OF LAW since at least 1801 as the merchants and moneylenders of London succeeded in orchestrating a coup to take control of the Crown of England through the Bank of England and granting all the politicians thereafter immunity from prosecution as the laws against fraud and treason were repealed.

There has been NO JUSTICE since at least the 1840’s as the Summary Justice Acts were introduced reversing the presumption of innocence to the presumption of guilt and later in the century privatizing the courts into their own corporations so that officers of law started to make money directly, secretly and corruptly from cases, then stopped making proper oaths of office and any form of judges, justices and magistrates disappeared from view.

There has been NO PROPER ACCOUNTING as required under Ius Patronatus and the laws of fiduciary administration since the 1930’s as the private commercial banks and privately controlled central banks have deliberately failed to balance the books against annuities, private (bank) notes issue, services and work. Instead, they have continued to pay themselves larger and larger bonuses in complete mockery to their obligations to the system.

There has been largely NO DUE PROCESS in the private commercial courts since the 1980’s as many countries, states, counties and council courts ritually fail to file proper original affidavits, signed complaints, signed warrants, while people continue to be arrested without charge, imprisoned without charge and any form of fairness and impartiality is gone.

Worst of all, there has been a steady tide of COMPLETE INCOMPETENCE since the 1990’s so that politicians have never been so corrupt and incompetent, members of the bar guilds have never been so ignorant of their own laws and bankers have never been as lazy and inept. 

In perfect concert with the deliberate, gradual and now complete destruction of the foundation of law, reasoned thinking, ethics and moral decency, competence and knowledge we see the rise of modern secularism as the “benign branding” of nihilism. For the past two hundred years, the merchants and money lender classes have promoted it into our schools, our universities, our hospitals, our political establishments and especially into philosophical bodies.

Yet far from acknowledging such mess and yielding to the supreme authority of the Motu Proprio of Pope Francis and the Universal Church to end such madness and restore Rule of Law, the leaders of Nihilism are desperately looking for ways to keep their precious mind virus. Indeed, the academic leaders of nihilistic philosophies such as Legal Realism, Psychology, Economics, Modern Philosophy, Postmodernism, Socialism, Communism, Modern Mathematics, Anthropology, Modern Education, Modern History, Political Science, Sociology and Criminology remain convinced they hold an unassailable position to control the mind of the world.

Make no mistake – Nihilism is the most dangerous disease to ever inflict the planet. Far from being “enlightened”, nihilistic thinking has helped spawn two world wars and several desperate attempts to start a third; Nihilistic philosophies have massively retarded the creativity and progress of the best and brightest – in complete contradiction to its false claims; Nihilism has destroyed the fabric of modern societies, families and communities; and It has promoted and supported a whole raft of addictions and distractions.  In fact you can go and view the 20 greatest lies of Nihilism from the home page of One-Evil.org.

Worst of all, it has morphed itself into pseudo spirituality and false theology in the forms of pseudo-Luciferianism and Christian-Zionism which has massively retarded the spiritual growth of our species. Yes, I am serious when I say, Nihilism has even found a way to morph itself not only into fake knowledge, but now fake religion as well, especially amongst certain extremist religious leaders in certain Christian Cults and Hasidic and Sabbatean philosophical leaders. These imposters who believe in nothing, worship nothing but power itself, have been feeding fake claims of Luciferian and Satanic revelations to the ruling elite for more than a century – and the ruling elite believed them. All of it complete rubbish.

So how did we come to this dangerous secular delusion? How did the most brilliant of minds in the world come to the position of refusing the irrefutable proof that the Divine Creator exists? When and how did such significant bodies as the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits – especially the Jesuits in North America – become the high priests of nihilism over the past two hundred years? And when and how will this most terrible of afflictions upon the civilized history finally be exorcised?

The rarity of genuine spiritual revelation

Any man or woman who feels they are mentally, emotionally and viscerally called a deeper relation with the Divine Creator cannot sustain such a divine mission on argument and rhetoric alone. No matter how cerebral our rationale for doing what we do, there is something almost primal when we seek to validate our faith in something more tangible, whether it be dream, vision, miracle or communal experience.

If you go to the website One-Evil.Org and visit the article on genuine prophecy on the home page then you will see that sadly very little genuine prophecy or revelation comes on a regular basis.  By “Prophecy” or “revelation” I mean the revealing, disclosure or testament from the Divine Creator by a messenger of some form of communication with one or more supernatural entities such as a deity or spiritual agent. 

In the article, four primary methods of revelation are outlined being (1) voice or written signs (2) visions (3) dreams and (4) inspiration. And if you were to study the accumulative history of prophecy and revelations even today, then some listening and reading would dispute the claim that revelation is rare and instead that it appears to be far more frequent and widespread.

If you are basing your analysis on the number of people who claim to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, or Mary, or Buddha or the Imam Mahdi, then yes, a never ending conga line of fakes, false preachers, bad healers, charlatans and just people with deep mental illness can be tracked throughout history. Even today, there are tens of thousands of people on the internet and around the world making a good living tricking other people by claiming to be Jesus Christ. Australia has a good half a dozen of these fake teachers alone at the moment.

Similarly, you could look at the accumulative writings of these people and conclude that there is a mountain of revelation and divinely inspired words.  That is, until you start to pick through the writings for the clues of genuine revelation versus fake revelation.

To the untrained eye and ear, fake revelation may sound like the real thing and profound. But there are clear signs of difference:

(1) True revelation supports the Golden Rule, Rule of Law, Justice and is never against it. If claimed revelation contradicts the golden rule, it is fake; and

(2) True revelation builds upon the collective wisdom, parables and higher maxims found throughout all cultures and civilizations. If claimed revelations contradict ancient maxims of wisdom (consistent with Golden rule), it is probable fake; and

(3) True revelation is pure condensed knowledge, imparting deep learning, practical application and deep wisdom. If claimed revelations are confusing, hollow, deliberately vague and meaningless then it is almost certainly fake;  and

(4) True revelation has multiple meanings (multi-dimensional), all of which do not contradict each other. Fake revelations are inevitably simplistic, stereotypical and dogmatic; and

(5) True revelation does not come through the use or abuse of substances

False revelation is inevitably one dimensional, speaking in terms of good versus evil, of God versus Devil, of physical end of the world and sometime even the inclusion of man-made doctrinal positions that are clearly less than the claimed deity from which a vision is alleged.

In almost every single claimed revelation by the Virgin Mary, this kind of one dimension, simplistic and stereotypical symbolism is present. The same may be said for the alleged Sabbatean and Hasidic prophets as well as the religious right leaders in the United States who claim to receive regular “revelations”.

Genuine revelation on the other hand has a particular presence to it, with each and every word possessing deep meaning, a universal application of spirit, without simplistic euphemisms or cliché and a authority supported by the timing, the way the message is delivered and context. In other words, genuine revelation is much harder to “confect” by those wishing for fame, manipulation, money, fortune or influence.

As a result, genuine revelation is extremely rare, with less than a dozen examples over several thousands of years compared to tens of thousands of false claims.

If you want to read some of the most famous true and false prophecies for the past two thousand years, then mid way through the article you can link to reading about the prophecies of the popes, of Mithraism, of Revelation, of Mormonism, the Prophecies of Kew, the Prophecies of Nostradamus, of Edgar Cayce, of Fatima, of Sabbateanism, of Hasidism and the various famous prophecies of the Virgin Mary.

Given the rarity of genuine spiritual revelation, how have men and women then who feel they have a genuine calling to the Divine Creator satisfied their need to believe, to prove the existence of God? The answer is the discipline known as Theology. 

Theology and the intellectual search for the Divine

Up until the last two hundred years and the ascendency of the plague of Nihilism promoted by the merchants and money lenders, it is a feature of virtually every generation that the best and brightest sought to find answers as to the proof of the mind, nature and existence of the Divine Creator. 

The term to describe the academic, rhetoric and logical aspects of Divine nature is called Theology from theologia (θεολογία) which derived from theos (Θεός), meaning "God," and -logia (-λογία),meaning utterances, sayings, or oracles. Thus Theology is both the study of the Divine as well as the study of the utterances and sayings of the Divine Revelation.

The New Advent Encyclopedia defines Theology as “the scientific knowledge of God and Divine things. If defined as the science concerning God (doctrina de Deo), the name of theology applies as well to the philosophical knowledge of God, which is cast into scientific form in natural theology or theodicy (the justification of God).”

From such a wonderful definition and the millions upon millions of words written in support of theology over the past one thousand years, Theology still rests largely on only five arguments being Cosmological, Teleological, Ontological, Moral and Belief.

The Cosmological Argument states that the universe could not exist on its own and that something must have caused its creation. Thus the first cause is the Divine Creator. 

The Teleological Argument states that the objects of the world have been intentionally arranged with such great wisdom it could not have been through a random even and thus only through some great intelligent power (Divine Creator) could such an intelligent design exist

The Ontological Argument states that the fact that as one can imagine the greatest being imaginable implies through such conception that the Divine Creator exists as is that greatest being possible.

The Moral Law Argument states that without the Divine Creator, morality would be impossible as there must be a lawgiver who originates and stands by moral law as such laws cannot exist accidentally.

The Belief Argument states that as one believes in the existence of the Divine is an irrefutable proof and if many belief in the existence of the Divine Creator implies the Divine Creator must exist.

Now there is substantially more words that could be applied to describing these five essential arguments concerning Theology. The point is, these still remain the foundations of modern Christian theological and monotheistic thought.

So what happened? Enter then the Age of Enlightenment, the rise of Humanism, Secularism and of course the tentacles of Nihilism more than three hundred years ago that saw the fatal weaknesses in these arguments and thus used their defeat as the rallying cry to recruit members to a new religion that exists within every other body.

Nihilistic attacks against Theology

Four hundred years ago philosophers like Baruch Spinoza (b.1632-d.1677), Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (b.1646-d.1716), Immanuel Kant (b.1724-d.1804) and Fichte Georg Friedrich Hegel (b.1770-d.1831) saw by applying the tools of rhetoric and logic, the could apply a blow torch to the traditional pillars of Theology and reduce them to absurdities, falsities and fallacies. That is exactly what they did.

On the Cosmological Argument, the high priests of nihilism have successfully highlighted the incompleteness and flaw by relying on first cause and impossibility of self creation as there are ample examples in science of self generation;

On the Teleological Argument more commonly known as “Intelligent Design”, the argument has successfully been refuted by demonstrating the power of natural selection and game theories of optimization as well as reducing the argument to absurdity of “who designed the designer?” as well as parody on those who have responded to nihilistic attacks by adopting “extreme creationist” views; 

On the Ontological Argument, the claim that just because one conceives of an omnipotent God does not mean it is fact;

On the Moral Law Argument, modern ethics has been wholly successful in demonstrating the general amorality (lack of moral bias not immorality) of the Universe and thus the lack of any inherent Biblical Construct of a large man with a white beard, counting how many times someone masturbates, or curses or smokes pot;

On the Belief Argument, the nihilist response has been especially cruel in demonstrating just because we believe something does not make it true even if millions believe such as the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy or Father Christmas has been brutally successful.

In the meantime, philosophers of sciences such as Renne Descartes and Isaac Newton were proving more and more the brilliance of the universe and material world and thus reducing the mystery historically ascribed to the Divine Creator. Like the slow deflation of a balloon, the mystical and romantic notion of an omnipotent Divine Creator was being replaced by a feckless anachronism whose usefulness other than as a means of imposing fear and control was questionable.

This is where Nihilism started to enter the ranks of the best and brightest minds such as the Jesuit Order and why in the United States of America, the American Jesuits have remained such high priests of nihilism for so long, until now. It was not that such people who were willing to devote their lives under poverty, obedience and humility to higher cause had rejected their vows, it was that at a moment of crisis of faith, their intellect and hearts were ensnared by the sirens of Nihilistic philosophy.

To be fair, if you look at the main nihilistic philosophies such as Legal Realism, Psychology, Economics, Modern Philosophy, Postmodernism, Socialism, Communism, Modern Mathematics, Anthropology, Modern Education, Modern History, Political Science, Sociology and Criminology then virtually all of them speak of the common good, the ideal of a better world and a world free of superstitions and ignorance.  But when it comes to their practical implementation of those ideals, the opposite is true.

Yet for not just decades but centuries now there has been little stopping the train called Nihilism. Not simply because of a lack of effective rhetoric but the immense influence that scientific discovery and thought has played in the debate.

It is why Nihilists are obsessed in quoting statistics and claimed scientific proof in their arguments as if the demonstration of such claims is proof alone. It is also why, in the absence of such proof, the confidence in rhetoric or the art of logical argument has progressively died along with respect of Rule of Law, Justice and Due Process to where we find ourselves today.

So to say that Nihilists, especially all those across the Jesuit order, especially those in the United States will agree and obey it is time to re-establish the Rule of Law and Justice, is not so certain. Unless, compelling arguments are presented on fundamentally new pillars of theology, nihilism is merely in a state of re-tooling, re-equiping and readying for a fight back. 

So that can we say, based on the 28 years of research of the Ucadia Model and the almost 19 years full time on its development?  Well quite a bit. To this end, I offer you the five pillars of Modern Theology.

The Five Pillars of Modern Theology

The Five Pillars of Modern Theology are five arguments that are virtually irrefutable as to the scientific and categoric proof of the existence of the Divine Creator. Here they are:

Proof of General Existence states that the mere existence of an idea is sufficient to validate itself, regardless of whether it is considered true or false to other ideas. Only ideas that cannot be named, nor described may be said to have no existence. Thus the Divine Creator may be proven to have General Existence.

Proof of Material Existence states that existence of the Universe depends upon both rules and matter. Neither matter without rules or rules without matter can exist in Universal reality. The only answer is that rules can exist on their own “in theory”. The only example of a system whereby rules exist “in theory” and then rules and matter exist “in reality” is the relation between a Dreamer and a Dream. Therefore, the Divine Creator may be said to be the Divine Dreamer and the Dream and thus the Divine Creator is proven to have Material Existence.

Proof of Absolute Existence states that the argument of existence itself depends on at least an Observer and the Object observed to hold true. Therefore, for the Objective Universe to exist, there must be a Universal Observer. This paradox is answered through the Divine Creator as the absolute Dreamer and the Universe as the absolute Dream and thus the Divine Creator is proven to have Absolute Existence. 

Proof of Standard Model states that the existence of a Standard Model of Everything whereby all universal laws, levels of matter, properties and values based on simple fundamental laws repeated at each level of matter may be defined without contradiction to itself and all key scientific measurement would be an unprecedented historic and scientific achievement of immense global implications. Furthermore, if such a Standard Model were to base its first law on the existence of the Divine Creator and that the whole Standard Model could not hold without this law, then such a Standard Model itself would be overwhelming proof of the existence of the Divine Creator unless a model of greater design, perfection and completeness was able to refute such a fundamental assertion. As the seven (7) UCA patents and the UCADIA model prove the existence of this Standard Model, the Divine Creator is conclusively and scientifically proven to exist.

Proof of Dimension states that dimension is the canvas upon which all material existence depends and that almost every conscious being experiences the creation of dimension first hand through their mind whenever they think or dream. All dimension is non-locational in that it has no material existence and dimension can only be created by conscious observable thought. Therefore the existence of Dimension is proof of the existence of the Universal Dream Dimension of the Divine Dreamer and thus proof of the existence of the Divine Creator.

The Refusal of the Nihilists to acknowledge the Divine Creator exists

In presenting these Five Pillars being the Proof of General Existence, the Proof of Material Existence, the Proof of Absolute Existence, the Proof of Standard Model and the Proof of Dimension, which I have done now for nearly two decades, I can state with confidence the following:

Those who represent senior members of the various philosophies of Nihilism have steadfastly refused to engage and respond with any cohesive and concerted and intelligent response to these arguments.  It is as if they refuse to acknowledge the existence of Ucadia and the nearly one million web pages.

Secondly, the mind virus of Nihilism is so threatened by these arguments that when confronted, the response is personal, childish, and desperate.

My hope then is that as people are called to stand and review their own philosophies across the world that more and more will admit they have been under the spell and effects of the mind virus of nihilism and that they will finally acknowledge that the Divine Creator does exist, that the proof is overwhelming and that it is time for changes and the restoration of the law.

To those that know already thank you. To those who find ways to donate and continue to support Ucadia, a special thank you. To all those who took the time to read and listen to this blog, thank you and I wish you well.


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