Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Where do I start? A much needed introduction to Ucadia

Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here   (60 min 20  Mb)

Hello and thanks for reading and listening to the Ucadia blog for this week (the 30th of October 2013) entitled “Where do I start? A much needed introduction to Ucadia”. Tonight, I want to provide to all who read or listen a much needed and much requested introduction to Ucadia – what is Ucadia about?  How to approach the information on Ucadia?  Where to start?  Why the Ucadia model exists?  What is its purpose?  Why bother reading it at all?  And, of course answer some of the myths and rumors that may exist about Ucadia.

In the end, I hope that tonight, after many of you have requested that we do a kind of “back to basics” introduction about Ucadia, that both this blog and audio provide you and anyone who comes to Ucadia for the first time, some clear answers to the most common questions as well as a place to start, a place where you can refer people to come and listen if they have questions, or are not so sure about what they may have heard or read about the Ucadia model.  So if you are new to Ucadia, if you have been speaking or writing with people about Ucadia, then please can I suggest you refer them to read and listen to this blog first in the hope that Ucadia starts to make more sense to them and then they have a kind of road map and guide by which to continue to read, or listen if they wish.

Let’s get started then by dividing blog and audio tonight into three main parts: The first being, “What is Ucadia?”  The second part is, “Why bother reading/listening about Ucadia? What can it do for me?”   The third and final part is, “OK, so where do I start with Ucadia?  How do I find the information I need?  And where can I get help?”

With this in mind, let’s start with Part 1- What is Ucadia?

Part 1 – What is Ucadia?

Ucadia is in essence simply an Idea: An Idea about an Idea about an Idea.  It is also a model.  And it is also a system.  The Ucadia model doesn’t claim to be fact because as an Idea it can only ever be considered fiction.  The Ucadia model doesn’t claim to be historically accurate because as an Idea it can only be considered a story.  Nor does Ucadia claim to be scientific because as an Idea it does not rely on technical arguments of proof but on one’s own cognitive abilities of reason and common sense.

Of course, the statement “Ucadia is an Idea about an Idea about an Idea” may be a bit cryptic for some.  Another way of saying the same phrase would be “Ucadia is Unique Collective Awareness” or “Ucadia is Awareness Loves Life” or “Ucadia is an Idea about the Existence of Self” or “Ucadia is an Idea about the Purpose of Our Existence”.  These are all valid examples of describing the same phrase “Ucadia is an Idea about an Idea about an Idea”.  So before we get stuck on some esoteric merry-go-round, let’s define what is meant by the word Idea.

The word Idea comes from the Ancient Greek philosophies of Socrates, Plato and even Aristotle from ἰδέα (idea) meaning a “notion or pattern” and εἴδω (eidō) meaning, “I see; or foresight, sight and oversight or as the Greek’s described it, pronoia, metanoia and epinoia”.

Under the philosophy of Plato from more than 2300 years ago that still underpins the entire Western-Roman world we live in today, an idea is considered an abstract archetype or “model” of a given thing, compared to which real-life examples are seen as imperfect approximations.  In other words, an idea is considered the “pure essence of something” whereas its form in reality as a model is a “lesser version”. 

For some, it might seem a weird way of viewing the world where thought is considered the more powerful and reality the pale imitation.  Yet then again, literally every manufactured or crafted object around you was at one time an idea in someone’s head. You literally live in an entire world, and an entire matrix of models born from ideas.

To be clear, when we use the word “model” we mean simply “an idea that has been put into action”.  So, your car is a model, your home is a model, your clothes are models, your foods are models, your television, your computer and so on.  You are surrounded by and use thousands of models every day.

Yet models being “ideas put into action” are much more than the physical form.  Some of our most important models are those dealing with how we think about ourselves and the world around us and how we communicate.  You use models of language to communicate with others; you use models of religious and philosophical thought to gain a sense of who you are, why you are here, where you come from and why?  You use models of culture and history and science and politics and even models of thinking to determine what interests you or not.

Money is just a model.  So are bank accounts and jobs and companies.  So hopefully now you see that when we speak of Ideas and Models, we are really speaking about the essence and fabric of everything around us, millions and millions of ideas and models representing the world you live in.

When models work closely with one another, then this is often called a system.  So for example, society can be viewed as a series of interconnected systems such as: an education system, an industrial system, an agricultural system, a political system, a security system, a health system, a welfare system, a legal system as a few examples.

There is nothing inherently evil or diabolical about the concept of systems.  The universe may be described as a complex array of systems. Our planet and our life support vessel is clearly a series of highly specialized interconnected systems of oceans and atmospheres, and electro-magnetic fields and land masses, and ecosystems.

Now the other important thing about ideas and models and systems is that most of the models we use are adopted-- that is someone else invented them or created them.  We just happen to use them.  You didn’t write the Bible – yet you may well subscribe to it as a core model.  The same might be said for the Holy Qur’an or many other sacred texts.  Similarly, you did not write the Declaration of Independence, yet you may feel very strongly about this model as a key foundation of society.

Similarly again, you did not write the statutes that created the Federal Reserve System in America in 1913, or the Charter of the Bank for International Settlements in 1931.  Yet, you may find modern fiat money a very useful representation of energy and would love to have more.  You did not create the transport system or the financial system where you live, but I am sure you have used such systems frequently.

And that is the point I am trying to make – the vast majority of models and systems you use in your every day life to live and make sense of your existence are adopted ideas invented by someone else.  As far as you are concerned and most people are concerned so long as the models and system work then we are happy to adopt and use them.

But what happens when these models and systems don’t work?  What happens when the models and systems we have adopted are deliberately designed to harm us and to imprison our minds, to deliberately make us feel less, to feel worthless, to steal our energy and to keep us in a perpetuate state of superficiality or fear or consumer addiction?  What do we do then?

Also, why don’t we replace certain models or systems when they don’t seem to work?  Why do we hang on to the very last minute?  Why are people prepared to literally “die in the trenches” defending ideas and models and systems which they did not invent and only adopted?

Well, the answer is that as a society we do change models and systems that do not work and as individuals, we do change our ideas and models over time.  This is clear from what we know and can trust from history.  But one of the biggest obstacles to change is not necessarily the willingness for change, but the absence of a superior model or system capable of delivering the change we need and expect.

Look at the examples of crushed hope under President Barak Obama.  Here we see people were overwhelmingly seeking change and President Obama promised he would deliver the changes to models and systems we needed and expected.  Instead, he did none of that.  In response to the corporate theft, corruption of the banks and their direct and clear responsibility for the global financial crisis, President Obama and his administration have made sure not a single banker has gone to prison and that the firms primarily responsible – excluding Chase Manhattan Bank – have been forced to compensate for their lies and theft.  And worst of all, the financial regulation today  means there is less oversight even with the watered down Dodd-Frank Bill than before the collapse.

Why?  Why have we not seen lasting change in Africa and the Middle East after what was called the Arab Spring?  Why the continued let down after people vote for change and call for change?  Well, some might dive straight into excuses around the nature of people and politicians, or even blame the voters for having “too ambitious” expectations.

I prefer to quote Henry Paulson, the diabolical insider who succeeded in getting over 700 billion dollars of unregulated, untraced funds of public energy to the banks at the start of the financial crisis.  When confronted with the crisis and whether it would be better for the banks to collapse, Henry Paulson told President Bush and those doubting aides, “You may not like us, but keeping us alive the only choice you have.  There is no alternative”.  That is the thing about change – if you don’t have the model to facilitate change, then all you are left with is lipstick on the pig and a shiny new coat of paint.

So before we go any further, lets recap what we have said Ucadia is and what this means.  At the beginning of this first part, I explained very simply that Ucadia is an Idea as well as a Model and as well as a System developed by Frank O’Collins over now 19 years virtually full time from ideas that were first conceived nearly 29 years ago.  Furthermore, we explained that the world is made up of literally millions of ideas and models, invented by all kinds of people and that when these models have often brought together to form systems.  Finally, we have discussed that when models and systems fail to perform properly anymore, then usually the catalyst for lasting change only occurs when there is a real alternative model and system to replace it.

How often does this happen?  Well, it turns out not very often.  Fundamental revisions to major systems of society that actually improve the situation have become less and less frequent.  One would have to go back to the 1930’s in some countries as the United States to actually find landmark statutes that improved the quality of life of people, rather than making things worse.  This is in direct contrast to bloated nihilist works of madness such as the Georgetown-inspired mind virus of the Patriot Act in 2001 or another Georgetown Nihilistic Disaster such as the Obamacare Bill.

Major life changing technology ideas and models seem to emerge around once every fifteen to thirty years such as the internet, or the portable multimedia devices or microprocessors, or mobile phones etc.  However, major changes in the way society may think about key issues or approach key areas of thought seem to happen at a much slower pace.  One of the reasons for the slowness of change is the huge complexity of modern society.  Take the United States for example – there is estimated to be something like 60 million laws across the three levels of local, state and federal government in the United States alone.  The US Code project currently runs at 51 Titles and over 200,000 pages.  In other words, if you managed to read one hundred pages a day for every day, it would still take you five and half years to read the US Codes once!

Back to Ucadia as the Ucadia Idea and the Ucadia Model and the Ucadia System, what does this actually mean about Ucadia?  It means quite a lot.  Now that we know what an Idea is and what a Model is and what a System is, let me provide some more information on what Ucadia is also.  The following is a bit long, so please bear with me explaining exactly what Ucadia is:

UCADIA is a system of models of knowledge, beliefs, law, economics, finance and money, language, learning and prosperity over 60+ websites and more than 1 million web pages designed to help people and communities restore the health and well being of their lives, their families and societies, improve the quality and balance of life and the fulfilment of the promise of “heaven on earth” to this planet.  How does Ucadia do this?  These are the components of Ucadia across those 60+ websites and more than a million webpages, namely: 

+ The Journey of Unique Collective Awareness which is twenty three (23) chapters providing an overview of the key philosophies and ideas of Ucadia on Ucadia.com in expanding outwards your knowledge towards the nature, meaning and mind of Unique Collective Awareness; and 

+ The Journey of Self also on Ucadia.com which is twenty three (23) chapters providing an overview of the key philosophies and ideas of Self in diving deeper inwards to your knowledge towards our nature, our thinking, our being and our future and connection to Unique Collective Awareness; and 

+ The keystone known as the Ucadian Will and Testament by which men and women one at a time perfect their will, personal accountability and competency as well as an unbreakable covenant with the Divine Creator upon which all validity of any and all society rests; and 

+ The foundation of twenty two (22) collections of the most sacred texts of history and the future known as Maxima Textibus Sacris; and 

+ A structure of eleven (11) of the most sacred covenants and charters in history borne from the sacred covenant known as Pactum De Singularis Caelum or Covenant of One Heaven; and 

+ Twenty two (22) Books of Canon Laws by which all maxims and principles of law are to be found and sourced including: Divine Law, Natural Law, Cognitive Law, Positive Law, Ecclesiastical Law, Bioethics Law, Sovereign Law, Fiduciary Law, Administrative Law, Economic Law, Monetary Law, Civil Law, Education Law, Food & Drugs Law, Industry Law, Urban Law, Company Law, Technology Law, Trade Law, Security Law, Military Law and International Law and almost half are up on the system now and all the structures are in place; and 

+ Thirty Three (33) Codes of Law derived from the twenty two (22) Books of Canon Law and the Covenants by which any sized community may restore law, competency, and heal systems, processes, efficiencies for sustainable prosperity and harmony including: Agriculture Code, Banking Code, Budget & Finance Code, Building & Construction Code, Civil Code, Communications & Media Code, Company Code, Criminal Code, Culture & Entertainment Code, Education Code, Elections Code, Emergency Code, Employment Code, Energy Code, Environment Code, Executive Code, Fitness & Health Code, Food & Drugs Code, Industry Code, Infrastructure Code, Judicial Code, Knowledge Systems Code, Legislative Code, Military Code, Police Code, Prevention & Sanitation Code, Prison Code, Revenue Code, Service Code, Technology Code, Temporary Assistance Code, Trade Code and Transport Code; and 

+ Over seven thousand (7,000) forms defined and associated with the thirty-three Codes of Law enabling any sized community to operate efficiently and successfully with the forms divided into twenty-six primary categories being (AA)-Agriculture and Environment Forms, (BB)-Banking and Financial Services Forms, (CC)-Company Forms, (DD)-Disease Prevention and Sanitation Forms, (EE)-Education Forms, (FF)-Food and Drugs Forms, (GG)-Executive Government Forms, (HH)-Health and Fitness Forms, (II)-Industry, Infrastructure and Energy Forms, (JJ)-Justice Services Forms, (KK)-Budget, Revenue and Treasury Forms, (LL)-Sovereign, Foreign and Legislative Forms, (MM)-Military Forms, (NN)-Trade Forms, (OO)-Civil Service Forms, (PP)-Police and Emergency Forms, (QQ)-Ecclesiastical Law Forms, (RR)-Culture and Entertainment Forms, (SS)-Members Forms, History and Community Forms, (TT)-Transport, Communications and Travel Forms, (UU)-Building and Construction Forms, (VV)-Elections Forms, (WW)-Employment and Temporary Assistance Forms, (XX)-Civil Law Forms, (YY)-Criminal Law Forms and (ZZ)-Technology and Knowledge Systems Forms; and 

+ A Complete financial system and structure of assets, currencies, treasuries and banks called the Ucadia Financial System capable of transforming the present debt-slavery based system into a credit-personal responsibility system of the planet within 60 to 140 days of implementation.

That is what Ucadia is; it is immense.   It is enormous.  Now that we have explained Part 1- What is Ucadia? And given references to more information that explains what Ucadia is, lets discuss Part 2 – which is, “Why bother reading/listening about Ucadia?  What can Ucadia do for me?”

Part 2 – Why bother reading/listening about Ucadia? What can Ucadia do for me?

There are plenty of people who make huge claims surrounding their ideas and models. That is not the point of this second part.  Instead, I want to speak frankly and honestly to specific benefits of considering reading and studying keys parts of the Ucadian model, even if you never get around to reading most of the systems and tools.

The first and primary key benefit of what Ucadia can do for you is to help you know truly who and what you are.  How many times have you heard people say – “oh but you could be so much more if you just follow this, or do that?”  Or how many times have people told you “don’t bother, you can’t win, you can’t achieve those kind of dreams”?  I get attacked all the time and you might too.  The thing is in life there are always plenty of people willing to offer free advice on why something can’t be done, on why we are worthless, or hopeless, or wrong.  But precious few offer some tangible knowledge that gives us a better way of perceiving ourselves.

With Ucadia, you can do this from several ways:

+You can go the website www.ucadia.com and take the Journey of UCA and the Journey of Self, which provides a perspective on life, our existence, our purpose and why?

+If you like stories, you could start with the Book of the Green Race, also known as Lebor Clann Glas – even though it is still being finalized – by going to the website one-heaven.org and selecting sacred texts and selecting Lebor Clan Glas.  You have an opportunity to read a story that begins from more that 10,000 years ago to ultimately less than 500 years ago.  It doesn’t need supernatural and it doesn’t describes magic, but it describes a series of events and consequences where the thoughts, ideas, actions, and in particular philosophies can be seen and the consequences of those thoughts and ideas can be seen to ripple sometimes over hundreds of years, and in some cases over thousands of years until the present day.   

+If you have small children and you are looking for a way to give some sense of the world to those children,  or give some sense to the world in a simple way, then you might look at the text Tara under the sacred texts at www.one-heaven.org and the 50-plus parables that exist there.  All those parables have a clear, divine message and a clear model purpose that does not create conflict and that does not contort, warp or create a conflict within ourselves.  Every one of those parables gives us an ultimate truth of our purpose and our reason.  

+If you are facing issues and you are trying to make sense of what is going on if you have legal or financial issues, then you might start with these blogs like this one here on blog.ucadia.com where you have the change to hear from a range of issues.  Sometimes the discussions are in a series and sometimes they are a single discussion.  But, from last year you can find as resources both as a written article and as an audio, a rich vein of information relating to how one may choose to conduct oneself when facing court and how one deals with certain paperwork when facing legal and financial issues and things to consider regarding what not to do when facing a crisis.  

+You may be somewhat interested in understanding the nature and origin of law and the origin and underpinning of maxims of law.  In that case you have look at the canons on www.one-heaven.org and see the substance behind those maxims, and those principles of law that we can find in virtually every civilization, especially the Golden Rule, the Rule of Law, that no one is above the law.  

+You may find with the difficulties and frustrations of life that you are feeling and the emotion, and that you are not necessarily facing a legal crisis, and you may not even be facing a financial crisis, but what you need is something that helps sooth the soul and heals the heart.  In that case you may find words in the prayers in the collection of prayers that are located on the home page of www.one-heaven.org.  

+You could start listening to the Talkshoe calls on Talkshoe.com call 90342  or you could start listening and reading these blogs on http://blog.ucadia.com.

So there is a range of possibilities and potential ideas that may help you with a range of those points.  I have only given you a snapshot, but I hope that it is a snapshot that shows there is a wide variety and utility of information associated with Ucadia.  Ucadia is not simply all about philosophy, all about law, all about religion.  I hope that makes sense.   Whatever way you choose, if you start from this position, then chances are you should pick up pretty quick that the Ucadia Model considers you to be a key part of the universe and not something to be discarded or ignored or thrown away.

OK, so now that we have explained in some detail, then, “Why it is worth reading and listening about Ucadia?  What can Ucadia do for me?”  Let’s have a look at the third and final part of the blog and audio today on, “Where do I start with Ucadia?  How do I find the information I need? And where can I get help?”

Part 3 – Where do I start with Ucadia? How do I find the information I need? And where can I get help?

Before we get into this let me categorize. Where do you find the information you need? And Where can you get help?   I want to start with the first and most important and relevant which is urgent legal and financial problems.  To answer this, we need to categorize into some basic categories the kind of reason someone is coming to have a look at Ucadia.

Urgent Legal and Financial Problems 

Now if you are someone facing urgent and pressing legal and financial problems and you have come to Ucadia because someone told you there are some remedies, or you heard someone talk about it, or you’ve heard some previous audios or articles by Frank O’Collins which you believe the way you hear it or read it implies some immediate legal remedies.  We need to be very, very clear – there are no easy remedies, nor are there easy fill in the forms and forget type systems listed on Ucadia.  Where forms do exist they should be part of a longer term strategy and commitment to competence and self knowledge lie:  an estate, will and testament and charter emancipating ourselves as slaves.  These are not quick and easy fixes, nor are the materials on estates appropriate for urgent legal and financial problems.  They are not appropriate.  

Yes there are blogs and audios on relevant material and on the subject of court matters and issues that you will find through the website http://blog.ucadia.com yet none of its claims to be a quick fix or a silver bullet or a magic cure.  It’s up to you to look at the topic.  Just look at the index at blog.ucadia.com and you will see that there are more than a dozen audios and detailed blogs that provide relevant information if you are facing present issues.  I want to be clear again:  there is no quick-fix.  There is no silver bullet or magic cure.

If you are in a crisis and you are far from competent with legal matters and you are looking for some kind of solution separate to appointing a lawyer then you are at a very real risk of committing grave errors and making issues manifestly worse by rushing around trying to type and print pieces of paper in the belief that paper alone will save you.  Why do I say this?  

Please hear what I am saying.  Literally, there are hundreds of people in prison right this moment, who started off thinking they could save their home or get off a credit card debt by following one particular guru or another claimed remedy guru or mixing remedies who in the end committed all kinds of felonies and stupid actions because they didn’t think about what they were doing.  They were far from competent in what they were doing.  They simply argued that some kind of remedy is better than none.

Emancipation from slavery and mind virus

If you listen to the dozen or so audios you will find on blog.ucadia.com that address such issues as the rule of law, justice, affidavits, and forms, then I have no doubt that the information in some large part will be of direct assistance.   But it may well not be enough at the eleventh hour for you in this particular instance to save your home, stop a debt or stop an issue you are fishing.  What I do hope is that you do not make your situation manifestly worse by following people who promise you silver bullets and promise you remedies and encourage you to write pieces of paper and sent them off.  

That is the short term.  In the medium term there are definitely things you will find at  Ucadia that can help you and that is what we are going to talk about.  Ucadia is many things as an idea and one of the most important things that Ucadia is, is a model of restoring the law.  And there is a light, a measure, something that we can use as a rule finally that can make sense of what we face in a system based on piracy and corruption.  And that is the Golden Rule; the Golden Rule is the Rule of Law.  It states that no one is above the law and all are equal before the law and no one stands between you and the Divine and no one may claim your body mind and spirit, nor may they steal your energy.  These are the essential components behind the procedures of reclaiming our rights and  of clearly stating the claims of our rights in the proper management of our estate.  

Again on the blog.ucadia.com audios you will find a series on what a trust is and what an estate is.  You will also find on www.one-heaven.org under positive law detailed canons as regards to what Trusts and Estates are.  You will also find under the Covenant of One Heaven, Pactum de Singularis Caelum definitions of Rule of law and Justice in Article 17 and Trusts and Estates in Article 19.   And you will find the Will and Testament on Article 36, and Funds, Money, Capital and Gold on Article 37.   

You will also find the templates referred to in the 3-part audio series on blog.ucadia.com on the website, www.restorelaw.com.  If you listen to the 3-part series on Estates that you will find on blog.ucadia.com and if you read the articles I mentioned, then you will see, I have no doubt, the significance when we clearly bring forward and pronounce to the Universe, the Divine Creator, to the Earth, and to all that we are not slaves, we are not things, we are not energy batteries for a Matrix.  

Only you can make that decision and until you make that active choice then whether you like it or not, it can be argued by your non-action that you accept you position in a corrupt system of law which we have explained again in the audios at blog.ucadia.com that the present system regards you as a thing, as a battery, as a consumer.  Consumer is the modern word for slave.  So over the medium term, the structure of www.one-heaven.org , the structure of the other covenants, the canons, and of the codes can help you in the emancipation of your own position.  

The third thing that Ucadia offers, when people are willing and able to come together in trust and in competence, is to form communities of respect and law that are then able to use the codes, forms and tools of Ucadia in forming valid societies.  This is the 3rd area and this is something in coming years as we look forward to seeing that the model has been completed and that societies whether they exist today or wish to reconstitute themselves or whether people come together and form such societies, then these tools are available to be used.

So there are the three major areas where Ucadia and help you if you face urgent legal or financial problems, if you wish to emancipate yourself from the existing system apart from the knowledge of self and thirdly, the support of communities.  


There are many things you will hear about Ucadia because of its size, how long it has taken to build.  There are many things you will hear about Frank O’Collins as well.  The fact is that I am not a member or affiliate of any political, religious or secret society, group or association.   Nor has any political, religious, or secret society, group or association had anything to do with the construct of the Ucadia model.  

For the vast majority of period of 19 years except for the last year and a bit, I have been able to personally fund and sacrifice every single cent, every single cent, of my life and my energy into building this.  It was not done for profit, fame, glory, but because we need this and we need an alternative.  We need something that is going to help us.  In more recent times I am eternally grateful for those who have been able to help and contribute roughly 10-15% of the expenses of Ucadia and in people finding a way to helping however they could also support.  

There are many things people will say.  It is easy for people to sit on the sidelines and throw mud.  This is not something new.  There have always been those kinds of people who are belittlers, haters, attackers, jealous and negative and who wish to blame others for their position and who look for any reason to stop something, to destroy something.  If they cannot control it, there are people who would rather see it never, never work.  The world doesn’t need more people like that.  

What the world needs is ideas, models and systems.  It needs the kinds of models, ideas and systems that present a comprehensible alternative to the madness that we live in today. 

That is all that Ucadia is.  It is a model for goodness sake; it’s an idea.   There is no deep, malevolent intention; it is an idea whose time has come.  If you read and I hope you do, beyond the disinformation that people throw around then you will see that it is an idea.  As a model if there are things that are not right, it will be fixed.   

At the end of the day what the Ucadia model allows us to do is find answers, to help ourselves and to help others.  We have an alternative.  We are not alone; we are not abandoned.  We are not looking into the abyss saying there is nothing we can do.  There is something we can do and if people don’t want to help, they don’t want to help.   That’s fine.  That is history as well.  If you cannot help, thank you.   For those who have helped I cannot thank you enough.  It is because of your help that this model has survived to now because I can tell you that it has never been harder than it has been the last year and a half, particularly with the maliciousness, the negativity and the constant attack of people who are absolutely riddled with mind virus.  

The Ucadia model will be finished.  The Sacred Texts will be finished.  I hope you can continue if you can to help, support and read.  I hope you find it useful.  I hope you find this outline of Ucadia and the introduction of what it is and why, how to approach the information useful.  Until we speak next time, please be well and be safe.   

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