Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Three Ages of the Illuminati and the Damnation of the World

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Hello, this is Frank O’Collins for Thursday the 8th of May, 2014.  Thanks very much for listening.  The topic tonight is The Three Ages of the Illuminati and the Damnation of the World.  The reason I chose the topic of The Three Ages of the Illuminati tonight is in discussions with a couple of people about this continuing question, this unknown sense of whether or not people in positions of power and authority have in any way awakened, realized the unprecedented sound for change or whether we are just witnessing window dressing and that it is very much business as usual.

Like many of you, and I hope you are also an optimist, I approach Ucadia each day and I approach what I am doing each day thanks to your help and support with an optimism to the future that people are waking up and we are seeing change and that thinks are improving somehow despite everything that is being done particularly by Wall Street and groups like the Sovereign Knights of Malta.  

I am also a realist and some people might not agree; certain blogs and sites might question that.  But, I am, believe it or not, a realist.  Whilst we see a change in the new Pope, whilst we might see a change in other leaders, we are still seeing things like the Ukraine crisis, still seeing the fact that not a single senior banker has been put in prison.  Not a single thief and pirate that has caused untold damage in the unlawful seizure of homes in American, Europe and United Kingdom has gone to prison.  

Those same usual suspects remain very much in control.  This begs the question:  how little has really changed?  In answer to that I wanted to walk through something that we really haven’t discussed or spoken of in the past.  It is the idea of what the three ages are of one who is indoctrinated into the Illuminati from the best that I can see.  I am no member of the Illuminati and I certainly don’t have any support from any organization that could be called the Illuminati.  I certainly don’t have any support from anyone that you would say has money.  You heard from me last week that apart from some sense of being left alone, Ucadia has been brought to life in the complete absence of any support from any of these groups.

Can we make sense in a way of why this madness continues and of why people you and I may have met, people who may have heard, read or seen some of the change, some of the revelations, some of the knowledge that we talk about in these blogs.  And despite the overwhelming evidence that we are at the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new cycle why they don’t want any change.  So what is going on?  Well, when I wrote out the notes before this blog tonight, I had the initial topic and title of The Three Ages of a Priest.   One of the potential titles was The Three Ages of the Life of a Jesuit.   In the end I chose the title as The Three Ages of the Illuminati and the Damnation of the World.  

I wanted to include not only the people that we normally view as being members of the Jesuit order, even though they are the first order of the  Sovereign Knights of Malta and they are technically the heads of the Illuminati.  I didn’t want to know of the three ages of life of priests, whether they be Catholic priests, Anglican priests, Baptist, Protestant, Orthodox or any version of priests.  Because this cycle is repeated whether one is an Imam or a rabbi, even if one is a llama, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a guru.  Nor did I want to know of just those that lead that so-called ascetic life stepping away from obscene wealth and living in marble palaces.  What I am saying is that the people who profess to have at least some vow of poverty, austerity and humility.  This is versus those that join these organizations such as the Masons, Jewish fraternities, or other fraternities such as the lesser orders of the Sovereign Knights of Malta, the Illuminati.  

Without over-extending or over-complicating, let’s look at a scenario of these three ages, starting when one first joins as a priest or becomes a Jesuit, or is brought into the fold of an aspect of the Illuminati.  And, then how over time the system has built-in fail-safes as these who join progress into a second age of their lives, and if they are still present on the earth, how they progress into a third age of life and how these fail-safes, these built-in systems result in the ultimate conclusion that despite everything that we have said and shown, we are still facing the prospect of war, damnation and the prospect that people who, by all accounts,  are terribly mentally ill and still view that the only conclusion to save their world is to destroy this world.  

1st Age - Age of Romance and Possibilities

Let’s begin.  If we are speaking of three ages, then let’s begin with the first age.  I call the first age, the Age of Romance, the Age of Possibility when people who are high achievers and highly intelligent go to universities or choose to join.  They are full of ideals and romance that they are totally embracing the possible change and the fulfillment of the missionary work of those that we are told bravely went before them.  So, they consider, “How might I better serve the world.  How might I make a difference?”  So, they join the priesthood or a non-profit organization or look to make some difference in society.  They may work for some legal assistance program, or something like Doctors Without Borders.  But they genuinely believe in making a difference.  This is the first age.

The system embraces and seeks out those people that seem to have some moral compass and not totally obsessed in making money and being another “Gordon Gecko” as in the movie Wall Street.   In many respects the system views those that have that combination of above-average intelligence, and some form of moral compass as having greater value than the army of people that are more than happy to be psychopaths and sociopaths.  They need the sociopaths and psychopaths, don’t get me wrong, that are the shock troops, the enforcers, and the muscle of the system.  But the thing that keeps the system going are those people that care and those people that know right from wrong and have a soul and spirit.  This is the first age.  

By the age of thirty-five to forty and this is not an iron-clad rule, and maybe as late as forty-five, but by that period which is the onset of what we would classically call middle age, through frustration and witnessing harm, through the wearing down by inertia and sheer exhaustion, isolation, frustration or whatever program these people are put on by the system, by the end of the first age the first major transformation has taken place.  That is the abandonment of spirit and it’s substitution with superstition.  I’m not saying that people that are in senior positions like His Holiness Pope Francis are not spiritual beings.  But they are absolute exceptions to the system and in no way do they represent the vast body, nor do they represent the present way the system operates as in The Three Ages of the Illuminati, The Three Ages of the Priests, or The Three Ages of the Jesuits.  

For the vast majority of those talented recruits that come on, by the age of middle age around the age of forty, their spirit is crushed.   What takes its place is the hollow ritual of superstition.  So we come in to the second age.  It’s no wonder that we call the second age The Age of the Midlife Crisis.

2nd Age - Age of the Midlife Crisis

This is the middle age.  For a period of twenty to thirty years predominantly men in positions as priests, more senior leaders of our communities, undergo a painful crisis of faith where they see very much the mortality of their lives and of the world.  Not all of them survive the crisis of faith.  Some die from ill health, some take their own lives, some leave the priesthood.  Some abandon the path of the Illuminati.  But those that stay and do survive and come out the other end don’t find that their faith is restored because their faith is lost at the Age of the Romantic, the first age.   What comes is that superstition that has sustained them through that is replaced with the intellectual knowing because they have been shown the true layers, the true history, and the true knowledge of the world in preparation for the third and final age.  

By the end of the second age, the age of midlife crisis we see all kinds of aberrations such as priests found guilty of child molestation, or people embracing vices, people unwinding, people with ill health.  At the end of that second age if priests survive it, if members of the Illuminati survive it, then we see the second abandonment which is the abandonment of body and the acceptance of mortality and that our youth and vibrancy has gone from us and we are in the final age of approaching the inevitable death of the body.  That leaves us really but one thing and that is our minds and our intellects that are not ruled by the ups and downs of passion and spirit, no longer distracted by the hormones of testosterone or estrogen, but that we now have that mind and we have that mind that has only itself to give it reason.  

3rd Age -Age of the Damnation of the Soul

This third Age is called The Age of the Damnation of the Soul.  When these priests reach the age of sixty, when these members of the Illuminati reach the latter part of their lives, all that they have left is their minds knowing that it is a lie, knowing that the system that they administer is false and knowing all the falsities, perversions and curses that they are part of.  But they look to the world and their own damnation and they curse the very thing that at the beginning of their journeys they wished to change.

Whether it is the ultimate act from a false sense of betrayal from a divine that they never seem to encounter, whether it be the end of life and the end of possibilities and that it is too hard to turn back, or whether it is bitterness from the crisis of faith or the embarrassment of failures of themselves, whatever the driving forces are the effect of the third and final age, The Age of Damnation of the Soul, to these members of the Illuminati, to these priests that have survived is that their expression of the absence of any spirit, their expression of the absence of any respect and sense of body is not to be passive to the madness but to be active leaders of the madness.  This is why it is the third age where we see the handing over of power to those that they can thoroughly know are damned in their own minds.  

I know when people listen to this it might come across that I am being overly dramatic.  Maybe I am.  Maybe I am for the effect of this conversation, but I know there will be people that listen to this, maybe even priests and god forbid a priest may actually hear something and get outside of the bubbles they live in.  Someone who is over the age of sixty in their third age may hear what this is and say, “You’re wrong because I am full of spirit and my spirit has been restored.”   An example is the revival of the Catholic Church.  Or maybe someone is a rabbi and doesn’t subscribe to these things and is doing good things.  Well, good on them if they are in that.  

I am not saying this to condemn or judge people who are part of this.  I am merely sharing this to try to explain if there is possible logic or reason why we are still dealing with the insanity today despite the overwhelming evidence as I said earlier, that we are at the end of an age and the beginning of a new age.  This model of perpetual war and damnation and the abomination of original sin must come to end.  It must come to an end!  So, maybe if people who do listen to this broadcast privately and who find themselves part of an organization and find that their paths of life do fit these three ages, but who reject the process I have outlined, I am overjoyed.  Because, you know what?  There is no reason that one should lose their spirit at the end of the first age.  

No One is Damned

There is no reason that one should be resigned to the end of their body or deny their physicality or deny life by the age between sixty and seventy.  There is no reason when one at the end of ages in their life into their late sixties and seventies in that third phase of life, that they should in any way consider that they are damned, no matter who they are, whether they run a bank, are a priest or a cardinal, a member of the Illuminati or the Freemasons; it doesn’t really matter.  No one is damned.  No one is damned by any deity.  The fact that people believe that they are damned is a lie.  The fact that people feel they may be damned is their own choice in a system that has had its time. 

This is not a new discussion.  I have been speaking about this from the days that we wrote The Journey of UCA and The Journey of Self and from the time that the sacred covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum was first presented.  And I’ve been speaking about this from the time the Book of the Green Race, Lebor Clann Glas was created.  This is not new.  I’ve been saying over and over and over again that no one, no matter who they are, or how terrible the acts they have done, is condemned.  There is no more hell.  Not because I say that, but because we are at the end of an age, the end of an age of sheer and utter bloody madness.  Some people think that some divine creator who created this universe in the same sense could condemn people to some eternal torture.  What screwed up insanity to still believe in that let alone the concept of original sin! 

My frustration and I hope your frustration is how we get through to people who are wallowing in their own self-pity and wasting their lives or believing everything is a lie, and yet they are still continuing to live their lives.  I tell you today that if you are a Catholic priest then you should be proud to be a Catholic priest.  You should feel honored and love the fact that you are a Catholic priest because if you were to ever read the Book of the Green Race, Lebor Clann Glas, you would see that there is an historic precedent in those things that are at the foundation of the Catholic Church, particularly in the belief of the story of Jesus Christ. 

If you are a Christian, no matter what denomination, you should be happy.  If you are a Christian pastor, then you should be joyous that you are in such service.  There should be nothing that causes you to question your faith except your refusing to learn, to read and being stuck and wallowing in your own self-doubt and crisis of faith.  If you are a Buddhist, a Hindu, a member of the Islamic community, or a member of indigenous communities you should be joyous to know that there are records and truths that indicate that there is no “one word, one name or one way.”  

If you are a judge, a member of the military or a member of the existing system then there is nothing that causes you to feel less, condemned or damned.  That has to stop; that is the mind control that keeps the madness going.  We have come too far and done too much so that there is not a way that you can be forgiven.  If you believe that you are damned and you believe that bullshit, then that is how evil continues.  You are not damned and you are not condemned.  If you don’t believe me then go and bloody well read what is listed in the Covenant of One Heaven and the Sacred Texts.  Go and listen to these audios and see that this is not a new message.  We have been saying this over and over again.  

Maybe there will be change.  Maybe all the bloody games and horrible acts that are taking place in the Ukraine will back off.  It’s hard to tell; people who are doing them seem pretty committed to seeing this unfold.  Maybe we will see a resolution to the tragedy of Syria. Maybe we will see people who are politicians, judges, and the military waking up.  Or maybe it will take some more time.  But this is not the end of our lives, the end of the world.  And no one, absolutely no one is damned.   No matter whom they are or what they have done, they are not damned.  Maybe by seeing how this cycle just keeps rolling on, these three ages of the Illuminati, we can make sense of the madness of the mind, we can call to account that madness and in some way we hope to change that.

Thanks for listening to the short broadcast tonight.  I’m looking forward to going through  the statutes and work on fiduciary law with you and the continuing work that we are doing in finishing the sacred texts of Ucadia.  Until we speak next week, thanks for listening and thanks for reading.  To all those who continue to find the courage and character to help- Thank you! Thank you and good night. 

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