Thursday, December 18, 2014

No matter how negative things get – Remember Life is a Dream and Awareness Loves Life

Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here   (25 min 10 Mb)

Hello, this is Frank O’Collins for Thursday 18th December 2014 and thank you for listening to and reading this last Ucadia blog for the year entitled “No matter how negative things get – Remember Life is a Dream and Awareness Loves Life”.

I chose this title for this blog for a few reasons. The first is because the blog we discussed last week entitled the True History of America Part 4, where we discussed such serious subjects as the fact that the United States is the only country on the Earth that claims a moral and legal right to continue slavery and involuntary servitude as clearly worded in the false 13th amendment that replaced the true one ratified in 1819; and that contrary to revisionist history, it was the industrialists and bankers of the north that wanted to continue slavery and oppression, not the plantation owners of the south, such as George Custis and his daughter Mary Anna Custis Lee and his son-in-law General Robert E. Lee. We also discussed the disturbing fact that the seat of government of the United States of America remained in Philadelphia and Independence Hall until November 1860 and the theft of the Presidential election by Wall Street to proclaim their own candidate against the popular vote; and that Washington in the District of Columbia was a deliberate corruption and curse atop the Arlington Plantation and the model of utopia known as Bethlehem, turned into “hell on earth” by these industrialists and bankers.

These are not easy truths and they have been a long time coming as the bankers and their loyal rats did everything possible to brainwash the world into a false history that has never aligned itself with the ideals of the Declaration of Independence. It is no easy truth to consider that the final act of the final true Congress of the United States of America in November 1860 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia was to order the breaking of the Liberty Bell as a permanent symbol and reminder of “Sine Di” - "without god", not  “Sine Die” or “Sine Dies” but the fact that the liberties and rights of the people had been hijacked by the bankers and elite and such people had “no authority under Heaven”. Thankfully, no matter how hard the rotten and corrupt historians working for their thirty pieces of silver have tried, they still cannot bury the fact that the Liberty Bell was still operating to at least the 1850’s – even if they still try to hide its significance on every new 100 dollar note produced by the Federal Reserve Banks of Slave Plantations and Districts of the United States.

The second reason I wanted to discuss in this blog entitled “No matter how negative things get – Remember Life is a Dream and Awareness Loves Life” is that like the discoveries within Lebor Clann Glas and all the negativity and whirling cloud of data that may overwhelm people when reading Ucadia, the Ucadia Model remains in essence founded on a very simple set of principles, beginning with the revelation that Life is a Dream operating according to certain rules and that the meaning of ALL is literally “Awareness Loves Life”; and that the highest law is the golden rule of law being “all are equal under the same law and none are above it”.

This year, there have been several sites and people who have tried their level best to attack and defame Ucadia and Frank O’Collins. I don’t mean they just had a negative opinion – that is perfectly reasonable and should be defended – I mean they have been deliberately misquoting, misrepresenting and falsely accusing Ucadia of things designed to stop people from reading and to stop people thinking and learning. So it is good then to use the final blog of the year to remind ourselves of what are clearly the primary purposes of Ucadia as expressed throughout the various websites and blogs repeatedly, so that any deliberately false and misleading propaganda – no matter what the motives – can be overcome.

Finally, I chose the topic tonight to consider “No matter how negative things get – Remember Life is a Dream and Awareness Loves Life” because even I need to be reminded sometimes of the nature of reality and existence. Consciousness is amazingly complex and dynamic and ever evolving and changing; and it is easy to be caught up in the drama of the past, or fears of the future, or to forget the incredible nature of the present – the state of consciousness where we can make the most difference. 

If I take myself as an example, it is easy to reflect on all the items that were not achieved this year such as seeing the final materials and momentum of Ucadia communities really get started; as well as the completion of the Canons of Law, or the launch of the Ucadia Financial System; and the growth of a more active community network. It is easy to be concerned how the future of Ucadia might evolve and whether there will be more support in the future. Yet this thinking also loses sight of just how many people did in fact contribute and support Ucadia this year. Reflecting on the ideal and the vision of Ucadia when it is finished also loses sight of how much has been achieved just this year in research into the canons of Fiduciary Law, the research throughout the blogs and the incredible revelations of Lebor Clann Glas. So I wanted to finish off the year on a positive note reflecting on how all this work helps us better appreciate our value and our absolute importance to the continued existence of the dream.

So let us start with a key reflection on this topic – especially to each and every one who has faced or is still facing legal issues around the world, namely that the “only real remedy is true knowledge”.

The only real remedy is true knowledge

There wouldn’t be a week this year or over the past few years that I have not received word of some new claimed guru promoting some claimed “easy to use” point and click remedy to the problems some people may be facing on legal issues – whether those legal issues be foreclosure, bankruptcy, fraud charges, tax charges, debt and injury claims, parking and speeding tickets or drug related charges or even violence related charges.

If there is one clear point of the world today it is the fact that more and more people find themselves facing fines, penalties and charges than ever before.  So how do you survive when you are being bombarded with shake down letters and threats? No wonder, people are desperately looking for answers.

In 2014, I have just spent arguably one of the most challenging and intense periods of deep research of my life by re-reading every single statute as claimed to be published by Westminster since the times of Henry III in the 13th Century, right up to the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Tens of thousands of them. Now, I might be at odds with a lot of people who read or listen to this blog when I say this, but in all my research and reading I can say that the royal family under the stewardship of Her Majesty has been an overwhelming positive force in what is otherwise a terrible and corrupt period of law making. Please don’t mistake the “Crown” and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second as the one and the same – they are not.

Yet, I can also say to you without a shadow of a doubt, that many of the law makers of Westminster and the lesser Dominions, States, Colonies and Territories of the Commonwealth - all claimed under the control of the Jus Patronatus or “sole patron” to the Vatican – have utterly destroyed any pretense of relief or remedy in law. There simply is none. Yes, certain acts make provisions for remedy within themselves, yet are obviated and mitigated by other acts of parliament. I have shown you many of those. And as to the earlier claimed Rights of Common Law, I can show you acts in the late 19th Century where such remedies as espoused in the claimed Bill of Rights or in the Magna Carta were wiped out in a single act and in a single night. People, have been living under the illusion that the law remains on the whole balanced and that law makers on the whole have been competent, when neither is true.

I mean, look what just happened in the budget bill in Washington and all the secret laws passed in the middle of the night, granting banks hundreds of billions of dollars in new concessions and loopholes of deregulation. The Dodd-Frank reforms are now dead as at December 2014 and oversight and governance of the most dangerous and destructive people in the world being the Wall Street Banks has never been lower since the Civil War.

The only remedy is in knowledge of the fundamentals of procedure triumphing the principles of Western-Roman Law since 1875 and to act in a manner of competence, focus, respect and resolute diligence. If you are lucky, then you might encounter a judge or magistrates that reacts well to such competent and respectful behaviour. But please do not think for a second that many of these remedy gurus know what they are talking about when they speak of UCC, or reversionary interest, or complex types of trusts, or secret banking acts, or private attorney generals, or anything else for that matter. If you ignore what I am saying and plow on through, then the chances are you will create a far bigger and more serious mess for yourself. Every year, hundreds of people – hundreds of good people throw away all logic and reason and behave as lemmings to jump off a cliff because such remedy gurus promised them quick fixes, rather than competent knowledge of the modern Western-Roman courts and the basis of all law that you can find in these blogs. 

So please, I urge you, I urge everyone facing issues to read and listen to these blogs from the most recent to the least recent and please read the canons of law on and make 2015 a better year.

Do not give up on life or love

The last point I want to cover before we wrap up this last blog and audio for 2014 is to ask everyone who comes to read and listen to this blog or any of these blogs not to give up on life or love. At the end of 2014, we have seen the launch of yet another high quality production set of videos and articles spontaneously appear from gurus once again claiming the same path as OPPT and the Restore the Republic and every other false flag operation launched since 9/11.  Only this time this false teacher and his backers had the nerve to use the word “Love” as part of this name, when it was just more mind control distortion information designed to disconnect people further.

Sadly, as in every movement, there are people who are attracted to the bright lights and the quality production before they ask themselves, how could this suddenly appear spontaneously and yet be so well produced? Much less the complete and total insanity of the message. The only philosophy that teaches us we are more because of who and what we are is Ucadia and not less. For the rest, this becomes our measure such as the Golden Rule of Law to determine whether a philosophy is founded upon the Golden Rule or whether it is false.

Ucadia is a model. It is an idea. No one is forced to believe or asked to take it on faith. If you do not find it useful you do not have to read it. Yet it is based on the principle of Awareness Loves Life and that Love is central to our existence and our being and connecting with ourselves. I do not mean false love; I mean genuine connection from the heart. So anyone who is out there telling you that relationships built on trust and honesty and respect and a deeper sense of love are bad, reflects their insanity, and what they teach is very dangerous and should be exposed for what it is.

And when people tell you to drop everything and go and join their commune where they proclaim themselves to be the only truth – think very carefully – as too many of these people have already caused great harm against people.

Ucadia acknowledges that there is no singular truth, but that all of us must find truth in themselves. So whatever you do over the holiday season, please be gentle on yourself and accept that all of us, especially Frank O’Collins makes mistakes and is quick to judgment in error and sometimes slow to heal or acknowledge those of you who have made an incredible difference this year. That is part of the life journey. 

Until we speak again in the first week of January 2015, please be safe and well. Thank you and good night.


  1. Thank you for you presentation Frank. Frankly most delightful to hear. Hope you had a nice holiday. Peace Kevin

  2. Hi Frank, Happy New Year. Can you please take a look at
    and in particular Ken's post on Pope Francis and the new world religion at
    I for one would be very interested to hear your take on all this in one of your blog posts. Looks like 2015 is going to be a very interesting year!
