Friday, December 5, 2014

Thank you to all who have read or listened or helped Ucadia for 2014

Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here   (25 min 8 Mb)

Hello! This is Frank O’Collins for December 6, 2014. Thanks very much for listening to tonight’s relatively short blog and audio. It is entitled tonight, "Thank you to all who have read or listened or helped Ucadia for 2014".

If you have been listening for to the last two weeks where we have been discussing restoring the Divine Feminine and healing the True Feminine then you probably heard me talk about working on the 4th part on the Series of the True History of America. I am still a few days away from being able to present that.

When I reflected on what would be an appropriate topic tonight and present and talk with you about some further and important insights to the True History of America, and we are close to the end of the Ucadia year as well as the western Roman year, I felt that it is not an unreasonable thing to do a summary and take stock of what we were able to achieve this year.

What so many of you helped and empowered this year in your words of support, in your feedback as to the journey that you are taking in the reading and the reviewing of the material, and of course those of you have been in a position to help to date to support Ucadia in some way.

The development of Ucadia is not an easy journey. Just as challenging as it is in trying to wade through the enormity of the information across the various websites, I assure you it is not an easy process in the background trying to finish the various components such as fiduciary law. I thought months ago, actually at the beginning of this year, and it’s a bit like the work on sovereign law, that fiduciary law was going to be finished in a few weeks and we would move on to the canons and the maxims of administrative law. Then I thought we would be sinking our teeth into subjects like economics and monetary and start to talk about the rules and foundations of the future model, a model of money and energy where we are able to retain our energy in the greater sense and find greater prosperity and greater capital in our own communities.

Like all great “plans of mice and men” the research of fiduciary law, the law concerning the principles of trust, honor, obligation and duty, has turned out to be impossible without re-engaging and re-investigation the tens and tens of thousands of statutes and literally the millions of individual laws that drown us at the moment that represents the bedrock of the western Roman system before we can move ahead.

As I have been doing in the last few weeks, I have been going back and making sure, as I have said in these blogs and as I have written to many of you and as you can see in many of the sections of the canons, where we raise a topic, whether the topic is of reversionary interest, a topic of records, of title, of conveyance, or transfer, whatever the key legal concept is, there should be, if that concept has been born in western Roman law, there should be statutes. The statutes are the founding statutes that give the insight as to its true origin. 

I am not only referring to legal dictionaries such as Black’s and other multiple edition dictionaries. I can assure you that having gone through every year, every session and every reign of all alleged statutes of monarchs from the time of King John, King Henry, the beginning of the 13th Century right through to the present day, the definition and meaning of many of these concepts in statute are completely different to the way it has been framed in dictionaries. In other words if you read Black’s First Edition, Second, Third, Fifth, and Ninth and went to some of the core concepts, you might be surprised to see that in many respects they changed the definitions. They modified the concepts. They removed key insights. But when you find the origin and the original introduction, the time it was brought to life and you can connect that as a link as you go through the canons, then I am able to give to you prima facie evidence, irrefutable proof as to the origin and function of concepts, like liens for example. 

I am very excited and I am very much looking forward to, over the year 2015 as we go through the completion of fiduciary law and as we go through the completion of administrative law and procedural law as the laws of how things work in practice. We will be able to go through and return to some of these key concepts like liens. You will see when and how they were invented and what they actually mean. 

But tonight I just wanted to summarize the lessons, the successes and even the failures this year and not just to be honest, but to be brutally honest with myself and with you as to where we are at and what we have achieved and why, particularly if you have and still have, as someone who has been listening and following with questions, as to why these things have not been completed. Where are we? What is our focus?

I want to share those things apart from giving thanks to all of you for listening and helping. The first thing to summarize is the issue of completing the foundation. The foundation in many respects is the 22 books of canon law that you can see on the website It is important for some of the very reasons that I have just discussed with you, such as the fact that they deliberately, willingly and openly lied to their own people through dictionaries and training manuals. They lie about what a lien is. They lie about what reversionary interest is. They lie about titles and concepts of occupation and possession that are core concepts in their own system.

The statutes will reveal to you within the context of links in the canons, what these underlying ideas are in their system, when they were invented and what they truly mean. If we have any hope of finding any relief, of lifting this veil and if anybody is out there saying that they have some sort of remedy or relief, if there is no foundation that can be trusted as absolutely certain, then we will continue to go around in circles. Obviously the system is designed to encourage keeping us going around in circles.

I said to someone the other day that the greatest weapon of this system is not its size, guns, money, but it is the lie. It is the fact that their greatest power is the lie. Until the lie, or lies and falsities are exposed then that power remains.

Another part of the foundation that I have been working on in addition to the canons has been the sacred texts that are also, in many respects, a more important foundation.

How do people reconcile their lives, the world and people around them when they turn to what is regarded as a sacred text and what they find are images and passages regarding a malicious, psychopathic and uncaring deity that on the one hand tells someone that is supposed to be the most beloved to go and kill his first born son? And then at the moment the son was going to be killed because the deity was so loved, then the deity says don’t worry, it is just a test; it is a false alarm. Or when someone comes up and says these people in the wilderness they have a deity who tells them he is a jealous god. Jealous of whom? There are passages on one hand that say to go and kill those people and everything will be fine. Murdering, raping, pillaging, stealing and lying are okay.

And then in other sections when we come to people that we feel we can trust the words that are given to us is that no one is above the law. That is Matthew 7:12. No one is above the law and everyone is equal to it, for this is the law and the law of the prophets. When we look for some sense, some trust, and then sacred texts are absolutely regarded and revered as something we can at least have some confidence in as the bedrock of reason, law and rule. That is why I have been continuing to work on the update of Lebor Clann Glas, the Book of the Green Race. It is taking time because for all the research over all the years and all the inspiration it is still a massive task of wading through what is horrendously corrupted and deliberately corrupted history. That is another key thing that has been worked on through 2014.

Another thing we have been working on throughout 2014 has been to update the register and making sure the Ucadia Register reflects key records and key information for each and every single day, to prove that every day is sacred. If you haven’t gone to look, go look at the Ucadia Register because every single day is sacred. So, there has been a lot of work in the background of the register. There has been a lot of work in the background of the records and rules of currencies that have been developed. There are many updates to the constitutions to make clear the nature and structure of communities.

We have done a multi-part series and have spoken quite a bit this year in terms of communities and standards of what represents a true community. That has taken time. Many remain frustrated, as I am as to why there hasn’t been the movement toward communities. Why, after all this time, can’t we see in place the kind of support I would like to have where I am? I am sure you’d like that support where you are as well in what you are fighting against and trying to see resolved.

The problem that I have been faced with communities all this year and in previous years is not just the amount of work in structuring them properly and insuring that they don’t just mimic or that they are a short movement to something that has no life. Communities, if they are to sustain, are a reflection of the very foundations that I have been speaking about in terms of canons of law and sacred texts and the highest ideals. So, as much as I tried to infuse in our conversations about the various stages and purposes of Ucadia communities, until the foundation is finished and until we have the canons of law completed to, at least, through administrative level, it is very hard to focus on the develop of communities without that foundation. Because if we do, then Ucadia is but one of tens of thousands of online communities and forums and other ways of people coming together that are on the Internet now.

So, it has been an exciting year when you look at the power of the insights that you can see when you read fiduciary law. It has been an incredible year when you look at the revelations and the inspiration that you can find if you take the time to read Lebor Clann Glas. And yet, I know it has remained a frustrating year for many of you and for me in that we are still developing and working towards the broader goals of community and that we are not yet at that point.

It has been a frustrating year in those did support and were knocked off line again through the endless conga-line of movements that appear and try to make claims and talk about instant remedy and point and click remedies. 

So for those who have stayed with and continued to support Ucadia, I cannot thank you enough. Those of you who have, know that one of the things that we have been doing as a matter of respect for the energy of what you have done in support and donations is to make sure that whatever you have donated in fiat is reflected in an accounting in Ucadia Moneta. And if you haven’t received your account summary and you have donated, please let me know as I have been working through the list of those who have supported, donated and given of their energy. Every one of you who have given your energy need to see that the energy is reflected in a proper accounting in Ucadia Moneta.

While it may be another 4 or 5 months before those units on that statement have any practical effect in terms of being able to exchange or utilize that value within Ucadia, the very fact that we recognize and formally recognize that energy of all those who have donated of their time in some practical and positive way, and all those who have donated in terms of fiat money in a practical way, that it is reflected in these account statements. So I am trying to do a final set of those statements before we get to the end of the year and I will keep to getting that done.

As I have said it is not a long blog and I am cautious in saying that by next week we will do the 4th part of the True History of America. I am working toward that. For those in Australia, Canada and New Zealand I wish to do the same sort of series as well and take you through the various statutes and evidential documents of history as well.

In the year 2015 there will always be challenges and there will always be unknowns. No one is promised tomorrow and I am certainly not promised tomorrow. What I do know and what I can say as a summary to this blog and as a summary to 2014 is that when one is correcting a record like history, in Lebor Clann Glas, or one is correcting a record in the frame of reference in regards to restoring the law as in the canons of law, it is not a race. While it is not ready yet, anyone and everyone that comes to read and take the time and not rush it but take the time, I have no doubt will get something positive out of it and will see the fruits of what has been a very long journey so far.

We are definitely going to finish this and we are going to finish this together because when I have said to you that Ucadia is a gift for everyone, you can go and see the rights of Ucadia now infused along with the rights of each and everyone one of us in the constitutions of the Americas Union, the Oceanic Union, the Asia Union, the Euro Union, the Africans Union. It is all there; everything I said I would do I am doing. 

And sometimes really all I want to do is just to say, “Thank you.” Because if one person, one man, one woman finds help, healing and relevance in this then really all of it is worth it. In truth I could not do this without you. I know it is not easy at all to survive in this world at the moment. So, for what it is worth, please even if you don’t get to listen to the final blogs this year, please be safe, please have some happy moments over this Christmas and holiday period.

Be well and be safe with your family. Above all, thank you. Until we speak again, have a great night.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Frank, for all your hard work and selfless determination in bringing to light all the hidden truths and showing the true history of this world.
