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Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here (21 min 7 Mb)
Hello, this is Frank O’Collins for Thursday 27th November 2014 and thank you for listening to what again will be a fairly short and brief blog and audio tonight on the second part of the series on Restoring the Divine Feminine.
If you have not had the chance to listen to the first part of the series (see Restoring the Divine Feminine Part 1) then I urge you to listen to last week’s blog first before continuing to read or listen. Once you have had the chance to listen and read, then please come back to this blog. As I also mentioned last week, I am still working on a Part 4 of the True History of America (see Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3) and hopefully by next week it will be ready to present.
In any event, the subject of Restoring the Divine Feminine and exposing the many levels of the False Feminine, the False Mother and the manipulation of our emotions, genders [and sexuality] is extremely important so I want to continue that series tonight and discuss further insights with you into restoring the Divine Feminine.
The first thing I want to do and I didn’t cover this last week, is that the subject of balance between the masculine and the feminine is an integral part of the knowledge and the background, the research and the spiritual message of Ucadia. Actually if you go to the website One-Heaven and you click on the Covenant of One Heaven, then one of the key sections you will see on that is what is called the Treaty of Divine Feminine that is Article 46.
What I tried to share last week was by first using the analogy in Nature of the true matriarchal role of the lionesses in effectively controlling the destiny of the lion, and then referring to you the insights that have come from the sacred text Lebor Clann Glas is that the highest civilizations, the most balanced civilizations and some of the most famous civilizations of history have all been matriarchal and have all been grounded in the Divine Feminine. I mentioned of course the Spartans and the Celts as two examples of that which have been taken from us. They have been stolen from us in this corruption of history and corruption of identity that is used today in the demonization of the feminine in the attempt to belittle the feminine.
When you look at the Covenant of One Heaven and the section in regards to power and authority in restoring balance and you look at the halves united as the Whole, the One, then under the Treaty of the Divine Feminine Article 46 we see a recognition that the feminine is an equal. The feminine is unique and the feminine is vital to the creation of the universe and to our sustenance. The spiritual authority of the feminine is vital, unique and equal.
What I want to do now is share with you an insight that gets right to the heart of the importance of the True Divine Feminine and why so much effort is made in this present false patriarchal society to belittle the feminine. If there is one thing that I have tried to do throughout the blogs, audios, and writing of Ucadia is to highlight just how incredibly special it is to be a member of the Homo sapiens species and to be, in one sense divine immortal spirit, to be divine mind and to be immortal, to be consciousness and to be Unique Collective Awareness, to be Unique Consciousness, and then to be viewing the Universe and this collective dream through the belief or concept that we are imbedded in this body.
Part of that complexity and part of that Unique Connection between the Divine part of ourselves, the mind, the spirit and the physical form that we inhabit, is given various names. One of the names it is given is this concept called the chakras. The chakras are known way back to the time of the Hyksos pharaohs, as western knowledge and then transported to the East, lost to the West and then found again in Eastern philosophy. There is the idea that within the human body as we have centers of neurons, nerves and memory that we have the spinal column and that there are points within our body that not only represent different aspects of vibration but also represent different frequencies, different meditations, different levels of consciousness, different connections between our physical form, our physical brain, our physical nervous system and our physical mind.
If you have ever looked at a picture of what is described as the chakras you probably have seen in most cases an Eastern version of that. It might be an image of Buddha or Budhavista or some other figure. In the series of colors there may be designs in the form of Mandelas and there might be a variety of different things. But you will usually see a figure in some meditative, sitting state with a series of colors that correspond to different parts of the body.
Certainly from all the study that has been done with Ucadia and all the material that has been presented, there is strong evidence to validate that there is indeed this arrangement of energy centers, that there is this arrangement that connects to our consciousness and that it plays a vitally important part as to not only how we experience life but what influence we have on life, on what relationships and the depth of the relationships that we form in life, in how we feel the fulfillment and empowerment of life and the manifestation of our hopes and our dreams all appear to be connected to the relative health and the relative knowledge in part to this structure that is now called the chakras.
So, that is why in a number of disciplines there is the argument that if one or more of these energy points are blocked, impeded, or distracted that it has a manifest effect in the qualitative experience of life, in our health, and in our mental health. If we take a practical example and you look at the pressures of life and the pressures that we all face in various ways, you can see this playing out in all forms of relations such as between brothers and sisters, between husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends. You can see it playing out when people feel they have been hurt or have been hurt and there heart feels numb and they feel closed off to the world and they feel de-sensitized to the world. Or you see it when people find themselves in various states of addiction, leading to weight gain and leading to other forms of unhealth where they also have stomach and intestinal problems. You see people feeling overwhelmed with stresses, headaches, or migraines.
It doesn’t mean the knowledge alone of chakras and energy points suddenly gives us an answer to these things because in many cases we are dealing with the complex and complexities of environment, our own genes, our own diets and choices and circumstances. But we can use those as examples to say that at one level we could describe health and balance and also imbalance as to whether these chakra points are open and whether we feel aligned or not.
Just as we described in Blogs a few weeks ago when we returned to the idea of blood groups, and the fact that when we are born and all members of the Homo sapiens species are part of hybrids and we don’t have separate races any more. We don’t have Homo Neanderthals, we don’t have Homo Prometheus, we don’t have Homo Habilis or even Homo Robustus anymore. We are all members of the Homo Sapiens species. Just as there are different aspects to our blood (type) where those with the blood type O, particularly O-negative, are very prone to addiction, addiction of the mind, living in our heads and disconnecting from our bodies and living more in spirit than physical, and just as those that have A type blood are able to work through and rather than addiction in mind, they find themselves addicted in a more physical or material way. Those that have blood type B may find their outlet or that which is used to manipulate them is more prone to dance, culture, music and sports and outdoor activities.
These are generalizations. But, there are also differences when we look at chakras and energy in the body between the feminine and the masculine. These are not weaknesses, they are strengths and they add to the richness of life, they add to the strength of our lives. And so if you look at the diagram of the different levels of chakras beginning with the groin area often in the color of red and the lower intestines in the color of orange, the solar plexus in the color of yellow, the heart in the color of green, the throat and the face in the colors of blue and the hypothalamus and the pineal in the forehead in the color of purple, for example.
If we are to unlock the mystery of the first of those chakras, the base chakra, the root chakra that is the chakra that connects us as spirit to this planet, then restoring the Divine Feminine is realizing that the base chakra of the male Homo Sapien is True Feminine and the base chakra, base point and base connection for the feminine of the Homo Sapien species is true masculine. What do I mean by that and what is the significance of this particular insight in restoring the Divine Feminine?
What this means in the incredible way, the incredible detail that makes up Homo Sapien, what this means is that when a man is truly aligned the thing that grounds him to this planet is a profound respect, sense, feeling, knowing and honoring of the true feminine and not the objectification of women as some sexual object, not the desire to have sexual relationships per se, not the desire even to dominate or adopt aspects of femininity. None of those things relate to the true feminine. The true feminine when it is the base chakra, the root chakra of the man is the profound feeling, seeing and knowing of the importance of the value of the whole feminine and not just the body, not just the mind, not just the symbol, not just the mother, not just the partner, but the whole.
When that base chakra, that root of the masculine is corrupted to be the false feminine then we see the introduction of mirroring female traits and the effeminate development sometimes in males and the balance of that. I am not making judgment when people are that way; I am just saying we see that as an aspect, or the objectification of women, the sexualization of women as another example. I am not making judgment again on people who may wish to watch pornography but the objectification and the turning of women into a subject of the mind where the physical becomes the validation of the mind and not the other way around that is the true feminine. That is when the mind is the validation of the physical. The false feminine reverses that.
Then of course the opposite applies in the female in the true masculine and in the value of what a man has, including the softness and strength of men and all aspects of men, not as Alpha males of aggression, testosterone and strength nor in the little boy, the inner child who is looking for a mother and a substitute and a surrogate, but the complete man. This is the man that can laugh and cry, the man that can defend, and the man that knows how to yield.
When those are restored and when that knowledge is fully appreciated then all the other chakras are available to be aligned and all the other energy points are available because it all rests on the base. The base is what connects you to this world When you are disconnected then you are open to energy vampires, people that want to take your energy from you, you are open to addiction, you are open to manipulation and you are open to losing the sense of value of what it is to be alive. So all I ask is for you to reflect on is how these simple, crucial insights are fundamental not only to restoring the Divine Feminine in our lives but also restoring value to our lives.
Until we speak next week, please be safe; be well, thank you and good night.
Hi Frank,
ReplyDeleteI've been studying your websites and following your blog for a while now and firstly I would like to thank you for sharing your great wisdom and insights into the human condition.
The body of your work and the extent of your research is truely immense (if not a little mind-boggling). Many people are probably a little skeptical about you and your sources because you do not reference them, but in my estimation, you are obviously a very genuine, positive, and highly enlightened soul.
Being of Irish extraction myself, and from what I've read of Lebor Clann Glas I would has it a guess, that you are almost certainly a reincarnated Cuilliaean Druid Priest. I gather a lot of what you say may be as a result of visions or revelations/dreams. Is that safe to say?
Anyway I have a couple of questions for you. I read your essay on Nihilism at http://one-evil.org/content/nihilism.html and you infer that even though the Nihilists have been in power for a very long time, that their days may be numbered?
More over, that in fact, they have lost their connection to the dark side, so to speak. You infer that there has been a change for the better at the top in the Vatican with the appointment of Pope Francis. I am curious about this as my understanding is that he is a Jesuit and I would assume that he would only be annointed, provided that he followed their dark agenda?
You say in the Covenant of One Heaven that basically all the worlds psychopaths have been forgiven and that the War in Heaven is over. Where do you get this idea from and what makes you think that the dark side has accepted this and will cease their dark, regressive, controlling agenda?
Also are you familiar with the work of Alex Collier and his communications with the Andromedians? He is a contactee that has a huge amount of information about alien races and in particular the role of the Ciakar Alpha Draconian Reptilians and the Grays from Orion, in our evolution as a species here on Terra (Earth). I see you covered some of this history recently in your blog.
The reason I ask is that I recently viewed a series on vimeo.com/album/2701770 called The Story of Man by a guy called Brian Onley (which is endorsed by Alex Collier) and it would appear to me from watching this, that we humans on Earth are really up against a truely formidable foe. I would be very interested to hear your views on this series of enigmas?
I don't expect a personal reply but I would appreciate it if you could perhaps cover these queries in one of your blog posts.
In the meantime, please know that there are many of us like yourself who are awakening from the false dream and imagining a better world for all life on Mother Earth and hopefully the eventual end of the Orion Alliance Tyranny, which so badly infects our species and our galaxy.