Thursday, November 20, 2014

Restoring the Divine Feminine (Part 1)

Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here   (17 min 6 Mb)

Hello this is Frank O’Collins for Thursday the 20th of November 2014, and thank you very much for listening to what is going to be a fairly brief blog and audio for tonight. 

The topic tonight is restoring the true feminine. This is almost certainly going to be part of an ongoing series similar to what we have been doing with other topics such as the True History of America and Ucadia Communities. 

But tonight I feel that we can cover some of the most important insights and revelations of what we continue to make clear through Ucadia and we can then spend more time on certain aspects of this and follow-up with this in coming weeks. I am still working on a Part 4 of the True History of America, that I hope to have ready for next week. And of course I continue to work on Ucadia Communities and the material that I’ve promised in terms of the registration of communities, the types of rolls of communities and of course the promise of seeing more information on Ucadia currencies and how we start to reclaim [our] energy. 

But midst all the work that continues also on the Canons of Fiduciary Law and indeed, on the continued development and recording of Lebor Clann Glas, the sacred text, the Book of the Green Race. There has been such a phenomenal realization on this subject of what is the true feminine, that I felt it was crucially important that we share, that I share some of these things with you tonight. 

As Ucadia is being developed – and it is a frustrating process because it takes time – one of the biggest challenges has been to set aside, to put aside those preconceived ideas, those programmed ideas, those models that are infused within us that we find everywhere throughout society, throughout where we live in order to see through that as to the deeper truth. 

The truth of the world today – and this I feel is where we start the discussion tonight – the truth of the world today is that virtually every single female of our species is born into a philosophical model, whether they are conscious of it or not, where they are personified in the character of Eve and by being personified in the character of Eve they are cursed with the concept that they are the originators of sin and the downfall of our species and the temptresses and the seductresses and then in the form of Mary, the personification of all that is sacred, the queen of heaven, the ultimate goddess, but never to be legitimately regarded as a priestess, to be marginalized in roles of politics and decision making, to be trivialized in society, and ultimately the ultimate curse then to be objectified, to be sexualized, to be dumbed down to the driver of consumer purchase, never to know who and what we are, to have no cornerstone, no certainty, no balance. 

Some men and some women might feel that what I have just said is a bit harsh or a bit old world or even blatantly wrong; and that women have more choices today as to charting their career, and examples of women in the highest points of politics is ample demonstration that women have not had more rights and more choices to do what they wish to do than ever before. And if women choose to dress in a sexualized manner and act in certain ways then that is the consequence of free choice. 

What I say to that is that may well be so from where women were placed under the yoke of the Roman Cult more than 700 years ago and that may well be true from where women found themselves having been marginalized over the last 450 years. But that is not true, that is not true – that is a deliberate falsity when you start to reflect on the true position of women in the highest, in the greatest civilized cultures of the ancient world. They have erased the image of women of ancient cultures; that we don’t know the dominant matriarchal structures of ancient cultures and they have corrupted the role of the feminine and have produced the false feminine. 

I don’t know if men consciously realize what the archetype of Eve, the archetype of the serpent, the seductress, the lack of structure or the imbalance means, I don’t even know if women even fully appreciate what it means. 

So I want to correct the record. I want to make certain that the record is clear and then we can build from that as we discuss this topic and as we discuss other topics that address the issue of the feminine. I am going to use one example that cannot be corrupted as it is ever present and then I am going to use that example to describe exactly what I mean about ancient matriarchal cultures and the fact that the highest civilized cultures for thousands of years were matriarchal. I am going to refer to the mythology around the lion and the pride, the [African] lion and the lionesses.

When you look at the symbol of power and authority as it stands in England and elsewhere, the lion is a symbol of sovereignty; the lion is a symbol of power and majesty. In truth, it is the lionesses that direct the lion, it is the lionesses that dictate the role and the function and the service of the lion, not the other way around. And so when we look at the role of the lion and the lionesses we see how a spin has taken place. The patriarchal model where men have chosen to step into roles of priesthood, in politics and money and power as well as war and military and defense have put a spin on this relationship between the lion and the lionesses, between the pride and the lion and stated that the lion tells the lionesses what to do, it is the lion who dominates, and that it is the lion that determines the success of the pride, when nature tells us that this is complete rubbish, that this is an illusion, worse yet it is a delusion. 

And so what we have in an insane male society today and it is insane, we have the arranger of the fact that the fabulous role of the Spartans and the Lakedorian and the Makedorian cultures of what we call ancient Greece, or Eliada were matriarchal not patriarchal, yes there was a king, but the politicians were women, the judges were women, the priests were women (priestesses), the society was dominated by women, the law was commanded by women, not men. This synergy where women ensured the safety of society, where women ensured the law of the society, where women ensured the integrity of society, allowed men to focus on the things they do well, like war, like protecting and so glorified the physicality of men and health and fitness, but the real power was in the feminine. 

We have evidence of the same glory of the physicality from what is left of Celtic culture to tell us that Celts were matriarchal in there structure and not patriarchal. The high Celt cultures of Ireland and elsewhere, of Wales and Britain were matriarchal and not patriarchal where women were the dominant force of holding the law, of holding the culture, ensuring that things ran smoothly. In fact it could well be argued that this imbalance where the masculine took control of the traditional positions of power of the feminine is the beginning of many of the problems that we face today, the Mundi mind virus, the detachment from ourselves, the detachment from that base reality, that base sense of being, that base chakra if you like, in the creation of the false feminine. It could be argued that far from men gaining control in cursing the women and then trying to divide the mind of the feminine in the artificial creation of Eve and in the terrible wicked lies about the feminine. It has weakened the masculine as well. 

So that is all I want to really share tonight and all that is unfolding in the story of Lebor Clann Glas and the power of matriarchal societies and the truth of our origin and the true history of the world and the true origins of who and what we are; that the power, the only real power these systems have against us is the lie; that once you reveal the truth, once you restore the true history that power dissipates and we can start to heal. 

So I hope that you read and if you have a chance, if you haven’t already, that you will read Lebor Clann Glas and see the continual updates. But make no mistake, don’t let anyone mislead, misquote, or mis-claim otherwise that the most functional, the highest, the most perfected societies in history were matriarchal, not patriarchal – were feminine.

So next week I hope to be able to share with you part 4 of the True history of America and until then please be safe, be well, thank you and good night.


  1. Thank you Frank. Awesome presentation.

  2. Great Frank, love the subject. Can't wait for the other sections to be finished.
