Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Estates Part 2: what need to be done to re-establish control? How to properly manage your affairs? and other answers

Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here   (104 min 22.6 Mb)

The topic for the audio and blog this week is the second part concerning estates: What needs to be done to re-establish control over our estate, our rights and property? How and why are these instruments and processes as foundation to Western-Roman law? What is the correct order and sequence of actions to re-establish control over our own affairs? How does all this paperwork and process work in practice given existing issues and challenges? What are the absolutely essential elements of character and behavior necessary for such a transition?

In terms of actual forms of instruments, in this second blog and audio we will be covering a reasonable overview of such forms as the Great Seal of the Estate, the Coat of Arms of the Estate, the Will and Testament, Great Charter of Appointment of General Executor, the Privy Seal of the General Executor of the Estate, the Full Powers appointment and acceptance of Plenipotentiary Minister as Primary Agent for the Estate.

Because of time, we will need to cover in specific detail as a "part 3 of estates" next week the Manor Roll of the Estate, the Register and Records of Chancery of the Estate, private Affidavit in support of appointment of Plenipotentiary Minister and the relation of certain documents of Ucadia such as your Live Borne Record, your Promised Land Record and your Share Certificate to your Estate.

This week we will also touch on the frequently confusing subject of when, how or even if such certain extracts and/or certificate private documents concerning your Estate are ever presented into the public or private of the existing Western-Roman System and why it is absolutely essential that you not be distracted from the noise of people who make their own suggestions to you, or treat such information as if it is a “walk in the park:, or something to do if nothing else seems to work.

It cannot be over emphasized, as you will see as we progress through this information – competence – that is the demonstration of reason, of logic, of virtue, of common sense and intelligence is fundamental to regaining control over the affairs of your estate and any possible relief.

If, in any way you find it difficult to keep your word, then this following audio and blog is not for you and please DO NOT consider this information suitable to you; and

If you are someone who is impulsive, likes to pick and choose what you like and don’t like and feel you already know enough, then STOP READING NOW as this information is not suitable to you and there is a real risk in such a state of self confidence you may make your own matters manifestly worse; and

If find you have little time to do any serious reading, yet are facing imminent problems and are looking for any kind of remedy, to literally cut and paste THIS MATERIAL IS NOT FOR YOU as if you proceed, ignoring what is listed, you almost certainly will put yourself in much greater difficulty.  On the other hand, there is plenty of material listed for consideration in previous Ucadia blogs that may help in the short term such as the 10 biggest errors most people make when facing the pirates and privateers of the private bar guilds  and the organized pseudo-legal commercial admiralty (OPCA) system of the private legal pirates exposed!

Finally, if you are someone looking for a pot of gold, or some way to have money without contributing back to society, or some easy way to offset debts you have willingly created THIS IS NOT THAT KIND OF REMEDY and you are better off chasing after one of the many people out there who continue to look for angles, scams, false promises, fake hope of some way to get things for free, or get some great payout, or “beat the system”.

My apologies then for such abrupt language, but it cannot be said too many times that the key to regaining control over your affairs begins and ends with your own character, what you believe, how you conduct yourself.  Everything else is merely the ceremony of mind in externalizing the internal transformation of thinking and behaving.  For this reason, let us begin with question what are the absolutely essential elements of character and behavior necessary for such a transition (concerning your estate)?

Personal Accountability and Being “In the World” not “Of the World”

In February of this year, I posted two blogs on Ucadia regarding personal accountability and importance of virtue and values, the first being The Year of Redemption and Age of Personal Accountability and Standing with Honor– Why the Elite cannot risk people to become morally responsible

The relevance of these two blogs and the history leading up to the creation of Estates and how the Elite and System stole your divine inheritance actually rests on this question of moral character and whether you choose to behave in honor, respect of the law, humility and frugality, or wish to literally “have your cake and eat it as well” by choosing only to be virtuous when it suits, but free to partake in any vices you wish at other times.

It is one of the hardest mind benders to get your head around thinking that those people who rule the planet, actually follow any kind of deep moral code.  Yet it would be a mistake to discount the significance of virtue and honor to them and the self discipline of poverty, obedience and humility in sustaining the Western-Roman model until now.

To make sense of this, we need to look at some specific history, such as the true life of St Francis of Assisi- not the myth, but the actual man himself. In the link from One-Evil, you can see that the real name for St Francis was Giovanni Bernadone Morosini of Pisa – then the dominant trading empire of the whole Western and Eastern Mediterranean. Venice and Genoa were actually vassal cities to Pisa at this time. In any event, St Francis is rightfully credited with the brilliant and divinely inspired concept that for the long term survival and prosperity of the Western-Roman model, there needed to be a fraternity of men and women, who demonstrated such personal discipline, faith and self sacrifice that they absolutely had clean hands to administer the property of others for the common good.

Despite the rise of Nihilism over the past two hundred years, otherwise known as Secularism, Modernism, Consumerism, Social Sciences etc etc, the recognition and adherence to self discipline and virtue of honor has remained a central foundation for the whole global system, especially estates.

Add to this mix then the massive changes and corruptions in doctrines in the 16th Century with the introduction of such absurdities and abominations as the concept of Original Sin and the birth of modern money system. e can review some of these massive changes under Article 131 (Romanus Dogmata) of Sovereign Law on

Canon 6465 gives us the keys to comprehending the mind and the only path of real remedy embedded deep within the entire fabric of Western-Roman law. I will past the whole canon (maxim) here because of its significance:

Canon 6465
The primary dogma (beliefs) of the Roman Cult and associated controlled and sponsored “opposition religious groups” finalized by the 16th Century through the Council of Trent are all deliberately and willingly heretical to true Catholic doctrine, Christian doctrine and the teachings of the Nazarenes founded by Jesus Christ including:

(i) transubstantiation states that in contradiction to all the physical laws of the universe upon which existence depends, the substance and matter of reality may be transformed (transubstantiated) into the substance of ethereal and supernatural and vice versa according to certain supremely powerful rituals; and

(ii) in mundi (‘in the underworld’) states that the original doctrines of Catholicism, Christianity and the Nazarene faith taught by Jesus Christ is wrong. Instead, mankind is condemned for a period to ‘live’ on the Earth and be tested as if it were “between worlds” like Dionysus or Persephone in the 4th Century BCE Orphic Greek Mysteries or their copy as Bacchus in the Elysium Roman Mysteries. Contrary to false definitions, Mundus (Mundi) was equivalent in the Elysium doctrines to Ταίναρος (Tainaros) in the Orphic doctrines, while Inferno (Hell) in Latin was equivalent to Τάρςος (Tarsos) in Greek; and

(iii) reincarnation spiritus states that the souls of men are immortal and through passing the tests of Mundi (‘Underworld’) live on for eternity in Heaven (‘Caelum’) or if they fail, they go into Hell (‘Inferno’).

The souls of creatures that look like men only possess an animal soul or “animus” and are mortal.

One of the tests of the Underworld (Mundi) is for men to acquire self knowledge and “illumination” thus distinguishing themselves from ordinary creatures; and

(iv) veritas te liberum (‘the truth (of hermeneutic wisdom) shall set you free’) states that only those that choose to live life as an apostolic mendicant minister in the way of Hermes (Mercury) as a messenger of the gods, being “in the world, not of the world” shall find freedom. The new Hermes being Παύλος από Τάρςος (Paul from Tarsus) or simply “Paul from Hell” who is responsible for leading “illuminated” souls to Lord God or Sabaoth (Satan); and

(v) Peccatum Originale (‘original sin’) states that just as an inheritance of property is transferrable from one (1) generation to another, because of the transgressions of our ancestors (Adam and Eve), all infants are born with hereditary impairment (stain or debt) which disenfranchises them and their heirs from claiming all rights of use originally promised, granted and bestowed to all men and women by the Divine Creator. Furthermore, the transgressions of our ancestors (Adam and Eve) were so grievous against the Divine Creator that each generation is condemned (damned) to a single life of mortality, pain and suffering in a world of purgatory (Mundi) representing the general absence of the active presence of the Divine Creator until the End of Days. Finally, the transgressions of our ancestors (Adam and Eve) has caused all infants to be born devoid of sanctity and grace, therefore placing their souls in “moral jeopardy” for an eternity in hell unless their souls are commended through baptism to be “salvaged” to the Roman Cult; and

(vi) nomen dei states that while there is a supreme divine creator of goodness, this is not the deity we should worship. Therefore the founders of Christianity are wrong in naming the divine “the Alpha and Omega” as are the founders of the Catholic Church in naming the divine “Jehovah” (Yahovah). Instead, the name of the deity that controls us in the underworld is God, or Lord God, being the Persian common name for Sabaoth or Satan, or Moloch, or Ba’al as Lord of the Underworld; and

(vii) magister mundi laborare (‘the teacher of the world is suffering’) states that it is through suffering, hardship, pain, hunger and self deprivation we discover the deeper nature and purpose of Lord God, also known as Sabaoth (Satan) and that the life of creatures (the masses) is to suffer, while the life of the few “illuminated men” is liberty and the “pursuit of happiness”; and

Sorry for the volume of material from this one canon.  However, it is essential as it exposes as I mentioned the key and only remedy built within the fabric of the Western-Roman Legal system being the role of the Hermeneutic or Apostolic Mendicant Minister – one sworn to poverty, to obedience to rule of law and humility. In other words, when one declares themselves “in the world, not of the world” then they are free to traverse all the halls of power, all institutions as well as private vs public with clean hands, good faith, without vexation and prejudice.

The false doctrine of Original Sin introduced as late as the 16th Century deprives you of declaring any inherit right as stated at the beginning of Genesis.  You can scream all you like, the system will simply rebut such presumptions as the claims of an “idiot”, or “lunatic” or even an enemy belligerent if you persist. But a Mendicant, recognizing the logical truth that we cannot own anything, we can only use in good cause; that we are custodians responsible for proper management; then has the possibility of standing in honor, in peace and resolving any matter of dispute.

This is the starting point, before getting into the particulars of documents concerning the estate.  If you find the concept of behaving with virtue hard, then like I said, please do not proceed until you do. If you feel in any way you cannot forgive, that you are out for some kind of revenge, then stop. Only when you finally “get it” concerning living your life and acting in the same manner as Jesus Christ, as Buddha, as Mohammad, as Mahatma Gandhi as St Francis of Assisi should you proceed with this blog and article.

The documents of the Estate

Now that we have considered the most important aspect of regaining control over your estate and affairs being your mind, your attitude and your willingness to be competent and behave in a manner befitting such responsibility, it is time to review the documents of the Estate.

Before we get into the specific documents of the estate, lets answer some obvious questions about these documents, namely why do they exist? why the order? Where do they come from? Do I need to fill them at all?

As to the answer of do I need pieces of paper to prove I am competent? The answer is obviously no. Justice is the spoken word in truth and in honor of the rule of law.  People may write laws and demand paper, but paper can only ever be a memorial and reflection of the word- no matter how hard the private bar guild tries to pervert the course of justice every day.

As to the answer of where the essential documents of the estate come from, I again urge you to read the canons of law on One Heaven as you would already have this answer.  The documents of the estate originate from the reforms of law of the Carolingians, otherwise known as the Franks as in “Francis” who were the true founders of the Catholic Church in the 8th Century in reforming Christian law and restoring the honor of the Holly, or Cuillieain to Europe. 

You can read all about the origins of these forms and instruments under 2.10 Anglo-Saxon Law Form under section II Sovereign of Sovereign Law. For example in Article 103, the Carolingians recreated the concept of a nobility founded on virtue and honor. As defined by Canon 6212 and 6213, Barons (from the ancient Gaelic bara/barra meaning ‘rod or measure of value’) were put in charge of Estates called “Sessions” called Maner, (manor) from Latin manere meaning “to possess and abide (by agreement)”. Barons were then requited to maintain what was called a “Maner Role” as described by Article 122, namely: 

Canon 6395 -Maner Role, also known as Manor Rolls and Manor Court Rolls is a system first introduced under the Carolingians in the 8th Century whereby every Baron of a manor was required to keep and maintain certain key records on separate continuous linen rolls including tenants and grants, inflow and outflow of property and monies and records of the settlement of disputes and crimes.

Similarly, in matter of grants and documents, the Carolingians invented the concept of solemn ecclesiastical covenants (see Article 117) and Charters (see Article 118) as well as the concept of a store of valid original documents (see Article 114) called a Cancellarium (Chancery) from which copies or “extracts” would then be issued.

This is why in the examples of documents we have notices, going to Chancery and Certificates as Extracts from Chancery.  The reason is one never sends an original from your Estate.  Why? because the privileges and rights of an original transmitted makes it by law effectively a deed and conveyance of rights.  That is why we have been saying over and over and over again for years that you need lodge original deeds with the existing Private Bar Guild Courts as such documents with wet ink signatures are a conveyance of rights.  Instead, you provide extracts so that such rights cannot be enclosed by the private for profit system.

So given Western-Roman Law is based on the primary of Rome, and given the Carolingians, also known as the Franks are the founders of the Catholic Church and the framework of Western-Roman Law, the documents of the Estate that we are discussing in this article and blog owe their provenance to the 8th Century onwards.

The next obvious question is why? why bother with such peculiarities as using Latin phrases at the bottom of documents to mimic the laws of the Carolingians? Why not simply create a form with Ucadia completely new?  The answer rests again in the very fabric of the law of the whole Western-Roman world.

While Nihilists supported by pirates and men and women without conscience, self discipline or solid intellect have dominated so much of society in law, in politics and commerce in the past few hundred years, the fact remains that every instrument we list within the fabric of estate is also a representation of a pillar of Western Law:

A judge that has no idea of law by disrespecting such pillars (as sadly too many have revealed their utter incompetence, maladministration and unsuitability for such office), only invalidates the claim of authority of tyrants and their trolls who continue to masquerade as courts, with no rule of law; and

A political class and their enforcers who dishonor the very roots of authority of their system, only hasten their demise and the restoration of law by their removal.

Therefore, the use of such instruments to reflect back the very foundation of law to a system that has been so thoroughly broken, corrupt and held to ransom by the insanity of nihilism, is essential to overcoming the weight of injustice that has cloaked this world in darkness. Your willingness to stand, your willingness to be competent plays and essential part in this transformation.

It is now time to walk through these documents in order.  It is presumed you will read the canons of law on One Heaven and in particular the canons of Sovereign Law before proceeding.  We will be covering the documents in short, precise explanation moving forward, given the mountain of background reading and supporting law:

To review the documents of the Estate as templates, please go to the link mentioned previously on Restore Law being

The Coat of Arms of the Estate

There are two templates associated with the Coat of Arms on the list of documents on RestoreLaw: LL0002 and certificate Ll0017. The Coat of Arms of the Estate, or Heraldry is the physical insignia and symbol of the legitimate existence of an estate, as restored under Carolingian law in the 8th Century.  The heraldic design of the coat of arms signifies ancient rights, ancestry, honor, service and merit associated with a particular family or “noble” family.

Not only does the coat of arms signify any legitimate rights, ancestry and provenance of an estate, it is the symbolism of the primary virtues of any head of the estate as sovereign over the affairs of the estate, apart from being a vassal to some higher estate through allegiance.

As defined by Article 11 (Sovereign) of Sovereign Law, a Sovereign as defined from the times of the Carolingians were required to demonstrate three essential qualities (as per Canon 5461) 

Canon 5461 -By the very definition and meaning of Sovereign, any man or woman appointed to such high office by sacred oath is obligated to three (3) ancient and primary tasks being Protect the Realm, Protect the Law and Protect the People:

(i) To Protect and Defend the Realm is the first obligation of the Sovereign as a legally defined entity, defined territory, possessing its own personality and rights; and

(ii) To Protect and Defend the Law of the Realm is the second obligation of the Sovereign to ensure Rule of Law, Justice and Equality prevail; and

(iii) To Protect, Defend and Educate the People (Subjects) of the Realm is the third sacred obligation of the Sovereign.

The Coat of Arms is also the embodiment of these qualities.  So before we move on, let us be clear. Any heraldic device used within a Coat of Arms must be capable of being substantiated as to the right to use it, its provenance and meaning. Simply copying someone else’s coat of arms, even if they have the same name is a grave dishonor.

You have no right to use elements specifically associated with the bestowing of certain rights under a sovereign crown, such as the Crown of England, unless it can be substantiated in claim your right precedes the use of such heraldic devices.

The Great Seal of the Estate

There are two templates associated with the Great Seal of the Estate on the list of documents on RestoreLaw: LL0001 and certificate LL0018. As defined by Article 133 of Positive Law, a seal originates from the Gaelic word séal meaning a “formal binding promise” usually associated with the use of property called "úsáid" and surety called “tithe”.  Seals were restored to Europe under the Carolingians in the 8th Century and became essential components to validating the authenticity of linen (vellum) documents. 

While it may not be considered as powerful as the thumbprint its existence if validation there is law, estate, and will of the estate in operation.  The design of the great seal:  the reason the coat of arms was mentioned first is that whatever heraldric devices you have in your coat of arms can then be also used as part of the creation of your great seal.  

There are a number of them and look at the documents of my estate at . You will see examples of the coat of arms, the Will and Testament , the great seal, the privy seal and more.

The Will and Testament

There are two documents listed and one is Voluntatem et Testamentum or LL0003 and LL0016 regarding the certificate of the Will and Testament.  What is the Will and Testament?  We covered some of this last week and the essential thing to realize is what the Will and Testament is.  Given that estates are formed as we explained last week from the 16th century as a derivative, therefore a copy or mirror of a temporary testamentary trust holding whatever the property rights are in dispute, the Will and Testament is a document that forms a multiplicity of functions:  

The Will and Testament  is to the personality (person) of the estate, the physical
mind and the will of the person, the will of the legal person.  What does that mean?  In practical terms whenever you are summonsed to a private BAR guild court by members of the pirate brigade of the BAR who have disavowed so much of their law, they cannot escape the fact that your name is a representation of both the estate in your name and a legal person from your person.  The mind of that person and the mind of the estate is the Will and Testament of that estate, whether or not the court accepts that.  It is factual that a valid Will and Testament reflects the mind and the will of the estate and the mind of any person derived from that estate.  When you perfect your Will and Testament you are recording the mind of that person and the intention of that person.  

I hope you see that it becomes a very powerful document against the pirate behavior of the BAR for the last 200 years.  The Will and Testament is not a document designed to disburse property and prepare your funeral at the time of your death.  Temporary testamentary trusts, known as Cestui Que Vie trusts also known as a fide commissary or foreign situs trusts, are created.  The Will and Testament is also the deed of any of those trusts.  It indicates the intention of the ultimate grantor.   Under the temporary testamentary trusts the presumed grantor is still YOU.  

So the Will and Testament perfected, indicates the direction of the grantor in the forming or administration of that trust, not just the administration of the estate.  When a Will and Testament is formed in honor reflecting the very foundation of Carolingian Law or the original law of the Catholic church, and the foundation of Western Roman Law restored, when it reflects the base principals of the statutes concerning Will and Testament and it makes clear the rules and the administration of both the estate and the underlying trust and it is perfected by witness. 

It is an UNBREAKABLE COVENANT by the man or woman who is the grantor or testator.  I add one more element to this:  when your Will and Testament are not only the perfected deed for the underlying presumed Cestui Que Vie (CQV) trusts, formed in your name and estate, and when it is also the perfected will and mind of the persons derived from an estate no matter what they are, what circumstance they are called to be, when it gives clear direction to the testament and will of the grantor and testator and when your Will and Testament  bears witness to the Covenant of One Heaven and the canons of law of One Heaven, then you have the most solemn, most sacred covenant in history.  It is an unbreakable bond between heaven and earth and there is not a power on this planet that can break that bond.  There is not a power in heaven or on earth that can break that bond.  You give credence to the covenant of One Heaven, and then you give credence to the Divine Creator.  Your will and the covenant of One Heaven are two parts, the lock and key, that when formed cannot be broken.  

That is the power of perfecting the Will and Testament as you see here.  There is and there will always be a lot of contrary devices, a lot of doubt that people have on this document. Some will say that legal phraseology is redundant.  Others will look to the confusing and contradictory words written by nihilists and legal minds over the centuries as to what constitutes a valid or invalid Will and Testament.  In every case no matter how confusing the definitions are in law or the treatments of jurists in their opinions of what constitutes the valid or invalid Will and Testament, the template presented here for you is for better or worse, a perfected instrument.   It is an instrument perfected to a sufficient standard that if you use this template you should be in no doubt that your Will and Testament and the forming of a sacred and solemn covenant is perfected.  

There has been chatter and doubt and some areas on Ucadia that still have remnants of questions and doubt.  These questions have been answered in previous dialogue and I will make sure we have access to the discussion on these points.  For every argument raised to date, there is a plausible, logical, superior answer that renders such claims that the document is deficient, missing something, in error, or cannot be done and such claims are wrong and in error or deliberately false.   We may need to do a separate audio later just on the elements of what makes a valid Will and Testament.  I made the promise to do an overview of the estate.  All the elements within the template of the Will and Testament are perfected and where it lists in red those are the elements you need to put through.  I hope you will have the documents witnessed and seal as instructed.

The Great Charter and Appointment of General Executor

There are two templates associated with the Great Seal of the Estate on the list of documents on RestoreLaw: LL0005 and certificate LL0014. The perfection of the Will and Testament  is the perfection of the underlying deed of any presumed CQV trusts and because such CQV  trusts are temporary there is no doubt that the Will and Testament can be brought into effect, the appointment of the General Executor  can be brought into effect because of the existence of the underlying CQV trusts, and because property is in challenge or dispute.  There is no doubt the property is in dispute because the government won’t tell you where it is and won’t even admit the existence of these underlying estates.  So we are clearly dealing with a point of contention.  

What is the Great Charter and appointment of General Executor?  The General Executor is the highest fiduciary of the estate and the highest office appointed into the estate.  The General Executor is another name for the sovereign of the estate and the sovereign is appointed by the grantor of the underlying CQV trusts, by the testator of the Will and Testament.  So, the deed of appointment, the form of appointment is by a charter which is granting certain rights to the General Executor.
It turns out that this from is entirely consistent with Western Roman law from the time of the 13th, 14th, 15th centuries and back to the time of the Carolingian law.   it is why that once great charters were brought into play such as the Magna Charta, that these charters formed the license or franchise of the sovereign by the church.  The church represented the grantor of the rights as the trustee for the Divine.  So, the great charter and appointment of General Executor is the granting of those rights to the General Executor and what they can and cannot do.  
Under that you see that the General Executors pledge themselves to be loyal to the Will and Testament and to conduct themselves as honorable sovereigns of the estate and makes the rules and functions of the estate and what the estate can and cannot do under the direction of the General Executor.  One of the mistakes people do when they think about these documents at a higher level, the think that once they appoint the General Executor, the General Executor performs duties and that is not correct. Walking into a court and saying that you are the General Executor is a grave mistake.  Walking into the court and saying you are the Principal is a grave error.  While the sovereign is responsible for protecting the estate, upholding the law and teaching the people, the role in terms of clean hands forbids them to step into the role of being an agent in conducting disputes and trade.  That is the role of an agent.  The function and purpose of an agent is to represent the General Executor, to represent the Principal, to represent the sovereign, and engage in commerce and other activities and allowing the principal to remain with clean hands. 
It gets confusing even to me when you think of the many hats that we may wear in different circumstances and some people may see this as fanciful by saying that you could be the General Executor and the agent at the same time.  The answer is that you cannot be the General Executor and the agent at the same time.  Just as Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth wears many hats, it is recognized and accepted in all forms of law from the beginning of law that we may act in different capacities at different times to different audience.  A classic example is the father acting as a teacher to his children and a protector to his family.  But when the father goes out to hunt for food or till the fields, he is acting in the capacity of the farmer or the huntsman. These are different functions, roles or offices to being the protector.  The huntsman may need to act with great strength and short and incredible violence to achieve his objectives and those may be things he would never demonstrate to his children.  

A mother in the role of being mother is protecting and nurturing the children acting with kindness and gentleness. But a mother as protector of her children may act with absolute fierce veracity as fierce or more fierce than any huntsmen.  The lioness is renowned in the natural world as being far more deadly than a lion in protecting her cubs.  These are separate roles.  
Don’t fear that there is any concern in our being able legally to perform lawfully more than one role at different times.  Is it ideal that one appoints an agent separate to a General Executor?  In a perfect world, yes, that would be ideal and would demonstrate that the agent is known as a plenipotentiary or an apostolic plenipotentiary minister and sworn to poverty, obedience and humility and if one is appointed in a separated body, then we have a clear example of clean hands.  And, thus, the agent in being authorized to conduct business for the estate and resolve any matter for the estate is unimpeachable in terms of being separate, clean and moral.   It’s at the point of the agent and the recongit6ion of the agent through full powers and then the ensuing affidavit as to the appointment of the agent that we finally see the crossover from the private of the estate into the public of any resolution of issues within the Roman system.  

Privy Seal

There are two templates associated with the Great Seal of the Estate on the list of documents on RestoreLaw: LL0008 and certificate LL0021. The privy seal as a seal is the symbol of the authority of the General Executor.  When the General Executor executes anything within the capacity of the General Executor office it is done with the privy seal and not the great seal.  Once the great seal is used in regard to the Will and Testament and the formation of the estate, the Great Seal is really used in a very limited way thereafter.  It should be the privy seal in the granting of rights or representing the General Executor.  The great seal is reserved as the absolute symbol of authority and it may be used in embossing certificates.  But, in the issue of any warrants, when the privy seal is impressed in red ink onto documents, that is the operational seal of the estate.  

Conclusion and Next Week - Estate Part 3

We have gone through and given context the most important aspects of administering our estates and that is our attitude, our approach to the values of the estate and why we do these things and the origin of the instruments back to the time of the Carolingians in law.  We have gone through and done the introduction and treatment as to the documents of the estates.  We will cover the manor roll, the affidavits and the purpose and function of the instruments created in One Heaven next week.  I will cover those in a third audio in the estate series in more detail.  

Before we sign off, let me thank again all those who through generous support continue to help and find ways to support the goals of Ucadia in addressing injustice, in spreading knowledge and helping restore the law.

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