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Hello, this is Frank O’Collins and thank you for taking the time to listen and to read the Ucadia blog for this week the 12th June 2014 entitled “The Ucadia Model – Your Key Questions Answered”. I hope all of you who are taking the time to listen and to read find the blog this week useful and timely, particularly in addressing reoccurring questions, or issues, or complaints or even attacks raised against Ucadia as well as genuine questions concerning the expected timing of delivery and actions associated with the Ucadia model.
In the end, the point of the audio and blog this week is to provide a proper summary and reference point of answer to these key questions, not only as a mark of respect for all of you who are listening and reading today, but for anyone who is yet to come and hear the word Ucadia, or read about Ucadia and the Ucadia model in the future.
In fact, I hope you will find the audio and blog tonight is good enough as a consolidation of issues and answers to key questions that it is able to be sent to anyone you know who may have concerns or questions about Ucadia, or to answer any complaint or negative comment people may raise to you about the subject matter of Ucadia.
But first, lets briefly round off the theme for our last few weeks (Thursday, May 29, 2014 and Thursday, June 5, 2014) of discussions concerning prima facie evidence, or “irrefutable proof” that there is nothing lawful about Common Law because none of it is based on the Golden Rule, the Golden Rule of Law, nor is it based on Justice or Fair Process.
A quick review of the evidence on Common Law and Statutes
You probably react the same way I do when someone comes on through an audio, or YouTube video or blog and proclaims they are going to prove some argument. The first is usually a big yawn, before I choose whether to delete the link or not. The reason for such a reaction is that the internet is awash with people making claims, often outrageous claims, with very little proof to back them up.
When it comes to discussions concerning law, or courts or finance, this is no different. So you find people making all sorts of claims without any evidence to back them up. It is why some months ago, I started a dedicated project to see that whenever historic references are made within material of Ucadia concerning laws and other concepts within the Canons of Law on the website One-Heaven.Org, that the relevant statutes, proclamations, treaties or orders were linked to download for reference.
In the last couple of blogs there is something like forty or more links to key statutes as prima facie evidence you can download to read and see for yourself the points were have been making about the fact that there is nothing lawful, or truthful or just or fair about Common Law and the system invented by pirates for pirates and corporate advantage. Unfortunately, because of the limited time, it is difficult and would be overwhelming to give you more of the several thousand links to these statutes we now have as a resources.
In fact in such discussions, I missed some glaring evidence. For example, I missed sharing with you two acts of Westminster which introduces the occult notion of declaring every baby dead and subject to their rituals and monetary system. Have a look at the act in the 2nd year of the reign of King George III of Great Britain in 1761 (2Geo.3 c.22) which stated infants are not only added to the Bills of Mortality (5Geo.3 c.14) or the Bills of the Dead, but the specific rituals of registration at birth – with birth being a nautical term.
And just in case people missed the issue of infants being the intellectually disabled- or the poor, we have the act in 1767 (7Geo.3 c.39) for registering the poor young as children- to distinguish them as young live stock, without a soul- dead to law. So disinfo agents and agents for the banks that enslave the planet can spew all the falsities and distractions they want – the evidence is in black and white as to what the system considers you to be. Nothing more than a commodity, less than a slave in Roman times, a thing to be traded and used up and then disposed. And if you are not productive, then remember the acts we discussed last week concerning poor unemployed as horns unwrought when at peace and distempered horned cattle when in rebellion. Live Stock.
In any event, I said that I wanted to do an audio and blog on the supernatural and we will be doing this in coming weeks, but first I wanted to get this audio and blog on Ucadia on the record and then from next week start the three part series on the evidential legal and commercial history of the United States of America.
So lets start then on the questions and answers concerning Ucadia.
What is Ucadia and the Ucadia Model?
The first key questions to answer - and the first test to clearly distinguish between those who genuinely want to know versus those who come with some other agenda - is what is the Ucadia Model and what does Ucadia mean?
If someone is genuinely interested in exploring and knowing more, then these connected questions will usually be at the top of the list, before questions like “what can this model do for me?” or “who wrote it?” or “where does it come from?” etc.
In the case of the Ucadia Model, these are its core elements:
Firstly, the Ucadia Model is comprise of over 70 websites and over one million web pages. However, the main websites of information referring to the core of the model are http://www.ucadia.com and http://one-heaven.org and the seven Union sites beginning with http://globe-union.org .
Two online books which summarize the earliest research of the Ucadia Model can be found on http://www.ucadia.com called the Journey of Unique Collective Awareness and the Journey of Self. While both online books need to be updated, I thoroughly recommend everyone who wants to get a hand on the Ucadia Model takes the time to read both books as an excellent introduction.
Also on the Ucadia website you will find the seven (7) Ucadia Patents which go through key elements of the model, including a complete standard model of standard elements and rules.
On the website http://one-heaven.org you will then find the sacred covenant known as Pactum de Singularis Caelum which is definitely worth reading from start to end, to gain a knowledge of the deeper application of the Ucadia Model.
Also on the One Heaven website you will find Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum being the Twenty two (22) books of canons of law as the summary history and key maxims of law of all civilizations from the beginning of time.
Also on One Heaven you will find Maxima Textibus Sacris The foundation of twenty two (22) collection of the most sacred texts of history which is still be updated.
Then on the website http://globe-union.org you start to see further application of this material with the thirty three (33) codes of law which is connected to a library of over 7,000 forms and processes defined by the codes, in the process of being completed and put online.
Finally, there is the Ucadia Financial System as a complete structure of assets, currencies, treasuries, rules and banks based upon this framework through a series of websites that are currently being updated as well.
So this is just a very quick overview of just some of the key elements of the Ucadia Model. It is a massive model, developed over two decades and not something that can be trivialized without revealing those who seek to obscure or smeer for what they truly are.
Many may not agree with what they read in parts of the Ucadia Model and I have always said throughout these audios and blogs that if there are clear errors within the model then they need to be repaired. But I make no apologies for taking head on the mind virus of cowards who would rather continue to lie and misinform their own families and communities for the sake of private interests, than to free the minds of people to the possibilities of a genuinely better world.
Even on this simplest of summaries of Ucadia, you have an easy tool by which to expose the disinfo merchants on the internet, particularly their latest mind hives of operations such as false wiki sites – because they will never, ever list a proper summary of the Ucadia model before they launch into their paid propaganda and disinfo script.
Anyway, back to the second part of the question – what does Ucadia mean? Or What is Ucadia? For this, I refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section on http://www.ucadia.com . So lets have a look at the answer to Question 2 – what does the word Ucadia mean?
Q2. What does the word UCADIA mean?
UCADIA stands for Unique Collective Awareness of DIA. A DIA are pure symbolic representations of meaning, the units of meaning upon which the UCADIAN language of pure symbolic semantic meaning is constructed.
Unique Collective Awareness (‘UCA”) means the unique collection of all things, a pure concept defined as the ultimate paradox, the absolute. The relationships of UCA are reflected in the first seven (7) patents.
In other words, Ucadia is a model of an idea- or an Idea about an Idea – nothing more. So why would an Idea about an Idea be so threatening to certain groups of disinfo agents and their overlords?
Lets have a look then at the third question and answer on the FAQ on the Ucadia website.
Q3. What is the underlying idea underpinning the UCADIAN model?
The underlying and core idea of Ucadia is that “life is a dream of awareness in motion according to rules being the manifestation of the universe and that we are both part of the Unique Collective Awareness in motion and its personification”:
+ As everything is Unique Collective Awareness with purpose in motion and action, we are part of the sum of Unique Collective Awareness by whatever name we feel meets our cultural meaning such as Divine Creator, The One, Allah, God, Great Power or any other name; and
+ As we are manifested within the dream of the Universe, we are also bound by the rules of the dream. However, the essence by which we identify ourselves beyond the physical being the “me” or the “self” is a construct of awareness and so is immortal; and
+ Given everything is dream within dream within dream, we possess the extraordinary power to manifest good or ill to our world- making this world heaven or hell for ourselves.
OK, what is the relevance of this answer? Lets take the underlying premise of the modern system of global slavery which states within the laws that you are an insolvent debtor, which in turn relies upon religious leaders continuing to promote the absurd lies of original sin and the concept of hell.
Why can’t we end the insane, sacrilegious and morally repugnant concept of original sin invented in the 16th century? Why can’t we consider abolishing the awful, and terribly wicked concept of hell invented by the Roman Cult in the 14th century? Why can’t we expose the history of these people? What is so threatening about this truth?
The reason such a complex idea about an idea is so threatening to the status quo is because it reveals the true nature of the world we live in being nothing more than a complex illusion, maintained and protected by people willing and eager to be zombies, robots and trolls for the status quo. It is truly a matrix, as presented through the public notice of Hollywood and once we comprehend how it works, we can change it for the better.
Yet for some, the idea that life is a dream and dreams have rules will be too far out there to get your head around – making it easier for disinfo to spread doubt and fear. However, I hope with time and with improvements in the way the Ucadia model is presented, the potential and the amazing information it contains will become clearer and indeed will overcome the white noise trying to limit is impact.
The more controversial questions concerning Ucadia
So far, we have been dealing with the introductory questions about what is the Ucadia Model, what is it and what does it mean? As well as the disinfo that continues to be spread to try and discourage people to ever discover a model about the possibility life is a dream and we have the power to change that dream for the positive.
Yet many may have already read some of the Ucadia Model are less concerned about such claims, but more concerned about the types of symbols and references they have read – such as symbols typically reserved for the “Illuminati” or some “new World Order”.
To this end, we are going to go to the Frequently Asked Questions section on the One Heaven website. There are two sections there, general frequently asked questions and the most frequent lies spread about Ucadia and One Heaven.
Lets start with the first one that periodically gets rollout in an attempt to make it stick- namely Ucadia and One Heaven sounds like or looks like a Cult.
Firstly, lets look at the word Cult, because many might find it strange that the Catholic Church actually embraces Cults as a good thing, such as the Cults of Saints, versus the popular notion of Cults being bad and evil.
The English word Cult is a contraction and direct source of the Latin word cultus meaning “to honor and worship the gods” as well as “care of mind; good training; refined culture, attire and to be civilized”. How amazing then is it that the popular version – the one which is promoted to the general population is the complete opposite – that to be part of a Cult is a bad or dangerous thing.
So lets look at the popular and common version of the word Cult and the three elements that determine whether a body or idea or movement can be legitimately considered as a Cult or not, namely 1. Occultism; and 2. Elitism; and 3. Cretinism.
Let me explain the first being 1. Occultism. By definition, whether you consider the definition of Cult as positive from the perspective of the Illuminati – which is a form of Cult, or negative for the rest of the world – a defining element of a Cult is its treatment of knowledge as Occult. In other words – so we are perfectly clear – a Cult deliberately makes knowledge or information less clear not more clear; it hides secrets, not reveals them; it seeks to be less transparent than more transparent.
So to call any group, any body or any idea a Cult which openly and repeatedly at every steps tries to make knowledge clear, more transparent and more open is the height of stupidity and contradiction and flies in the face of all forms of logic. In fact anyone making such a claim against Ucadia by definition reveals themselves to be a complete idiot or lunatic at best, or openly professes themselves to be a disinfo agent at worst.
What about the second defining element of Cults, being Elitism. Again, wherever you see people who never speak of the Golden Rule of Law- that all are equal and instead seek to stratify society into the haves and the have nots into the rich and poor, into the intelligent and the ignorant and into the master and slaves, then you have the signs of a Cult. Westminster is a Cult, because of this definition as well as the preponderance of Occultism. In contrast, any group that seeks to restore the Golden Rule of Law and Justice and Fair Process cannot possibly be called a Cult without such utterly absurd and clearly false labels being exposed as deliberate propaganda.
Finally, Cretinism is the third element of a Cult whereby such a body seeks to misinform its own members and the general public in that it hides knowledge or creates false knowledge. The Private Bar Guilds are a classic example of this because the very first people they deceive are their own members. The Medical Guilds are also an example of Cults for the very reason. In contrast, groups or bodies that seek to make knowledge known, to break down barriers, to increase competency are the complete opposite to Cults.
Therefore, by all reasonable, logical and rational measure, Ucadia and one Heaven can never be considered a Cult unless the people making such accusations are betting on their skill and ability to lie, to obscure and to hide their obvious mind illness by calling others the same to which they are already willing and loyal members.
What is another major criticism and concern about Ucadia and One Heaven is the prevalence of symbols sometimes associated with secret societies or other groups. So let me explain this issue.
Take the number and symbolism of 666 – a number to dripping with symbolism that just its very mention evokes Hollywood images and other image training as the mark of the Devil. Actually the number is mentioned only once in the King James Bible and not as the mark of the Devil but the adversary who will end the reign of the Roman Cult and the Slave Traders and the Bankers who treat the population of the world as Live Stock and Cattle and Beasts. In fact they call this adversary a Beast – not the Devil but a member of the Horned Cattle – the ones the Bankers and their Religious allies want to keep enslaved.
So what kind of idiotic mind virus would have people consider that those that want to free them from being ignorant and compliant slaves to a system that takes everything from them and then curses their memory and their children – are their enemy? What kind of bizarre mind control trick would have people believe that the enemy of slave traders and corporate vampires is also their enemy?
That is the power of 666 and that is the significance of 666 because it actually means something in the way it is written in the King James Bible and it means something in the historic context of the destruction of two temples formerly the homes for slave traders and human sacrificers and the inventors of ideas that continue to enslave the planet today.
The rebels that held the Roman Great Temple and Mind of Mithra in Jerusalem in 69 CE knew the power of this symbolism as well. They wanted to make a statement that would carry through the ages to the present day in the hope, in the slimmest hope that people who carry on living their lives like lemmings, like mushrooms, like the most idiotic of robots might actually wake up from their slumber and the effects of centuries of mind virus training and see the matrix for what it is. So 666 years to the day, they destroyed that temple, just like King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the Temple of Satan build by Solomon 666 years to the day earlier. The same Solomon who remains hero to those who proclaim privately to be the slave masters of the world today. [See Age of the Nazarenes of Lebor Clann Glas].
So yes the symbolism of 6 plus 6 plus 6 is used in the abbreviation of numbers of 144 characters within the framework of Ucadia and One Heaven with this knowledge in mind. To ignore the facts and origin of the significance of the number and simply to scream out- of no, Ucadia is occult and our enemy because the agents of the corrupt leaders of religion and finance and government tell us to fear – is the height of stupidity. I hope none who are on this call, suffer such effects of mind virus.
But there is also a deeper purpose for the symbolism within Ucadia and it relates to the very introduction of the sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum called Exordium. Let me quote from section 4 of the Exordium:
4 As Supreme Conveyance of All Property (link)
FOURTH: Let it be known to all past, present and future, that this most sacred Covenant known as Pactum De Singularis Caelum, also known as the Covenant of One Heaven, is registered, recorded and recognized in all Heaven and the Universe as the deed and act and instrument that has lawfully reverted and recovered all rights, title, instruments, certificates, uses, property, claims, trusts, deeds, estates, symbols, seals, powers, authorities, commissions, sacraments, funds, franchises, records, assurances and securities back to the Society of One Heaven, so that no Level 6 Life Form, person, higher order spirit, entity or aggregate may claim to hold separate title, possession, occupation or ownership of any such rights, title, instruments, certificates, uses, property, claims, trusts, deeds, estates, symbols, seals, powers, authorities, commissions, sacraments, funds, franchises, records, assurances or securities unless it has been legitimately granted through the Society of One Heaven or a valid and registered associated entity; and
Therefore, any and all rights, title, instruments, certificates, uses, property, claims, trusts, deeds, estates, symbols, seals, powers, authorities, commissions, sacraments, funds, franchises, records, assurances or securities that contradict this fact are henceforth false, null and void having no legal validity as no entity may claim ownership of property unless it has been legitimately granted through the Society of One Heaven as the one (1) and only Custodians and Protectors of all Spiritual and Temporal Property on behalf of the Divine Creator, also known as the Unique Collective Awareness; and
In other words, all the symbols are returned and the ruling elite and the Illuminati are revealed for that they really are- nothing more than pirates, criminals and insane people continuing to pursue outdated and morally repugnant ideas.
Now, there is one more criticism I want to cover before we move to some different more personal questions many of you may have and it is the criticism that somehow when one redeems their membership they are somehow selling, or surrendering or binding themselves to some organization
I have listed the Oath at the time of redeeming membership below:
We [Your Name],
being the Divine Immortal Spiritual, expressed in our Trust Number to the circumscribed Living Flesh occupying the Earth known as [Community] within the metes and bounds of the Region known as [Province] within the metes and bounds of the Nation known as [Nation], hereby freely and of My own free will, without duress, give My oath and witness to the Sacred Covenant, also known as Pactum de Singularis Caelum; and
Furthermore, We pledge Our sacred oath to uphold the Articles of the Sacred Covenant of the Society and Our allegiance to abide by the rules and regulations as set forth by the Society and its valid Canons; and
Upon this day We hereby give notice and full consent for the Society to register Our sacred Membership Number of One Heaven through the creation of a Perfect Divine Trust in spirit and a union with a Perfect True Trust in flesh; and
Made by Me this day through the selection of the button below and the recording of this act as associated with the valid registration of My True Trust.
Now lets have a look at what this Oath actually means in the context of the sacred Covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum and the Ucadia Model.
What the oath is saying, based on the meaning of Ucadia model and the Covenant of One Heaven is that you (in flesh) pledge an oath to you (the divine) to live according to some basic self discipline and values reflected in the Covenant of One Heaven. Is that evil? Or is that an incredibly enlightening step forward from previous oaths and affirmations we may have made in courts, or professions or any form of club you may be associated?
What are you ultimately? If you have read anything of Ucadia then you know you are the personification of the absolute, the all, the divine, the almighty in flesh. If you have spent even a few minutes listening to the audios then you will have heard me speak the same phrase over and over “nothing stands between you and the divine”. Yet does this stop the assassin, the mind virus? The spiritual fog?
You are responsible for yourself. You cannot blame Ucadia if you have failed to take accountability for your own predicament. You can’t blame Frank O’Collins that somehow through failure of access to speak with him or engage with him, you have somehow been betrayed, giving you license to seek to discredit Ucadia on falsities and deliberate misrepresentations.
This oath, this promise which says no one stand between you and the divine is your promise to your highest self that you will stop running away, you will stop hiding from your past mistakes, that you will stop searching for someone to blame, that you will stop being a negative troll attacking other people trying to make a difference.
Instead, if you are someone who has made the solemn oath to your higher self, you will try every day to tackle the mind virus that is ego. It is a promise to yourself that you will try to make the world a better place and not revert to old habits, or fear mongering, or not taking competent control of your own affairs.
The immediate personal questions concerning Ucadia
OK, so while the previous discussion addressed hopefully most of the questions of concern that some may have about symbols, intention and position of the Ucadia Model, there is one final group of questions I want to address tonight concerning more personal questions relating to the immediate concerns, issues and problems that some of you may be facing.
I am referring to such questions as “when will the Ucadia will and testament templates be back up? Or “how to I deal with a court matter?” “or how do I get money to survive?” or simply “will you help me? Or why won’t you help me directly?” So I want to address briefly these important questions in the final part of our conversation tonight.
Firstly, on the question of when will the Ucadia Model templates concerning the Voluntatem et Testamentum will be ready is conditional on finishing the canons of Fiduciary Law. The reason is simply that I want to be completely certain that what is presented in the updated documents is as perfected as possible and that there can be no argument – no possible argument otherwise.
It won’t stop those dedicated to corruption or who lie for a living. But it will mean there is no hiding the contempt of these people to the rule of law. So there is still a few weeks before the canons of Fiduciary law will be ready and then, only then will these templates be updated and restored to the Ucadia web sites.
As to the questions of survival and money and direct assistance – the first point I would like to make is that Ucadia has never been about making money. I never started this journey as a money making exercise. In fact, if it is money I wanted to make, then I would have been far better off, never publishing a single word. For those that are looking to make money I say sorry, I cannot help you and ultimately if that is what you want then you are not ready to truly respect the information contained within Ucadia.
If you are facing problems with court and come to Ucadia at the last minute, then know there is no easy fix, no quick solution, no cut and paste answer. If you read then you will learn and as you learn you will become more competent and if you continue to apply what you learn and act with respect and competency then one day you may find yourself in the situation that when facing a corrupt enemy who uses the law as a commercial weapon that you have fifty different ways to address the problem and not just one.
As for those who write to me occasionally and ask directly for me to help them, know that I truly do care and feel for the struggles and trauma that so many are facing. But the purpose of Ucadia is to firstly drain the occult swamp and restore the law and secondly for each of you to become competent in your own affairs – or as the analogy goes – to know how to fish for yourself.
Unfortunately, and this comes from bitter experience, I do not help the primary purposes of Ucadia nor ultimately those that implore me for direct assistance – by heading such cries. It does not mean I am heartless, or do not care or even the bizarre argument that disinfo agents sometimes push that I am somehow scared or unable to act in the field. Instead, I have learned and continue to be reminded that the very best I can do is finish the Ucadia model and to listen, to feel, to correct any mistakes and to give people everything I know. If that is not enough for you then I am sorry – that is all I can do.
Thank you for all who continue to read and support!
Before I sign off for this audio and blog I do want to give a genuine thanks to all of you who continue to read and support and help.
I don’t know what it is, but people seem to somehow forget that virtually everything you read is a result of a personal journey for more than 21 years now and that there are no major patrons, or external organizations or governments contributing to keeping Ucadia alive. It is really the energy that I continue to scrape together and the tremendous support of people like you.
Quite simply – if not for your support, Ucadia would have vanished several years ago. And in a sense, that I suspect is what many in the wealthiest religious and government and banking organizations hope will happen. They are not directly obstructing, but they are certainly banking on the general apathy of the population in the hope that people want to remain ignorant and want to remain slaves and are happy to be processed and disposed literally like cattle and Ucadia will become but a memory.
So thank you from the depths of my heart to all of you who actually care and who continue to support.
Until next week, please be safe, be well and thank you and good night.
Thank you Frank O'Collins
ReplyDeletewonderful information frank....am lovin it and also bring a few folks in to make them aware of the ucadia model .....with the sincerest that they like myslef will find this idea about an idea..eyeopening and like a raod trip goes on and one gets stories of the road.....Like Interstate 60 the movie......that stories of the road are like the history you bring forward to provide a solid foundation ...for something that by simply reading the oath and the 144 articles of the sacred creed of the grand juries, people can fell of sense of enlightment...and courage to move on in the understanding of ucadia......thanks again brother....sincerely thomas McFadden