Thursday, April 23, 2015

Supernatural Explained Pt 2: What is afterlife & mind really like? Do spirits really exist? Can we prove it?

Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here   (45 min 17 Mb)

Hello this is Frank O’Collins and thank you for taking the time to read and listen to the Ucadia blog this week entitled “Supernatural Explained Pt 2: and What is the afterlife and mind really like? Do spirits really exist? Can we prove it?”

To all who come to listen to the Ucadia for the first time – welcome. I hope you find the information in this blog and audio as well as part 1 of this series last week useful and informative. If you have not already had the opportunity to read and listen to part 1 on this series of Supernatural Explained entitled “Does the Supernatural exist? Is there life after death? Can we prove it?” I hope you will go and have a read and listen first, as I will be referring back to part 1 of this series throughout this blog article and audio.

So to all of you that have read and listened to the first part of this series on the Supernatural Explained as well as other Ucadia blogs on different topics before, I want to express my profound appreciation for your support in taking time out to read and listen. I know how precious time is in this non-stop world, where so many people even seem too busy to contemplate such questions as “what happens when we die?” much less contemplate the inevitable fact that all of us must face the fact that our bodies will die one day. 

In the blog and audio tonight, I will be continuing to demystify and hopefully clarify what the Supernatural really means and the fact that statements such as “Life is a Dream” and “Everything is aspects of Unique Collective Awareness of Mind” are really just the beginning of stepping out and breaking free of the “matrix” mind trap of false Eastern-Western Philosophies that have deliberately confused, isolated and obstructed our view of ourselves, our existence and our own consciousness.

Like we demonstrated so clearly in the blog last week, the mind control matrix that keeps so many people so trapped and so miserable and so isolated and so poor and so weak, is not simply founded on the hard powers of the artificial scarcity of resources, or the control of money, or the construction of prison cities. Instead, the real power rests in the everyday tools we take for granted in the use of certain words that carry certain negative and contradictory meanings. 

For example, words such as Belief truly meaning “to trick, to beguile, to misrepresent, to belie, to falsify, and the commercial term Credit”; and the word Faith truly meaning “to curse and bind the living, to being possessed and controlled by ghosts”. The words Superstition and Magic and Mystery are also examples of words that seek to deliberately corrupt the mind. 

How many times have you heard the disgustingly ignorant and false statement in response to a murder or tragic event by some priest or apologist of the necromancers that say, “The Will of God is a Mystery”. What utter rubbish. As we proved last week in speaking about the 22 laws of Trinitate Theologiae within the covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum, as the most superior theology or “proof, arguments and science of God”, there is absolutely no mystery whatsoever why evil things happen, or in answer to why God does not send down a lightning bolt to smite some evil-doer as is claimed he used to do in the Old Testament. Pactum De Singularis Caelum is a direct intervention; and Ucadia is a direct intervention and I am a direct intervention – yet people are completely blinded and shut off from seeing such miracles and wonders. Why?

It is impossible and an absurdity for anyone to think or trust or hope that they can connect to God or the Divine Creator or Jesus or Mary or any of the Saints or Angels in any temple created by the necromancers that hijacked the Christian Church and later the Catholic Church. Why? Because everything about the necromancers and their rituals are anathema and “opposite” to the fundamental teachings of the Nazarenes first founded by Jesus in the 1st Century, or Christianity first founded by Constantine in 314 CE or the true Catholic Church founded by the Carolingians in the 8th Century.

All those people who still go to Mass, have no idea that the Mass is a necromantic ceremony of human cannibalism and the worship of death reintroduced no earlier than the 14th Century and is a curse against all the true teachings of Jesus and Christianity and Catholicism. Every facet of the design of such buildings in worship of death and human sacrifice; and every element of rituals of worshipping human cannibalism such as “eating flesh and drinking blood” of Christ; and every word uttered by people willingly proclaiming themselves as sheep is designed to cut them off from heaven and all genuine spiritual connection.

So what about ghosts or angels or demons or possession and exorcisms or miracles or visions?  Yes, there are a great many things that seem to support the twisted and contradictory claims of the necromancers in telling those under their spell or “God Spell” (Gospels) that what they claim is true. So we need to systematically address each and every aspect of this seeming mountain of evidence that there is at least “something” to the rituals of the Roman Death Cult.

Yet, unlike the priest who mouths off the insult of “The mystery of the Will of God” to a mother who has just lost her baby, I can actually explain right now the underlying power behind all the seeming miracles, visions, possessions that superficially support the claims of so many of the false teachings of the death cults – it is the power of the mind in a universe that is a dream.

If the existence of Mind is instant and constant proof of the existence of the Supernatural – precisely because it has no mass, nor location, yet we may still validate its existence, then words as the transmitters of meaning and context can have a catastrophic effect on the reality of Mind versus the dream of Physical Reality. The complete opposite to the false children’s nursery rhyme “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”. If “Life is a Dream”, then words can inflict far more damage on the mind than any amount of sticks and stones.

As a result, words can become like the bars and walls of prisons for the mind – literally! And words and meanings can become like the torture apparatus of the worst inquisitors. And false words and meanings can be like the most powerful of drugs that take hold of people and numb their senses so they cannot see what is in front of their eyes or hear with their ears.

I don’t know how many of these people who are imprisoned in their minds because of the necromancers can be freed by these blogs? I do not know how many minds we can help stop from being tortured by the awful and false words such as Sin and Original Sin and Belief and Faith? I do not know how many we can wake up from the drug-addicted like stupidity because of the sweet sounding lies of false priests and gurus? What we can do, is continue to speak the truth and to de-mystify the layers of knowledge about the Supernatural as Unique Collective Awareness of Mind in the hope that one, even just one mind previously trapped in this madness will be free. So with this goal in mind, let us briefly cover the issue of the Western-Roman Matrix of Mind and how control of the mind has obsessed and shaped the course of Western Philosophy for more than 400 years.

Proving the Western-Roman “mentis” matrix of mind

If you said to the average priest of the Roman Death Cult that “Life is a Dream”, then they’d probably laugh at you or maybe even refer you to someone for “professional therapy”. Yet just that one piece of information that “Life is a Dream” is what powers the entire apparatus of the Illuminati and Global Elite and Necromantic Churches and Cults across the planet. It is their dirty little secret that they keep hidden from their modern philosophy books after proving to themselves just how powerful such knowledge can be.

You see, I have explained before in many blogs and articles, that the founders of the Roman Death Cult discovered proof, by the 10th Century, that “Life is a Dream”, when they unearthed the vast library of manuscripts saved from the famous Library of Alexandria that had found their way to the Great Library of Cordoba under the Moors, also known as the Morosini – the founders later of Pisa and Venice. 

In a sense, to the Illuminati and Global Elite that are desperately trying to still control the world: angels, demon, and miracles are all window dressings of the mind- cheap party tricks designed to “keep the masses” enthralled, while the real apparatus of control is hidden in plain sight.

Some might object to this notion that the real power is in words and that physical power is somehow “window dressing”. I mean, guns and bullets are very real; and drone aircraft and electro-magnetic weapons are very real; and helicopters and prisons and tazers are very real; and aircraft carriers and tanks are very real. But the ridiculousness of thinking that such physical power is the ultimate and only real power is exposed when you start considering the numbers involved in inequality and injustice.

Take the United States as just one example. This year [2015], the population of the country is expected to be at least 320 million. Of these 320 million people, some 40 million people or 13% of the population will be living in extreme poverty where they are lucky to get just one meal a day and have clean clothes – the largest concentration of poor people anywhere on the planet – including India and Africa. Yes, let me repeat that, in 2015 right this minute, there are more people starving in America under the Illuminati and bat shit crazy Global Elite Corporations than in India. Meanwhile, according to the Institute for Policy Studies, just 1% of Americans control more than 40% of the total wealth of the nation. In fact the top 20% of the population in the United States now control more than 95% of the wealth of the country – a growth of more than 10% since the global financial crisis of 2008. The wealth inequality in the United States is not just bad, it is the worst in recorded history for any population greater than 100 million. Not even the worst tyrant emperors of China or Asia or Europe; and not even the worst periods of history has seem such wealth inequality and injustice– the greatest wealth inequality of any country on the planet – including North Korea and the very worst regimes of Africa.

Yet, if just 1% of the very poorest Americans were to march with courage and solidarity and stand their ground, instead of run away, then the worst system of inequality and injustice ever recorded in human history would crumble in weeks. So why hasn’t it?  Because of control of the mind through certain key words.

Sure, like the end of any regime there would be casualties – hundreds if not thousands that might be gunned down like the dying days of the unjust regimes of East Germany or Romania, or the dying days of the Mussolini regime in WWII or the Vichy French. But a fraction of the population compared to the vast majority that would be free of the chains of being treated worse than slaves and effectively being targeted for extermination by the ruling elite through fear of such a threat.

In the English language, there are over 1,000 words ending with the ancient Latin word “ment”, short for mentis, or “mind” – 1,000 words – all part of the control mechanism of mind. Key words such as Government, Parliament, Commandment, Enforcement, Employment, Indictment, Judgment, Enslavement, Entertainment and Advertisement just to name a few of the over 1,000 “mind” words of control.

Far from these words being incidental, the collection of “ment” words or words controlling the mind are arguably the most important in determining our perception of the physical construct of reality being nothing more than a collective dream.

We see their buildings and false laws [that are nothing more than dictates of tyrants] as permanent and immovable through these words of “ment” and mind. We accept our position as slaves through these words of “ment” and mind. We allow these people to continue to kill us and torture us and claim control over us through these words of “ment” and mind.

Yet there is one word, even more disgusting and beguiling and false than even all the 1,000+ “ment” words of mind control. Because, this word is the cornerstone of Mundi- turning this beautiful planet into a prison planet for the necromancers to control both the living and the dead. That word is “soul”.

Proving the Roman Death Cult obsession in controlling mind even in death

If you even take just five minutes to reflect, then you will see the word “soul” permeates every level of Western Mind: Whether it be the organized opposition that deny the concept of soul existing, yet use the word constantly to reinforce it at least in concept; or the organized necromantic sects that constantly threaten us, that we risk losing such a valuable gift called “soul”; or even those that practice black magic and are obsessed about the “souls” of the dead.

So if you look up any common dictionary on the term “soul” then you’d see the claim that the word means “the spirit or essence of a person: their thoughts and personality believed to live on after death”. Other meanings place the concept of “soul” and “person” as one, or even “soul” and “life” as one. 

OK, so we see that the concept of “soul” and “spirit” are seen as one and the same. But is this true? Let us have a look at Article 39 of Ecclesiastical Law:

Canon 3702 

Spirit is a term used to generically define an independent supernatural force not constrained by the rules of temporal form – hence a level of consciousness no longer bound to a body or other temporal limitation. The term “spirit” therefore may be accurately applied in general terms to describing the undying essence of a human being, or an angel or demon or some other entity not bound to temporal limitation. However, the term “spirit” cannot be reliably used to describe a ghost or soul as both terms imply a consciousness no longer bound to a body but still bound to significant temporal limitations.

Canon 3703 

The word Spirit comes directly from the Latin term spiritus meaning “breath, breathing, breeze, air; inspiration; character or courage” from the Latin root word spiro meaning “to breathe, blow; to be alive; to be inspired”. The Greeks used a similar word called pneuma (πνεῦμα) to describe the same qualities as spirit.

So if neither the Greeks nor the Romans used the word “soul”, where does the word “soul” actually come from and what does “soul” actually mean? Let us have a look at the canons about Soul again in Ecclesiastical Law:

Canon 3683

The word and false meanings attached to Soul originate from the 16th Century influx of tens of thousands of artificially constructed ecclesiastical and legal English words. The term Soul comes from the forced consolidation and corruption of two key streams of common ancient meanings – one dealing with muddy ground and earth and the other with the fettering and control of animals:

(i) The first stream of meaning attached to Soul comes from the ancient Gaelic word Soil meaning “muddy ground, earth, mire, bottom of a shoe” and equivalent to sola/solium in Latin, soli in Old Icelandic, sole in Anglaise and sohle in Old German; and

(ii) The second stream of meaning attached to Soul comes from the ancient Gaelic word Saul meaning “a wooden band or yoke put around the neck of an ox or cow in a stall” and equivalent to solea in Latin, sail in Old Icelandic and Old German, saul in Anglaise.

Canon 3684

By blending the notions of soil and earth and land with the notion of controlling “animals”, the Roman Death Cult and its agents in the 16th Century succeeded in creating the foundation stone for cursing as many people as possible to be bound to temporal forms and thus be condemned in ignorance to an existence as ghosts:

(i) Soul is a spiritual prison of one (spirit/mind trapped in its own hell); and

(ii) Records of proof of Soul (birth certificate, marriage license, confirmation, name, estates, death certificate, headstone) are all proof of Soul and claim of ownership by the Roman Death Cult; and

(iii) The acceptance of Soul and deep attachment to the notion of Soul is proof many have been condemned to a continued existence as Ghosts for the time being.

Canon 3681

Soul is a term redefined in the 16th Century to describe a cursed and imprisoned spirit bound as a ghost and claimed to under the absolute control and ownership of the Roman Death Cult or its various necromantic branches including, but not limited to, Protestantism, Pseudo Orthodox, Fanatical Islam, Lunatic Satanism, Fake Judaism or Intellectual Nihilism. Soul is not equivalent to mind or spirit, but the entrapment of mind and spirit.

Canon 3682

Soul is the single most important concept of the necromantic insanity of the Roman Death Cult and is central to their notion of Mundi as the cursing of the dead, the formation of Hell and the control of the living:

(i) The concept of Soul is all pervasive and fundamental to the false teachings of false Christianity and the continued existence of Mundi; and

(ii) The trick of equating Soul to mean an immortal essence or spirit of intrinsic and priceless value pervades every aspect of Western-Roman Philosophy; and

(iii) The deliberately designed fake opposition to organized religion continues to propagate and reinforce the concept of Soul by fixating their arguments and attacks on its denial, thus by counter intuition reinforcing the arguments of established religion as to the value of Soul; and

(iv) The value and importance of Soul is further reinforced through art and literature in promoting the fear of “losing ones’ Soul” to Satan or the Devil or “selling ones’ Soul” as a potential catastrophic loss and ultimate fear and threat against anyone who repudiates the falsities and insanities and contradictory absurdities of fake Christian sects such as the Roman Death Cult; and

(v) The value of Soul is further reinforced to anyone seeking to overcome the absurd, irrational and contradictory tenets of necromancers in describing the Soul, in promoting the Illuminati Model of claiming to treat certain classes of Homo Sapiens as “without a Soul” and thus animals, further reinforcing through counter intuition as to the value of Soul.

So what does all this mean? Well, in the word Soul, it is revealed that the Roman Death Elite didn’t discover Hell, they are its architect: designing it meticulously, piece by piece. Secondly, Hell isn’t thousands of years old: it is a relatively recent invention no later than the 16th Century. Finally, the architecture of Hell, deliberately created by the Roman Death Cult and the necromancers is not a place full of people screaming and yelling to get out – but individual prisons built for one spirit at a time. You see – the key to Mundi and its ultimate weakness is that it is designed both on Earth and in Heaven about separating every single spirit and mind into its own personal Hell. That is why there has been so little appearance of change – because the walls of these billions and billions of prisons are the tallest, the thickest and the most challenging in the history of our species.

It is going to take a determined effort from just a few heroes – people willing to listen and read Ucadia and not be put off by the living controllers of the Roman Death Cult and the ghosts that control Hell. As a next step, we need to know exactly what we are dealing with when discussing the Unique Collective Awareness of Mind and the structure of consciousness if we are going to be able to break down the personalized prisons of Mundi.

What is the Unique Collective Awareness of Mind?

We have covered a huge amount tonight, so I am not going to go over too much detail of the Unique Collective Awareness of Mind, except the essential comprehensions; then next week, when we address the deeper issues of ghosts, angels, demons and how Mundi is structured and how it can ultimately be dissolved to restore harmony and balance on planet Earth and in every plane of existence connected to our species and Earth and our Solar System.

So let us begin by looking at Article 3 on Cognitive Law Canons:

Canon 675

Mind is the term used to define certain systems, properties and functional states of consciousness of a higher order being as distinct from the physical and biological processes of its body.

Canon 676

The word Mind originates from ancient Gaelic word múin/múind meaning “educate, instruct and teach” and first used in describing the seat of cognition from the 16th Century.

Canon 679

There are only three (3) forms of Mind being Lower Mind, Higher Mind and Divine Mind:

(i) Lower Mind, also known as "lower self" is physically constrained Mind derived from physical apparatus producing Mind, such as a biological brain, DNA and cellular memory. A Lower Mind is uniquely and exclusively connected to a physical body only once; and

(ii) Higher Mind, also known as "higher self" is non-physical Mind derived from the production of and life experience of one or more Lower Minds as well as a Divine Mind that is not constrained by physical location but chooses to obey the rules of universal laws as if it were constrained. While a Lower Mind exists only once, a Higher Mind may be connected to one or more Lower Minds over decades, centuries and millennia; and

(iii) Divine Mind also known as "divine self" is non-physical Mind equivalent to Unique Collective Awareness.

Canon 682

The systems of Mind or Unique Collective Awareness of Mind (UCM) are five (5) Fundamental Systems of Mind being Conscious, Interconscious, Subconscious, Superconscious and Ultraconscious:

(i) Conscious, also known as Unique Collective Consciousness (UCC), is that part of the systems of Mind exhibited primarily through a lucid, awake and aware state and the state of wakefulness itself; and

(ii) Interconscious, also known as Unique Collective Interconsciousness (UCI), is that part of the systems of Mind defined not directly but indirectly by inference such as emotion, inner voice, instinct and intuition; and

(iii) Subconscious, also known as Unique Collective Subconsciousness (UCS), is that part of the systems of Mind defined by key cognitive functions that the conscious Mind is unaware of, being those “automatic” functions of the body that the conscious Mind “assumes” take care of themselves; and

(iv) Superconscious, also known as Unique Collective Superconsciousness (UCP), is that part of the systems of Mind fundamental to the source of higher reason, inspiration, imagination, wisdom and enlightenment; and

(v) Ultraconscious, also known as Unique Collective Ultraconsciousness (UCU), is that part of the systems of Mind representing true, perfected memory, Divine Soul and Divine Spirit. 

Next Steps

So there is a brief introduction to the Unique Collective Awareness of Mind. Next week in part 3 of this series, we will put more flesh to this knowledge when we also address the issue of ghosts, angels, demons and dissolving the prison system of Mundi.

To all who continue to help and support Ucadia. thank you!  I would like to especially thank those who have the time, the courage and foresight to donate to Ucadia and help this vitally important research continue.

And to all of you who have taken the time to listen and read, thank you again and until we speak next week, please be safe, be well, thank you and good night.



  1. To thank you is to cheapen the gift... truly grateful however.

    To keep this brief - i am a bit confused. Being relatively new this seeming fantastic work you have committed to obviously i'm missing a great deal. Having now some understanding of the word curse of "Be-lie'f" and now "Soul" my confusion rests in that there are times you use these terms regardless of the knowledge i've thus far gleaned - e.g. "Divine Soul".

    As this little comment may find its way to your attention - if possible can you direct me to other of your writings that can help with my lack of understanding the crucial differences?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Excellent post and commentary, 'hoolu,' as it is clear from your word choice(as well as those intrinsic ideas) that you have the humility, competence, personal responsibility, inquisitiveness and skepticism to make a real "dent" in this world if you so chose. As to the general crux of your post, I think and feel, after 5 and one half years of diligent reading and exhaustive study myself, that Ucadia's most basic premise is: the healing of words as well as idea by means of distilling the same to their most quintessential points. In essence, this means we no longer have to fear or be afraid of words and knowledge, any word or any knowledge, respectively; as I'm sure you can imagine, this translates into being completely free. Perhaps this is one of Frank's reasons for naming the model "UCADIA;" the 'abode of Pan.' However, this too is paradoxical because if we were truly afraid of knowledge, which I know we are not, then we wouldn't have even made it this far, in order to come to this realization; cause and effect, chicken and egg, but I digress. I hope this helps - the best advice I can give you is to come up with a reading plan and reading goals of UCADIA and follow through with it, at any cost(not to sound too ominous.) Blessings

    3. Lol! Once again, I've "opened mouth and inserted foot," and once again I find myself having to make amends. After reading Frank's latest blog on Practical Supernatural Tips, it is quite obvious that my use of the word "Blessings," in the above-written remark, was a poor choice. It was not my intention to ensnare the poster in some kind of "guilt contract" with my use of the word, but "good intentions pave the road to One Heaven," I suppose. It is little details such as these that disallow me to pat myself on the back too hard or too fast. Case and point: I've read Positive Law, top to bottom, in and out, four (4) times and thought I had a pretty good standing under it. Now, I recently click on Article 84(concerning Trusts) and find all the Canons I thought I'd, completely, memorized by heart, have been overhauled and reworked to embody several new Canons(some of which detail various types of Inferior Roman Trusts) since last I read. I guess my point is: There's always more to do in UCADIA. Just when you think you have it all figured out - think again. I shan't comment any further until I remove the plank from my own eye, and care less about the speck in my brother's. Thanks for reading

  2. To thank you is to cheapen the gift... truly grateful however.

    To keep this brief - i am a bit confused. Being relatively new this seeming fantastic work you have committed to obviously i'm missing a great deal. Having now some understanding of the word curse of "Be-lie'f" and now "Soul" my confusion rests in that there are times you use these terms regardless of the knowledge i've thus far gleaned - e.g. "Divine Soul".

    As this little comment may find its way to your attention - if possible can you direct me to other of your writings that can help with my lack of understanding the crucial differences?
