Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Supernatural Explained – Part 1 –Does the Supernatural exist? Is there life after death? Can we prove it?

Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here   (55 min 18 Mb)

Hello, this is Frank O’Collins and thank you for reading and listening to the Ucadia Blog this week being the first of a three-part series on the Supernatural Explained, where I wish to give all who come to read and listen to this three part series the clearest and most concise answers possible to as many of the questions, the confusions and sometimes the fears that people have concerning the Supernatural. 

The word “Supernatural” is a bit like the word “Illuminati” on the internet and in books and chat rooms as an almost “catch-all” brand for people to market all kinds of theories, conspiracies, potions, solutions and services. The “new-Age” movement in effect is founded on a set of presumptions concerning the Supernatural and is a multi-billion dollar money making coalition of practitioners in the United States alone. People spend thousands and thousands of dollars to go and see mediums, or spend time travelling to out-of-the-place locations to try and receive some miracle or blessing from people claiming to be messiahs, or gurus or supernatural healers.

In fact there is so much written and claimed about the Supernatural that even speaking the word on an audio recording or writing it in a blog is likely to see it swamped in a blizzard of counter arguments, sales offers and claims that bombard anyone who steps outside of the “norm” or mainstream religious organizations to try and find answers. Add to that the general fear and trepidation that some have to even reading or listening to material associated with Ucadia and the likely audience for these blogs and audios is probably going to be quite small. Yet it does not diminish the value or validity of the information that we will be discussing here.

I realize that for many, the hallmark or authentication that they seek before they will even listen or read material concerning subject matter of the Supernatural is when a friend or relative or acquaintance mentions the author and usually some special quality, or ability or standing. Instead of words and arguments standing on their own merits, we rely on the credibility of the author or source of the information instead, as a means of filtering and judging the content first. That is why many people first ask the qualifications of a speaker or author on a subject, before they consider the content they present. It is why major media outlets trot out various academic experts to discuss topics – even when they clearly have not been properly briefed – because they have at the bottom of the screen the credentials to claim they are an “expert” and so can be trusted.

This automatic method of seeking a qualified expert first, before we trust the message becomes especially dangerous and absurd when discussing subject matter of the Supernatural and the Divine Creator or God. In history, the most qualified experts in the subject matter of Divine Law, the Supernatural and the Afterlife were those priest-king families whose bloodlines interconnected the most famous and powerful messenger and prophet blood lines of history, namely the Cuilliaéan, also known as the Holly or one true Holy Family of Ireland representing the purest bloodlines of Homo Prometheus, then mixing with the priests of Ebla and then later the Hyksos and the priests of Eliada and of Persia and the 32 Great Prophets of Yeb such as Ezekiel and Jeremiah and then the priest-kings under Joseph and Mary and Jesus and Mariamne and then back to the wider Cuilliaéan as the Diaspora and then Constantine and then Charlemagne and the Carolingians to the hundreds and hundreds of thousands alive today that are the true Diaspora – completely asleep and ignorant of their history.

Instead, what we have are people popping up every day of the week proclaiming themselves to be reincarnations of famous historic figures, or the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, or some other Messiah or Prophet. As fast as one person is discredited and exposed as a liar without any real knowledge or authority, three rise up and take their place until it is impossible to discern what is true or false based on such erroneous claims of authority.

In contrast, in the weeks and months prior to this blog, I have made clear the dimensions of the message of Ucadia as self evidentiary and standing on its own merits, without need for a Christ, or a Messiah to validate its existence. If you have not read the summary of the enormous dimensions of the Ucadia model already, then please go and have a look at Article 6 of the Globe Union Charter and see for yourself. It is what it is and it does not need the seal of some true Christ as the fulfilment of all true and false scriptures to validate it.

Of course, as we have discussed last week and previous weeks, Ucadia is the literal, formal, ecclesiastical, lawful and legal fulfilment of all the scriptures and prophecies of Christianity, the Bible, the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, Judaism and Islam. If you wanted to get picky, then there is an abundance of signs and symbols in days of birth, names, symbols, and bloodlines. Even if you are a member of the Illuminati and Global Elite and spent just ten minutes reading and listening, there is even the abundance of evidence in support of an alignment of spiritual authority of traditional darkness as well as light in respect of this message when the true meaning of words such as Lucifer, Satan and the Anti-Christ are comprehended. But as far as all of that is concerned, I am just a man and I have always maintained that as a man I do not claim to be the superior of anyone.

As a result, some may continue to simply ignore this blog and the message of Ucadia, because I do not compete in the messiah stakes along with the hundreds of thousands of other people out there who proclaim in various ways to be the only true messenger of heaven. Or some may continue to be infected by Mundi Ghost Virus and continue to steal and rob material from Ucadia and claim its as their own, without considering the consequences of such open profanity and disregard to all the united spirits, minds, angels, and demons of heaven and the singular human consciousness – the singularity personified.

What you choose to do is entirely up to you. That is the gift of free will – the most important law of the Universe. Maybe you will share this blog and the information of Ucadia with others? Maybe you will not? Maybe you will choose to help and support Ucadia in some way, or maybe you will move on? Whatever you choose to do, I hope that by laying a clear foundation in this three part series on the Supernatural Explained, you will find sensible and logical and reasonable answers to key questions in your life.

So this week, we will begin by laying the foundation in answering the key questions like – What do we mean by the Supernatural? Can we prove Supernatural exists? Is there life after death? 

In the following two blogs we will then dive into deeper and more complex questions and issues such as the structure of consciousness in the afterlife as well as such concepts as Do ghosts, and for that matter, demons and angels really exist? What happens when we die? And, Can we communicate with the dead? As well as absolute memory vs. relative memory of true events, the existence of records or the “akashic” records as some call it, the access to such knowledge and some of the problems that have emerged regarding the Supernatural since the rise of Necromancers and the Roman Death Cult several hundred years ago.

Lets start then by what do we mean by the term Supernatural?

What do we mean by the term Supernatural?

To be specific, Supernatural is a term describing any event or form perceived by the observer, to be above or beyond, what is comprehended to be natural or conforming to Natural Law of the observable physical universe, perceived through Mind. Similarly, the word Paranormal means something that cannot be explained by current scientific methods, or “Supernatural”.

OK, what does this mean in practical terms? It means that if we were to witness, say a book, or a chair levitate in the air, contradicting our knowledge of the laws of physics, then as a valid observer, we could call this Supernatural or Paranormal. Similarly, if we had no knowledge of electricity and saw for the first time the operation of a klystron and huge arcs of electricity, then we might conclude this also to be Supernatural or Paranormal. 

This is an important definition, because it does not just mean events or form that do not conform to Natural Law, but what we perceive as “above or beyond” natural phenomena. Hence, in the mid and late 19th Century, the rapid introduction of electricity and electrical devices brought with it an awe to many wealthy members of the Illuminati and Elite that such phenomena was real evidence of the Supernatural and many a charlatan and liar gathered huge fortunes from tricking such a desperately gullible audience, before most of these “mediums” and “spiritualists” were forced to alter their trade.

So what do we mean by Natural Law? Simply, the laws that define the operation of material existence and substance in the form of Matter and verifiable Rules. In other words, the Laws of Rules and Matter. The rules as to the structure of sub-atomic particles and atoms and molecules and cells; and the laws of Energy and Motion and Relation are all aspects of Natural Law.

Be careful- because despite the arrogant self proclamations of many a scientist, the Roman controlled fields of Science are yet to present a comprehensive and perfected standard model of everything – no matter how many times they claim to the contrary. Furthermore, some of the most important foundational pillars of science – such as the very notion of energy and the argument that energy can be exchanged and altered into different “forms” is in desperate need for a re-write as simply no longer valid and practical when all the conditions are properly assessed. It is why so much time was presented within the Ucadia model on presenting revised scientific concepts such as Energis and Ergons and Kinesis to more accurately describe the phenomena of gravity fields, neutrino fields, electro-magnetic fields and the principles of “energy”.

At present, genuine examples of floating objects associated with other events indicating some kind of haunting, may ultimately be explained by the principles and powers of not only air vacuums but electro magnetic and even neutrino field vacuums- resulting in dramatic alteration of the weight of objects from heavier than air to lighter than air and thus capable of being manipulated by such a dynamic vacuum.

The challenge then is not to prove such events necessarily as paranormal or supernatural, but at some point demonstrate how the true physics of such phenomena are possible and what possible state could create a temporary vacuum, altering the room temperature of certain rooms where it is present and then manipulating the movement of objects?

Being clear on key terms associated with the Supernatural

Yet before we get into such issues, there are many accidental and sometimes deliberate confusions introduced into pop culture that are associated with certain words and meanings surrounding Supernatural that need to be clear before we can even begin to answer questions such as “Does the Supernatural really exist? How can we prove it? Is there life after death? 

For example, take the words “skeptic” and “skepticism” from the 5th Century BCE Ancient Greek word skeptomai (σκέπτομαι) “to think, to look about, to consider”, and its use to describe certain schools of thought that promoted the tools of reason, logic and discernment as the highest academic virtues and to refrain from making “absolute statements” of truth. 

A true skeptic then is someone that uses reason and logic and discernment to think, investigate and consider new information, free from prejudice and absolute fanaticism. Whereas, someone who believes in nihilism or promotes some of its many flavors such as Existential Nihilism, Legal Realism, Psychology, Economics, Modern Philosophy, Postmodernism, Socialism, Communism, Modern Mathematics, Anthropology, Modern Education, Modern History, Political Science, Sociology or Criminology should rightly be called “pseudo-skeptics” as they repudiate in practice and form any true notion of the ideals of skepticism.

Thus, when we hear alleged “experts” in a field that happens to infected by the fanatical insanity of nihilism proclaim as “skeptics” their distrust of certain Supernatural notions, we should in future ourselves be true skeptics to such pseudo-skepticism and apply reason, logic and discernment to their claims to weigh and measure them on their merits and argument, not simply their claims of academic citation.

Similarly, we need to be careful of words such as “Faith” and “Belief” being associated with discussions of the Supernatural. For example, a few weeks ago in these blogs, I made clear that the word “Faith” is nothing like what they claim it to be and in fact it is a word created in the 16th Century from the obscured and hidden Latin words “fae, faete and faetum” being the voluntary spellbound state of those who consent, surrender and accept the claims and disinformation of necromancers to then be bound to ghostly spirits. In other words a form of self-cursing.

Similarly, the word Belief has nothing to do with the claimed meanings now attached to it, but was also invented in the 16th Century from the Latin terms beo meaning “to offer; or give or bless” and li (and litis) meaning “quarrel, dispute, lawsuit” – hence the literal meaning of Belie being “to offer, or give or bless with quarrel or dispute”. The term Belie personifies the false, immoral, repugnant and absurd notion Qui vult decipi decipiatur meaning “Let Him Who Wishes to be Deceived, be Deceived”, whereby a person unable to distinguish truth from falsity, exonerates the liar by accepting the lie as true.

So we absolutely do not want to include such words as Belief or Faith in our discussions of the Supernatural as such words are deliberately designed to trick and confuse. Nor do we want to assume words such as Occult have any real association or power with the concept of Supernatural, but the complete opposite. Occult being a word coming from the Latin word occult meaning “to hide or keep secret”. As a ritual done in ignorance has no spiritual or manifest power, the attraction of the term Occult in connection with discussions of the Supernatural is a strange misnomer as nothing that is Occult has any real power.

Another word that is deeply associated with the Supernatural and Paranormal and Occult is the term “Superstition” from the Latin words super meaning “above or over” and sto or steti meaning “stand; or remain in position; or be conspicuous”. Hence the etymological meaning of superstitio is literally to “stand over; or remain in position above; or to reveal in plain sight” – a far cry from the homogenized definition in common English dictionaries that define superstition as a “belief not made on reason or scientific knowledge”.

Superstition literally means from its inception by the Roman Death Cult to be people who stupidly and gullibly accept lies, deceptions and trickery as proof in the minds of the ruling elite that such people are idiots, sheep, and not worthy. That is what the word ultimately means and how the Roman Death Cult ultimately thinks about all those people behaving so stupidly to participate in rituals that have absolutely no power, because they have no true knowledge of their meaning.

In the word Superstition, the Necromancers are telling the planet that what they do is “hidden in plain sight” and if people are so stupid as to continue to accept contradictory and irrational views that somehow the Divine Creator of the Universe is a raving psychopath and lunatic, then such people openly confess they are nothing more than useless animals that can be harvested, sacrificed and enslaved.

Another word that is terribly abused and deliberately confused when speaking of Supernatural is the terms “mystery and “mysteries”. As I discussed with those of you who have been following the Ucadia blogs a few weeks ago, the term “mystery” comes directly from the founding of Christianity from 314 CE by Constantine and the Ancient Greek term “mysterion” (μυστήριο ν) meaning “sacred rite or sacrament” and specifically the seven original “mysteries” or sacraments of Christianity, later hijacked and corrupted by the necromancers namely:

Baptizmos (Baptism)
Christmos (Christening)
Kommoinos (Communion)
Orthodoxos (Orthodoxy)
Eucharistos (Eucharist)
Matrimonos (Matrimony) 
Kremationos (Cremation)

There are many in the world that promote the word “mystery” when speaking of the Supernatural – especially when people ask legitimate questions why the God in the Bible is such a raving psychopath and lunatic that is a “jealous god” – jealous of whom?

This now brings me to the final word I wish to clarify before we continue namely the term “magic” and its ubiquitous alleged connection to the Supernatural. The word magic comes to use from 3rd Century CE Ancient Greek term magos (μάγος) meaning “a criminal, a trickster, conjurer and charlatan” and specifically in relation to the formation of Christianity “a criminal charlatan who tricks people for money using claimed supernatural powers of conjuration” or in modern terms since the 11th Century a Necromancer and in modern centuries the standard play book of members of the Roman Death Cult as an organized criminal enterprise.

Because magic as a trick, can alter the awareness and consciousness of others, it does have some power, but not as supernatural or paranormal.

Simply proving the existence of the Supernatural

So now that we have clarified what we mean by the term Supernatural and other associated terms such as Paranormal and Skeptic and Occult and Mystery and Magic, how can we easily and immediately prove the existence of Supernatural now.

OK, lets take the human mind – the thing that the pseudo-scientific and nihilistic field called Psychology claims to be “experts”. The field of psychology does not have a definitive model of mind, despite mind being front and central to its existence. Instead, psychology implies knowledge of the mind through assumptions based on behaviour and inference and accumulated, self-reinforcing and self-referencing expert opinions and standards. In other words, psychology can measure and observe brain activity and make some pretty good predictions about the possible motives behind the actions of people – but it is not based on actual observation of the mind in operation. If a psychologists claims this is the case, then they are lying. Why?

Because, while we can measure brain activity – your mind is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Let me show you. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine the most beautiful and serene beach scene you can imagine. Can you feel the sun on your face? Can you see the waves? Can you feel the sand in-between your toes? Of course, we can measure the brain activity of each step, but as yet, science has no way of actually seeing what you saw in your own mind. You conceived a beach, maybe a few miles long out of thin air in your mind. To people watching in the room, you were just thinking, but where was the image of the beach in your mind?

It is why so many nihilist scientists like to call the mind the “ghost in the machine” – the anomaly that if it could only be explained would give them their perfect model of arrogant self reference and delusion.

In truth, what you just witnessed is Supernatural – something beyond the norms of the Rules and Matter of this plane of existence and because you think and dream every day, you experience the Supernatural through your mind each and every day. This is not a trick. This is a valid observation of just how frequent the notion of Paranormal and the Supernatural is, when we stop being tricked by magicians and pseudo-skeptics. We live in an existence full of provable Supernatural and Paranormal activity every second of every day. We just proved it!

Yet it gets better. Because, if life and the universe is a dream, then in one respect it is the rules of mind that could be considered “Natural” and the rules and existence of what we call “reality” and the physical world that should be considered Supernatural and Paranormal.

If life and the universe is a dream, then Mind is the Natural and Reality is the Supernatural

Isn’t it funny how fanatical so many people are about the idea that life and the universe is a complex dream and yet this very concept is the most valuable secret of the Illuminati and Elite when they rediscovered ancient texts from the Cordoba Library in the 14th and 15th Century?

For thousands of years our ancestors accepted without question that life is a dream, according to certain rules and that immortality of consciousness is “normal”. It took centuries of tireless mind-control and perfected systems to breed the perfect smart-idiots to populate our universities and cultural controls with people who believe without question the fake history and fake stories and fake documents of the Roman Death Cult that reality is real and there is no other model than the one promoted by the necromancers as the “authentic religious experience”.

Yet the stupidity and incompetence of the best thinkers of the necromancers is easily exposed when one looks at the founding principles of “theology” as expressed under Article 11 of the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum and the 7 Proofs of Divine Existence, the 7 Proofs of Divine Nature, the 7 Illuminations of Divine Mind and the Primary Proof.

Given we are speaking about the Supernatural and Mind, really it is essential that we stop for a moment and consider even just the 7 Proofs of Divine Existence and 7 Proofs of Divine Nature in answering so many of the questions we phrase as questions of the Supernatural. I won’t read them all out (even though they are linked here). I will only cover a few to make the clear point as to proof that Life is a Dream according to certain rules.

7 Proofs of Divine Existence 

The 7 Proofs of Divine Existence are seven empirical and logical proofs as to the existence of the Divine Creator.

#1 Proof of General Existence - states that the mere existence of an idea is sufficient to validate itself, regardless of whether it is considered true or false to other ideas. Only ideas that cannot be named, nor described may be said to have no existence. Thus the Divine Creator may be proven to have General Existence.

#2 Proof of Material Existence - states that existence of the Universe depends upon both rules and matter. Neither matter without rules or rules without matter can exist in Universal reality. The only answer is that rules can exist on their own “in theory”. The only example of a system whereby rules exist “in theory” and then rules and matter exist “in reality” is the relation between a Dreamer and a Dream. Therefore, the Divine Creator may be said to be the Divine Dreamer and the Dream and thus the Divine Creator is proven to have Material Existence.

#3 Proof of Absolute Existence - states that the argument of existence itself depends on at least an Observer and the Object observed to hold true. Therefore, for the Objective Universe to exist, there must be a Universal Observer. This paradox is answered through the Divine Creator as the absolute Dreamer and the Universe as the absolute Dream and thus the Divine Creator is proven to have Absolute Existence.

#4 Proof of Standard Model - states that the existence of a Standard Model of Everything whereby all universal laws, levels of matter, properties and values based on simple fundamental laws repeated at each level of matter may be defined without contradiction to itself and all key scientific measurement would be an unprecedented historic and scientific achievement of immense global implications. Furthermore, if such a Standard Model were to base its first law on the existence of the Divine Creator and that the entire Standard Model could not hold without this law, then such a Standard Model itself would be overwhelming proof of the existence of the Divine Creator unless a model of greater design, perfection and completeness was able to refute such a fundamental assertion. As the seven (7) UCA patents and the UCADIA model prove the existence of this Standard Model, the Divine Creator is conclusively and scientifically proven to exist.

#5 Proof of Dimension - states that dimension is the canvas upon which all material existence depends and that almost every conscious being experiences the creation of dimension first hand through their mind whenever they think or dream. All dimension is non-locational in that it has no material existence and dimension can only be created by conscious observable thought. Therefore the existence of Dimension is proof of the existence of the Universal Dream Dimension of the Divine Dreamer and thus proof of the existence of the Divine Creator.

#6 Proof of Reason - states that by reason we may suppose all around us to be false and even suppose to doubt our own existence, except one immutable fact – the thought itself, even of doubt is itself proof of our existence. Hence, cognito ergo sum or “I think therefore I am”. Thus, through reason, the very thought of the divine is itself therefore proof by reason of existence of divine conceptually.

#7 Proof of Experience - states that regardless of the attempts by some to cast doubt, exclamation and possible scorn on first hand experience, by virtue of the existence of our own faculties of cognition and reasoning, our first hand experiences of dreams, visions and events beyond the normal (supernatural) are legitimate and reasonable prima facie experiences and proof as to the existence of the divine.

7 Revelations of Divine Nature

The 7 Revelations of Divine Nature are seven supremely spiritual and logical revelations as to the nature of the Divine Creator and all of Existence:

#1 - Revelation of Absolute Nothingness- reveals that not only is the concept of “nothing” the purest concept in existence, nothing in the universe is absolute and everything is a matter of degree. Therefore the only “thing” greater than the universe is nothing and therefore the Divine in its greatest form is pure, unlimited, undefined and yet also nothing. This revelation is also consistent with the scientific observation that “awareness has no mass” and that only “awareness in motion with purpose (energy) possesses mass”.

#2 - Revelation of Infinite Finiteness –reveals that existence depends on at least an observable object within dimension and that for one object to have unique position within dimension, at least six more objects need to exist above it, beside it, below it, in front and behind. Therefore, for all objects to have unique position within dimension, all objects need referential existence to other objects. Hence, an infinitely expanding, but finite number of objects are needed to ensure existence. Furthermore, if but one object or point ceased to exist, dimension would collapse, the universe would collapse and existence would cease. Thus, the universe is both unique in number and infinite in object.

#3- Revelation of Perfect Imperfection - reveals that existence of the universe depends on an observable form through perceived change of position of points of awareness, forming the smallest imperfect form that is perceived at each level of matter as relative to some “perfect” base value of 1. Hence everything in the universe is perfectly imperfect and aspects of perfect imperfection as exemplified by the value pi.

#4-Revelation of Unique Co-dependence - reveals that in order for existence of the universe, objects and subjects need to be specialized, yet dependent upon one another such as the observer and the observed, the dreamer and the dream, the man and the woman.

#5-Revelation of Conceptual Symbolism- reveals that the universe is conceptually symbolic and geometric.

#6-Revelation of Constant Change- reveals that change of position, or motion is essential for the creation of form and therefore existence. Thus, the constancy of change is essential to all forms of matter and thus the cycle of birth and death, of life and rebirth, of redemption and resurrection.

#7-Revelation of Benevolent Amorality- reveals that once dimension is created as the dream of the divine creator, the divine creator cannot interpose itself twice in the same position without collapsing dimension and existence. Thus, the divine creator is benevolent to all creation and life, but amoral to the constant change of existence, in permitting the laws of the universe to function.

Everything around you is Supernatural 

So what do these such fundamental and key arguments mean to answering our first questions concerning the Supernatural? Does the Supernatural and Paranormal exist? and can it be proven?

Absolutely yes. Your mind is your prima facie and first hand proof. The existence of others around you who can also think is proof that the Supernatural is everywhere. The fact that Life is a dream means you are experiencing the Supernatural every day.

Every day is wonderment and incredible without the need to be tricked by words such as occult or superstition or belief or faith. You have no need for these words or to be continued to be tricked by pseudo-necromancers.

Next Steps

To all of you who have the courage to stand and support, thank you. I could not do what I have done without the generous and caring support of those who have donated and supported.  Thanks to each and every one of you.

And until next week, please be safe, be well, thank you and good night.

Cheers. Frank

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