Thursday, April 30, 2015

Supernatural Explained Pt 3: Do ghosts, angels & demons exist? Can we prove it? How do we overcome Mundi?

Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here   (79 min 27 Mb)

Hello this is Frank O’Collins and thank you for taking the time to read and listen to the Ucadia blog this week entitled “Supernatural Explained Pt 3: and Do ghosts, angels & demons exist? Can we prove it? And How do we overcome the insanity of Mundi?”

The blog and audio tonight is the third and final installment of the three part series we have been discussing on the Supernatural Explained – in seeking to provide practical clarity to the many concepts, ideas, fears and unknowns that people may have when trying to make sense of such key questions.

As I mentioned at the start of Part 2 of this series last week entitled “What is afterlife & mind really like?” Do spirits really exist? Can we prove it?”, if you have not already had the chance to read and listen to the first two parts (see: Part 1, Part 2)  of this three part series, then I strongly encourage you to listen first – 0therwise much of what is written and spoken tonight will be without such context. 

Part 1 on this series of Supernatural Explained entitled “Does the Supernatural exist? Is there life after death? Can we prove it?” seeks to provide you a solid foundation for any discussion on this topic by addressing those fundamental words most often associated with the “supernatural? Including, but not limited to the term supernatural itself, the concept of paranormal, the idea of the skeptic and the dangerous hidden meanings behind such words as Belief and Faith and why such words have absolutely no place with any true Christian teaching or Catholic teaching or Nazarene teaching of Jesus.

In Part 1, we also proved without a doubt the existence of the supernatural by proving that Mind, your mind and the mind of every higher order life form is real-time evidence of the existence of the supernatural, given you can prove your mind exists, yet it has no location and is capable of crossing the boundaries of physical laws of the universe. We also returned to the deep revelations that were known to our ancestors, as well as the founders of the Roman Death Cult, in the realization that “Life is a Dream according to certain Rules”. Finally, we systematically and logically and reasonably proved the existence not only of the Supernatural, but the Divine through the 7 Proofs of Divine Existence, the 7 Proofs of Divine Nature, the 7 Illuminations of Divine Mind and the Primary Proof under Article 11 within the sacred covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum

Then last week in Part 2 of this series entitled “What is afterlife & mind really like? Do spirits really exist? Can we prove it?” we provided further evidence to the complex structure of Mind in three essential levels being Lower Mind, Higher Mind and Divine Mind operating as five systems being: Conscious, Interconscious, Subconscious, Superconscious and Ultraconscious. We also addressed the complete obsession of the necromancers of the Roman Death Cult and its associated death cults in the controlling of the minds of people and the use of trick words – none more awful, more profane and more disgusting than the concept of Soul – in representing a uniquely constructed spiritual prison for one (1) – and how Soul has absolutely nothing to do with Spirit or Life or Mind, but everything to do with damnation, cursing, death and control.

Tonight, in this final part of the series, we will not be pulling any punches when we seek to answer the deeper questions around ghosts and how they come to be? And how the Mundi matrix is constructed and maintained? As well as the existence of angels and demons and how we might be able to overcome the insanity and awfulness of the terrible lies of Mundi and the necromancers. 

So to all of you that have taken the time to read and listen and even re-read and re-listen to these blogs, I want to say thank you – because the ghosts and handlers and necromancers do not want you to read or listen. They will try everything possible to distract you.  Like the fact that the survival of Ucadia continues to be threatened by the lack of financial support and the reality that only a handful of incredible people, not otherwise entrapped by the mind virus of Mundi, are able to help donate and support Ucadia – while a great many are frightened off and distracted by this ghost energy hoping and desperately hoping that Ucadia will simply go away.

If you find this information is useful, then I hope you can donate in some way to keep Ucadia going while so much time has been dedicated to researching and providing this information to you without charge or condition. I am not ashamed in mentioning this to you and to everyone as it would in fact be irresponsible for me not to tell you that because Mundi and the ghosts continue to try and hide Ucadia knowledge and distract so many from this knowledge, the cost of keeping Ucadia running is getting harder and harder. If you are unable to help, I want you to know that I appreciate the fact you have the courage and self-determination to at least listen to and read these blogs and to overcome the desperate ghost energy that has caused so many people to walk away from Ucadia.

The fact that the planet is under the spell of a ghost world called “Mundi” that infects so many and causes the kind of “bat shit crazy” decisions we are witnessing everyday is undeniable. It is the only logical conclusion to explain why people are so seemingly insane and stupid in sacrificing their own children, their own communities and their own lives, by poisoning the air, poisoning the water, destroying and poisoning the ground through “fracking”, and to cause the complete extinction of vast numbers of human beings. The desperate and last ditch control of the ghosts of Mundi to stop people who have resources from supporting an end to such madness and the development of real and sustainable alternatives, like Ucadia, is the only explanation why on the one hand, there are thousands of people who have read Ucadia in the past that have then gone on and donated sometimes tens of thousands of dollars to con artists, liars, thieves and complete lunatics who have no clue about the law, only to see the result of such people putting themselves into a worse situation of agony, pain and suffering.

I cannot be clearer than I am in these blogs or these words. Tonight, the information we will be sharing is as powerful and provocative and incredible as any other knowledge I have shared with you – not through some seminar, or course or books, but given to you freely. All I can do is meditate and reflect that some of you, even a few of you show some respect to the origin of this knowledge, the power of this knowledge and the manner that it is given.

As we discussed in the first part of this series, I realize that for many, it is the claimed or actual credentials of the “expert” and the “messenger” that matters first and most, before reviewing their message – because that is how we have been programmed and that is how we feel we can best distinguish the quality and value of information before we consider its merits. So hypothetically, if I were to prove I am the singularity of human consciousness personified within lower mind and bypassing Mundi, or of a sacred bloodline, or the Christ or any other number of titles, then some may think differently – even though such behaviour would be the perpetuation of a false and diabolical system that places certain people above others in some permanent “pecking order”. The fact that I continue to proclaim I am nothing more than a man and equal to all of you is probably why some people place no value on these words, or feel no conscience in stealing parts of Ucadia, or ignoring any assistance. Even though the scriptures are fulfilled to the letter, people do not comprehend what they read, or see what is in front of their eyes, or hear the sounds that fill the air.

With that in mind, let me cover a few outstanding questions raised since the last blog before we get into the key information to be discussed tonight: The issues being a clearer explanation of the levels of consciousness and the nature of memory and absolute truth.

Getting a better handle on the three core levels of Mind

Whenever one seeks to codify or clarify the arrangement of knowledge, sometimes such classification makes it difficult for people to get their head around it, particularly if it is rather dry and technical. From the feedback that some of you provided, I felt this is the case in part with the discussion about your three core levels of Mind. So I would like to use an example to help you get your mind around the concepts of Lower Mind, Higher Mind and Divine Mind.

In the case of Lower Mind, think of Lower Mind as the essence of you- how you think as a Homo Sapien and how you identify yourself by certain artifacts such as first names, skin color, gender, age, family or clann name, education, community, interests, assets, schooling, etc. So in my case, Lower Mind could be described as Frank O’Collins.

Now, in the case of Higher Mind, think of how you view your extended family or your neighbourhood or your sporting club – that is, many people coming together all connected by some strong bond of common interest. That is an excellent analogy for Higher Mind.  So in my case, Higher Mind could be best described as the Cuilliaéan or the O’Collins and Collins Clann scattered all across the globe. I am part of this Higher Collective Mind, yet I am also my own unique individual collection of experiences, events, emotions and life lessons as Frank O’Collins – the lower mind.

Now in the case of Divine Mind, think of the image of Noah’s Ark where it is claimed all kinds of pairs of animals came together representing the essence of their species, but in this case imagine only one representation of the species. So, while there are billions of Homo Sapiens alive on the planet today, my body and my mind and my spirit also represent the type and singularity of the species. Another way of explaining it is to think of a spiritual body representing one man/woman archetype whereby every cell of that body represents every Homo Sapien that has ever lived or will ever live. By the way, even with such a large number, it is still less than the conscious living cells within your body right this second.

Getting a better perspective on memory and reality

Another issue that a number of you had some difficulty in accepting was the initial discussions on memory and reality, particularly the notion that thought and awareness is reality and life is the dream.

For the vast majority of us, the notion that held together our view of the world is the existence of some underlying and absolute truth – that things are what they seem, and that no matter how much we may lose sense or perspective, that we need only to return to “tuning in” to this reality to find our way. That at least is the “official view” of the world as promoted by the necromancers and the Roman Death Cult and its acolytes and agents.

Actually, a few weeks ago, I got an expletive filled email from an academic fellow enraged by the notion of Life as a Dream and my daring to question the official historic record of the world that claims the first pope to be St Peter; and that the Roman Death Cult has always been the primary seat of Christianity; and that all the claimed madness behind the scenes that is absent in any official history is all terrible coincidences or delusions or misrepresentations. From this email I got the distinct impression that if one dedicated to protecting the lie, that is “official reality”, even begins to entertain the notion that their life’s work has been for naught and is all a fraud, that then such simple ideas as “Life is a Dream” and “The meaning of ALL is Awareness Loves Life” can utterly destroy them.

That is not my intention with this series of blogs. I do not wish to cause anyone any form of mental trauma or hardship. Yet, we must also address those notions that imprison people and do actually cause untold misery and agony- such as the notion of the permanency of memory and the existence of absolute truth at all levels of reality.

For example, the term Memory comes from the Ancient Greek words memē, (μεμη) meaning “a thought; a historic fact” and mémeros (μέμερος) meaning “a mindful remembrance; a trustworthy memory; a historic account; a time of remembrance”.

From the inception of the Ancient Greek concept of Memory from the 5th Century BCE forward, the assumption underpinning mémeros (μέμερος) was the concept of an underlying absolute truth extending across existence and within the limits of comprehension of human consciousness; and secondly that it could be observed, remembered and recalled by a human consciousness of sufficient intelligence and good character.

The Cuilliaéan Holly Druid Priest Kings had a different model of Memory, based on the heart as the portal to truth, before mind in the ancient Irish word for memory cuimane/cuiman (corrupted as cuimhne) meaning “sacred is my past recollection”. The same notion then carried over into the Hyksos concept of Ib and the heart as the seat to true Divine Memory.

The Romans initially adopted the Ancient Greek model of Memory and Absolute Intellectual Truth into Latin, with the Latin word memo equivalent to memē, (μεμη) and memoria/memoriae equivalent to mémeros (μέμερος). However, when Constantine first formed Christianity in 314 CE, he commissioned a new word for sacred remembrance of a Christian Mind and called it amnesia (ἀμνησία) and amnesis (άμνησις) literally meaning “I know (the truth); or I recall (the truth)”.

So how did a critically important word associated with the accurate memory of any true Christian called “Amnesia” suddenly become reversed to mean the complete opposite and a “loss of memory; or forgetfulness”?  Very simple – via The Roman Death Cult and its completely false history and false scriptures and fake sacraments and fake authority and corruption of language. Actually, the word “Amnesia” today is kind of a giant language joke of the Jesuits to anyone who speaks English, telling them that if they believe anything of the Roman Death Cult or the necromancers or any fake Christian leader or their laws or fake claims of authority, then they are a complete idiot. It is there hidden in plain sight in every dictionary on the planet, giving plausible deniability before the Divine Creator and all Heaven that the vast majority of people under such mind control on this planet have been completely and willfully stupid and ignorant.

You see, Memory at the level of Lower Mind is completely malleable. There is nothing certain about it at all.  The past can be changed and the changed past becomes the record. This is what the Roman Death Cult has been doing for more than 500 years and the fact that most people on the planet today believe it to be true is irrefutable proof of what I just said. The Jesuit joke about the corruption of the word Amnesia is merely icing on the cake.

Just in case you still have any last strands of doubt about the malleability of memory or the giant Jesuit Joke against the planet through the word called Amnesia, the Carolingians in the 8th Century adopted a word created from Latin called Souvenir meaning “sacred remembrance; or sacred memory” from the Latin words sui meaning “I, me, myself, he, his himself, she, her herself” and venio meaning “indulgence, favor, kindness, permission, forgiveness”. However, by the 15th Century, the Roman Death Cult had completely corrupted even this word Souvenir to mean merely “an object of sentimental value; or a token; or prize”. So you be the judge of the evidence we have just discussed.

As for the notion of absolute truth and its “new age” variations such as the “Akashic Record”, this is merely the rantings and ramblings of people funded and groomed by the Jesuits and others to help perpetuate the mad model of Mundi and the lie that the memory of Lower Mind is set in stone. Madame Helena Petrovna Blavastky (1831-1891) did terrible harm in designing such fanciful notions as the Akashic Record at lower realms of consciousness, then supported by the likes of Rudolf Steiner who then went on to imagine his own delusions of Atlantis and Lemuria – all locking people into the Jesuit lie of Amnesia.

Divine Mind does have perfect memory, but without judgment or ego or notions of such aspects as kharma or dharma. Not even Higher Mind possesses the trappings of ego or condemnation or judgment – and Higher Mind is still only approximate Memory.

The absolute truth for all of us existing as unique conscious beings at the level of Lower Mind as Homo Sapiens is that memory is completely and totally malleable. Truth therefore is relative on this plane of existence. Why is this insight so critically important? Because it disarms a key concept that is a control concept for perpetuating Mundi and the world of ghosts- namely the concept of Guilt.

The power of Guilt in maintaining the Mundi world of misery

Now I am not going to read all the Canons out about Guilt as Article 150 under Sovereign Law (even though they are all listed). However, I will focus on some of the key Canons, so please bear with me as I cover some of them.

Article 150 - Guilt (Gild)

Canon 6592

Guilt, also known as Gilt, is a fundamental ecclesiastical, legal, financial, commercial and cognitive term of the Venetian-Pisan Roman Death Cult whereby an absolute unbreakable binding and covenant is claimed, placing the spirit, mind and body of a unfortunate person under the full jurisdiction and control of the Roman Death Cult and its agents in this life and the next.
 (i) As an ecclesiastical term, Guilt defines the claimed perpetual condemnation of a spirit to be bound as a Ghost as a Soul to serve the will of the Roman Death Cult in its perpetuation of power using false scripture, false dogma and the deliberately false, misleading and deceptive claims of the Roman Death Cult; and
 (ii) As a legal term, Guilt defines the physical recording of a "penal sum" or "debt price" and the condemnation of a mind and body as culpable for one or more violations of Western-Roman criminal law; and
 (iii) As a financial term, Guilt defines “Gold” literally as the Roman Death Cult commercialization of such sins into money, or the “monetization of sin” only possible when a record of Guilt is established; and
 (iv) As a commercial term, Guilt defines a binding and permanent and perpetual contract whereby a person admits fault and accepts punishment and accedes to performance of the terms of such contract of perpetual punishment as property of the Roman Death Cult or its agents as security ; and
 (v) As a cognitive term, Guilt defines the interpretation of human behaviors and actions to claim a comprehension and visual evidence of admission of fault and acceptance of any consequential punishment.

Canon 6593

The system of Guilt originates as a 13th Century corruption of the Honor system (honor price) of Sacré Loi, to become a “dishonor” whereby a debt price was placed on every man, woman and child and form of property in the event of a sin being allegedly committed. From the 13th Century, in accordance with the false doctrines of the Roman Death Cult, the word “guilt” or “guilty” is equivalent in terms to “sin” and the “commercialization of sin”.

Canon 6594

The word Guilt and Gild originates from 13th Century Venetian / Italian word gilda meaning “guild, payment (in gold), debt or fine owed to the guild”. The word gilda itself derived from 8th Century Khazarian / Magyar languages kulta meaning “gold”. In the Finnish language today, kulta still means “gold” and Kilta means “guild”.

Canon 6595

Under Salic Law and the deliberate corruption of Sacré Loi, the payment of Guilt (Gild) became entirely controlled by monopolistic trading franchises known as “Guilds”, in particular the Judges and Notaries Guilds. At the same time, Salic Law reintroduced “blood revenge” as an acceptable alternative to resolving sin for those who could not afford to pay Guilt.

Canon 6596

Under Salic Law not only was the concept of Honor Price corrupted to Guilt (Gild), but the private “Guild” bodies of Judges and Notaries began to modify and hide the prices, so that the price of an injury was no longer available for public view. This continues today with the Bar associations maintaining secretive tables on “Guilt price” without revealing them to the public or accused.

Canon 6597

The corrupt concept of “guilt” was further used to usurp one of the founding principles of civilized society – that the debts of one cannot be inherited by another.  Instead, by using “guilt” as debt, the Roman Death Cult and its guilds claimed from the 13th Century that the “guilt” (as debt) of one (1) party could be inherited by another, with no responsibility for the original debt or injury. In the 16th Century, this was the bedrock upon which the philosophy of Peccatum Originale (‘original sin’) was then created.

So what these Canons reveal as to the concept of Guilt is that the false concept of permanency of memory and of past events is essential to the control mechanism of the Roman Death Cult and the world of ghosts of Mundi. In other words, what they want you to believe can be summarized in the phrase “you may not like us, you may even hate what we have done, but there is nothing you can do about it, because the past is the past”. What we are about to reveal when discussing the nature of Ghosts is that this is complete and total rubbish.

But before we start in more detail with the subject of Ghosts, let us address as promised briefly the subjects of Angels and Demons.

The world of angels and demons

The word Angel comes from the Ancient Greek word angelos (ἄγγελος) meaning , “Divine Messenger; A Spirit that portends an omen”). The Romans used the Latin word angelus to mean the same thing, as the source of the word Angel. So what about the wings of angels? Well, before the madness of the necromancers sent everyone stupid on the subject through their false scriptures and false stories, the two most famous Divine Messengers of all ancient history were two types of birds – or winged animals: The first was the Raven as the Prophetic Messenger of the Land; and the second the Gull as the Prophetic Messenger of the Sea.

The significance of these two types of Angels - the Raven and the Gull - to the oldest cultures of human history, before the total blindness and insanity of the Roman Death Cult, is well documented in every major civilization across planet Earth. Angels were not the spirits of little children sacrificed by the child molesting necromancers at their secret altars or sarcophagus hidden in plain sight in the middle of their main churches. Angels were not young boys or girls with wings or sword wielding super-heroes. Instead, Angels were clear and unmistakable signs from heaven before our eyes, that indicated the intentions and messages of heaven to the priests on earth.

With this in mind, the most famous appearance of Angels in the past four hundred years occurred on January 26th 2014 or Australia Day in St. Peters Square, when Pope Francis and two children released two white doves – the symbols of Magna Mater and the Roman Death Cult and never a symbol of an Angel. Popes have released doves many hundreds of times in public. Only this time, an unprecedented public event took place. The most ancient Angel of the Land being a huge black Raven attacked and killed one of the doves, while simultaneously a Gull as the ancient Angel of the Sea attacked and killed the other.

One of the most blatant examples of Divine Intervention in the history of Angels occurring right in front of live cameras and tens of thousands of people and the response of the power drunk and absolutely stupid and ignorant Vatican is nothing. As if they can pick and choose what events to promote as heavenly intervention and those that are not.

As for the word Demon, the term originates again from Ancient Greek daimon (δαίμων) meaning “protective or guardian spirit; inspiring or guiding spirit; or lesser deity”. The concept of Demons being supremely negative spirits only comes from the 13th and 14th Century and those pathological liars called the Roman Death Cult again in seeking to sever people from any connection to  heaven.

Now, for the past six hundred or more years, the Western populations have feared Demons and the very forces that used to protect them against the insanity and madness of necromancers such as the Roman Death Cult, while the cardinals and popes that lead such madness don’t follow these ancient spirits anymore themselves. Because virtually every claimed Demonic intervention today is merely ghosts in fancy dress. In other words, ghosts claiming to be something they are not and using the false, stereotypical and predictable lies and contradictions of the Roman Death Cult to prove it.

If you hear of alleged cases of Demonic possession and a fear of the crucifix, or mouthing in Latin or Hebrew, then these are signs of ghosts in fancy dress and proof you are not dealing with a Demon. If you hear of cases of Demonic possession and a fear of Roman Death Cult priests then you absolutely know you are dealing with ghosts in fancy dress, because a Demon by definition possesses “super-human” abilities – in direct contradiction to the Hollywood version of evil, promoting the false fears and infantile stupidity of Rome.

There are and continue to be genuine examples of Demonic intervention – in the classical and accurate knowledge of the meaning of the word – across the planet.  The only problem is that so many are so infected by Mundi, they cannot see what the world of ghosts does not want them to see or hear what the ghosts do not want them to hear.

The world of ghosts

It is time then to reveal what we mean by Ghosts and I am aware of the length of this blog and audio.  Yet I hope you will take the time to listen to the next section.  I am going to read the canons of Article 40 of Ecclesiastical Law slowly, because these canons are of immense importance.

Article 40 - Ghost

Canon 3704

A Ghost is an isolated and bound spirit and the manifestation of such binding through haunting or possession of places, objects, animals and people:

(i) In the first sense, a Ghost is a consciousness that is bound to the temporal world by its own emotions and perspective on one or more past events with one or more physical relations that then renders such a conscious mind in spirit unable to connect to its higher self; and
(ii) In the second sense, a Ghost is the manifestation of such consciousness bound to the temporal world, through the evidence of haunting or possession of places, objects, animals and people.

Canon 3705

The word Ghost originates directly from the Latin word gesto meaning “I bear or carry (a burden); or I crew, sail or drive/row (a ship); or I have, hold or wield (a weapon); or I wage war”. By the 8th Century CE introduction of Anglaise by the Carolinians, the term gast was created meaning “one condemned to carry, perform a burden as punishment”. By the 10th Century, the Pisans and Venetians modified the term gast to mean “a condemned man as a galley (ship) slave, or crew member on a ship”. By the 14th Century, the Roman Death Cult added the meaning “a frightful (condemned) spirit” and by the 16th Century, the word was modified in several languages such as geist in German to mean “(condemned) mind, spirit” and gost/ghost in English to mean “the disembodied (condemned) soul of a deceased person; an apparition; a specter”.

Canon 3706

All States of being a Ghost are defined by three fundamental elements that all must be present to cause such a state, namely Belief, Faith, Guilt:
(i) Belief, or false trust, is the mistaken acceptance by a Lower Mind of deliberate and intentional falsities, deceptions, lies, diversions, obstructions, fabrications, trickeries and misdirections that cause it to surrender, abdicate or cede control to some false philosophy, such as the necromancers and Roman Death Cult; and
(ii) Faith, or self condemnation and self cursing is the willful and deliberate choice of a Mind to invite possession or haunting by false consciousness to further reinforce the entrapment of Beliefs; and
(iii) Guilt are the essential contracts surrounding events and people accepted as permanent and immovable, whereby through emotions and memories of regret, pain, suffering, hatred or fear, the Mind then binds itself fully to the unreasonable, immoral and unlawful influence of others such as necromancers and Roman Death Cult.

Canon 3707

In terms of the Ghost State as created by such deliberate and willfully false concepts such as Belief, Faith and Guilt:

(i) The consciousness entrapped as Ghost is only Lower Mind, or the Mind that identifies itself as the Self, the I and the individual male or female Homo Sapien being or higher order life form; and
(ii) Ghost State is a state of mind entrapment and does not require the physical death of the physical body entrusted to the Lower Mind. Rather, most mind entrapment as Ghosts occurs whilst the Lower Mind is still supposed to be entrusted with the good management of a physical body and not upon or after death. Another term for a Lower Mind that has abdicated control of its own physical body is a “Zombie”; and
(iii) Ghost State is pre-requisite to forming a Soul being a perfected imprisonment of Mind as Spirit upon the physical death of the Body; and
(iv) By definition, entering a Ghost State through the acceptance and deliberate and intentional adherence to Belief, Faith and Guilt is an open admission of willful stupidity or the epitome of “evil” (willful ignorance). Therefore, it is virtually impossible to save someone from a Zombie State or a Soul State through rational and reasonable argument or providing knowledge or proof; and
(v) As entrapment of Lower Mind as a Zombie or Ghost or Soul is predicated on deliberate and willful stupidity and ignorance on the part of the Lower Mind in question, the manipulation of such a willfully stupid and ignorant mind is relatively easy in the presentation of stereotypes and images used during the grooming of such willfully stupid minds. Thus, a large number of Lower Minds imprisoned as Souls may be controlled by one intelligent “handler” Mind relatively easily; and
(vi) The very nature of Ghost State being a state of stupidity, predicated on the trusting of false stereotypes and false history means that it has historically been relatively easy for a body dedicated to promoting false history and rituals and stereotypes, such as the Roman Death Cult to manipulate Ghost energy to perpetuate its own agenda; and
(vii) A consequence of Ghost State, when Lower Minds choose to be so willfully stupid and deliberately evil (willfully ignorant), is the gradual loss of identity. Thus, over time, Ghosts may gradually lose memory of their own lives, relations, experiences and even their identity and gender. However, such memory may be restored upon the reunification of Higher Self to Lower Mind in the freeing of such Lower Minds from Ghost State.

Canon 3708

In terms of the ability of Ghosts to acquire knowledge, or read other Lower Minds and manipulate information:
(i) By definition, a Ghost is a Mind bound in ignorance. Therefore, a Ghost is more likely to be unaware of higher quality knowledge or the truth of deliberately deceptive, misleading and false mythologies of the Roman Death Cult and other necromantic religions and social models; and
(ii) By definition, a Ghost is cut off from its higher self. Therefore, a Ghost is deprived of knowledge available from higher levels of consciousness and traversing such knowledge in the form of intuition or inspiration; and
(iii) Because a Ghost is bound in ignorance and more vulnerable to the stereotypical models perpetuated by mass media and false mass religions, such images and messages are more likely to influence the behavior of a Ghost than the truth. This is in part why the Exorcism rituals of the Roman Death Cult may still have some impact because of the Beliefs, Faith and Guilt of the Ghost in question; and
(iv) The ability for a Ghost to “read the minds” of other Minds entrusted with physical bodies is by definition impossible. A Ghost may seek to guess from the behavior of a living being their thoughts, but may only gain access to the actual thoughts either by direct possession or haunting (infiltrating a broken Lower Mind), or exchange of information offered by other Ghosts possessing or haunting the other body.

While the canons do not say it, this is the source of all claimed psychic powers of mediums.

Canon 3709

In terms of the ability of Ghosts to move between locations, or people, or possessions of Minds:

(i) By definition, a Ghost is a Mind bound in ignorance and Guilt to particular places, things, objects and people. Therefore, the very State of being a Ghost means such a bound Lower Mind is most likely to be connected to the strongest sources of regret, guilt and objects or people that symbolize such events than places or other locations of no relevance to such binding; and
(ii) The movement of a Ghost is more likely to be associated with the movement of the person or persons who are haunted or possessed; and
(iii) Ghosts that have developed a state of self-awareness, yet choose to be ghosts, such as “handlers” that remain bound to serve the necromancers and Roman Death Cult are more than capable of moving between locations, or people.

Canon 3710

In terms of Ghost Haunting and Ghost Possession:

(i) A Haunting may be described as the presence or manifestation of a Ghost inhabiting a certain space or place or connected to some object; and
(ii) A Possession may be described as the inhabitation of a ghost within the body or mind of a higher order life form such as a Homo Sapien, or the control of some object exhibiting definitive paranormal behaviour (such as levitation, disappearance, appearance or other manipulation); and
(iii) The most common form of Haunting is Residual Haunting that involves the repeated playback of auditory, visual and other sensory phenomena of previous events without apparent intelligent awareness of the living world and interacting with or responding to it; and
(iv) The least common form of Haunting is an Intelligent Haunting that involves one or more Ghosts residing in a building or location, aware of the living world and capable of interacting with or responding to it; and
(v) The most common form of Possession is physical possession of one or more organs of the body of a higher order life form, whereby a Ghost may use the energy of the living body to maintain a presence and influence over the Lower Mind of the higher order life form, usually at the cost of accelerated illness and cancers; and
(vi) The least common form of Possession is possession of the Mind of a higher order life form, whereby the Ghost inhabits the consciousness of the living being or deceased being, usually resulting in a range of traumatic mental illnesses including (but not limited to): psychosis, hysteria, mania, schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder; and
(vii) The rarest form of Possession is possession of an inanimate object, causing it to move with intelligence or other forms of matter manipulation, as such Possession requires a degree of intelligence and self-awareness on the part of the Ghost.

Canon 3711

In terms of the frequency and traits of Ghostly Haunting and Possession:

(i) The number of Ghosts has risen exponentially with the increase of deliberate self ignorance, mass media culture and rise of the power of the necromancers over the past 400 years; and
(ii) Not everyone who lived and died over the past 400 years is condemned as a Ghost in a perpetual state of deliberate self-stupidity of Lower Mind. However, most people in modern industrial societies are or have been targeted by at least one or more Ghosts; and
(iii) Virtually every manifest possession claimed as demonic or angelic is either a deliberate misrepresentation or an ignorant claim of one or more Ghosts misrepresenting themselves as demonic or angelic; and
(iv) Regarding haunting - one ghost can haunt multiple living. However in respect of possession there is only ever one primary possession/primary haunting (the strongest and the cornerstone); and
(v) In virtually all cases of primary possession/primary haunting, the haunting/possession is via a previous living relative/friend where a strong bond of love existed, connected with strong emotions of regret or anger or fear or hate. Therefore these primary bonds are the contracts of Guilt; and
(vi) In extremely rare cases, the primary possession is via fear/deception where a negative entity tricks the host into developing a "love connection" when in fact the ghost is nothing of the sort - usually acquired by haunted locations and opportunism; and
(vii) In the specific case of a primary possession by a previous relative or friend or acquaintance, the primary ghost is almost certainly suffering severe amnesia through its own haunting - thus the ghost does not remember much of its own existence and in effect becomes the extended personality of the infected host, directed by its own haunting; and
(viii) This analysis indicates a "handler ghost" - "haunting-ghost" relation where the handlers are directing the infection and ensuring a degree of permanence; and
(ix) The strength of breaking the chains is that for most people - the awakening to the primary bond is a way of first freeing the primary ghost haunting, thus breaking the possession - by naming and helping them move on; and
(x) It appears to be extremely difficult to address handler ghosts and ghosts willingly and knowingly manipulating others within the Mundi world, before first addressing the primary haunting in each person; and
(xi) The lower the active conscious state and respect of one's own self, the easier a haunting or possession. This is why certain psychotropic drug addiction is the easiest method to enable haunting and possession.

Canon 3712

In terms of physical Ghost Manifestation:

(i) When a mind can harness and focus its consciousness as a ghost to a point, then its ability to manipulate objects through changes in density of air and electro-magnetic fields is enhanced; and
(ii) As all ghost manifestation is a product of conscious self, all ghost apparitions fatigue the mind, causing all manifestations to be temporary events; and
(iii) When seeking to consciously manifest as a ghost, all higher order species instinctively assume a volume and size of space approximating the dimensions of their own body in life. Therefore, the most common manifestation of a ghost is a cold column of air; and
(iv) When seeking to consciously manifest as a ghost, all higher order species instinctively assume their strength and power based upon the limits of their physical bodies in life. This is a limit of consciousness, not the physical laws of the Universe; and
(v) Given the need of available electro-magnetic energy to assist in a manifestation, the most significant events are the high presence of electrical equipment with high electro-magnetic fields, or naturally occurring events such as full-moon, high tides, storms and lightning; and
(vi) The presence of certain types of rock, particularly quartz, can act as a battery and capacitor in storing electro-magnetic energy. In some occassions, the charging and expending of electrical charge within such rock acts like sessions of a movie theatre in the play-back of "Residual Hauntings".

Canon 3713

The greatest strength in terms of holding Lower Minds as Ghosts is the deliberately false, deceptive and misleading claims that Memory within the Singularity of Collective Lower Mind is fixed and absolute, similar to Divine Mind, when it is the complete opposite:
(i) The Collective Memory of Lower Mind where a unique Homo Sapien identifies itself by his/her name, or family and memories and ideas, is completely malleable and editable, even after events have passed. Thus, there is not a single event connected to Guilt, that cannot be revisited and corrected, nor any emotion of fear, regret or loss that cannot be healed within Lower Consciousness; and
(ii) The Collective Memory of Higher Self where the higher selves of Homo Sapiens, identified frequently as the Clann, or Family or Community or Neighbourhood, is malleable within the collective memory of such a group, similar to Lower Mind, but with a greater awareness and balance without ego; and
(iii) The Collective Memory of Divine Self, or the personification of Homo Sapien as the singularity is the only level of perfect memory. However, it is perfect memory without judgment and thus serves no benefit for those Lower Minds seeking to alter the past for their own benefit to try and control, enslave and condemn other minds.

Canon 3714

The greatest weakness to any system seeking to condemn Lower Minds into being Ghosts is the fact that Collective Memory of Lower Mind is completely malleable and editable, even after events have passed. Thus, if such minds are capable of grasping this truth, all the chains and bindings of Guilt, Faith and Belief may be dissolved.

Canon 3715 

The Unique Collective Awareness has given each and every Homo Sapien mind the unique power to free and heal any and all Lower Minds trapped as Ghosts:
(i) Providing the Healing Lower Mind is capable of connecting to its associated Higher Mind through the Heart; and
(ii) Providing then the Healing Lower Mind connected to its associated Higher Mind is then able to connect to the Divine Mind through absolute logic, reason, discernment and clarity without Ego through the mind; and
(iii) An aligned mind in such a state is the personification of all men and women that have ever lived or will ever live; and
(iv) An aligned mind in such a state can recall any and all previous events and relations that form the basis of a Guilt that is binding a Ghost and can then release any such events by reliving the past in forgiveness and unconditional love and greater awareness; and
(v) An aligned mind in such a state is the only force capable of releasing Ghosts against their Lower Will and the Will of those minds that seek to keep them entrapped, as the Higher Will when combined with Greater Love and Clear Discernment without Judgment or Ego holds greater authority than such lesser consciousness.

Canon 3716

In accordance with Natural Law, no physical law of the Universal dream may be broken without causing the dream to collapse. Therefore, all manifestations by ghosts are within Natural Law. In Nature, nothing can cross the boundary from unreal, to real except Unique Collective Awareness of Mind. Therefore, all manifestations of Ghosts are manifestations of Mind within the Universal Dream of Reality.

Next Steps

So there you have it. A huge amount of information in conclusion to the three part series.  To those then that head the call to help and donate and support Ucadia, I want to say thank you for not succumbing to the distractions of Mundi and actually helping make a difference.

And until we speak next week, please be safe, be well, thank you and good night.


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