Thursday, May 7, 2015

Practical Supernatural Tips: On Spiritual Energy, Guilt Contracts and the Redemption of Souls

Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here   (60 min 20 Mb)

Hello this is Frank O’Collins and thank you for taking some time out of your day to read and listen to the Ucadia blog this week entitled “Practical Supernatural Tips: On Spiritual Energy, Guilt Contracts and the Redemption of Souls”. 

I realize it is a bit of a strange sounding topic for the blog and audio this week. In the first instance, I start with the promise of providing you with practical tips that I assure you I will fulfil – only that the practical tips will be on the supernatural. Yet, for some people, such a phrase as “practical supernatural tips” is an oxymoron - a word coming from the Ancient Greek oksúmōros (ὀξύμωρος) meaning literally “a paradox; or a contradiction in terms”. Because we are told that paradoxes are bad, and because Western-Roman Science seeks to eliminate the presence of paradox within its axioms, there may be even some who read the title of the Ucadia blog tonight and dismiss it as nonsense, because that is how so many of the brightest minds have been taught to deal with paradox. 

That would be unfortunate. Yet it would not be the first time that a person has come to glance at Ucadia and without any further reading, make up his or her own mind of not delving in further. For example, the concept of Unique Collective Awareness or Ucadia is a glaring paradox of ultimate perspective. Indeed, the various phrases throughout Ucadia such as “Life is a Dream according to Rules”, or “The meaning of ALL is Awareness Loves Life”, or even “Nothing IS Absolute and Everything else is a Matter of Degree” are also blatant examples of paradox. So again, it is no wonder that some people dismiss the notions of Ucadia out of hand as thoroughly unscientific.

That would be a real tragedy. Because you see that at the heart of science, and at its very core, is the dirtiest of dirty little secrets: It is that Western-Roman Science itself rests upon the ultimate paradox. I am of course referring to the enigmatic Incompleteness Theorem of one Kurt Gödel, who in 1931 stated that “If a system is consistent, it cannot be complete as the consistency of the axioms cannot be proven within the system”. As Western-Roman Science is a system, what Kurt Gödel basically claimed is that Western-Roman Science cannot ever be regarded as an absolute truth.

Another way of describing the theorem is to take a simple example such as the logical mathematical axiom 1 + 1 = 2 being a central axiom essential to all commerce, science and logic. As with any axiom, it is merely a premise and it cannot be said to be a proof until the variables that form it are defined. Again, putting it another way, 1+1 = 2 may be “self evident”, but without defining what 1 means, it is incomplete. So if we state “let 1 = 1” we have defined the variable 1 to some degree, but not absolutely. So as there is no confusion, let me make it crystal clear then, Kurt Gödel proved without doubt that there can be no absolute scientific truths or proofs or certainties. Science is merely in one sense, an aggregate of our best presumptions and approximations that may very well be overtaken by better models in the future. There can be no absolute dogma in science but relative uncertainty.

As you can imagine, this idea shocked the world of science as much as business. The darling philosopher of the Roman Death Cult, Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead had spent nearly two decades publishing and asserting their work Principa Mathematica to be the foundation of all mathematical logic and exorcising any and every evidence of paradox. Now the discovery of Kurt Gödel showed it all to be in one sense a complete sham. So instead of accepting the brilliance of paradox and embracing paradox, Western-Roman Science became, from 1932 onward, a kind of Frankenstein that sought to learn more of the truth of uncertainty and quantum and the universe, yet continued to shackle itself with outmoded and outdated concepts that no longer make any sense, such as the antiquated notion of “energy” and the Four Laws of Thermodynamics that Science steadfastly refuses to surrender, despite the overwhelming knowledge that is now known that such laws have little practical application at levels of matter smaller than molecules, and at the level of matter smaller than atoms the supposed “laws of thermodynamics” are dangerously wrong.

The existence of paradox is everywhere: at the core of the Incompleteness Theorem; and in the nature of the number Pi; and in the definition of Nothing; and in the origin of the Universe; and through the existence of Mind, that also proves the existence of the Supernatural, and that Life is a Dream according to Rules. 

So while I deliberately chose to write a paradoxical theme for the Ucadia blog tonight in speaking about “Practical Supernatural Tips: On Spiritual Energy, Guilt Contracts and the Redemption of Souls”, I hope you will persist and continue to read and listen and not be put off by any counter arguments you know that seek to discredit or attack anything that raises the notion of paradox.

Before we begin, I ask you once again, to please go and read and listen to the previous three part series on the Supernatural Explained (See; Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3) , as I will not be repeating concepts already discussed and defined. So please go and have a read and listen to the three part series (Part 1Part 2 and Part 3before going any further on this particular blog.

Based on what has been discussed in the previous three part series on the Supernatural Explained and as I have already promised, I want to provide you with a number of practical tips regarding the Supernatural, namely: 

+Making sense of the anomaly of the concept of whether there is such a thing as “spiritual energy” and if so, how does it work and how do we find balance?; and

+Why do some people “drain us” or “make us feel sick”? And the nature of spiritual contracts or more specifically “guilt contracts” that can occur every day of our lives and how knowledge of this process can significantly improve our health and well being; and

+How to reconcile the notion of “soul” given the revelations of its true meaning as a spiritual prison under the control of the necromancers and spell mongers and tricksters of the Roman Death Cult and their agents and how the concept of soul might be redeemed.

Above all, I hope that this blog in combination with the previous 3 blogs is able to make you more aware of the kinds of transactions and events that are taking place in and around you each and every day, whether you were aware or not in the past, and to take back accountability and control of your energy. It is the concept and the nature of Energy and of Spiritual Energy that we will begin tonight to try to better comprehend.

Before I do, let me quickly extend my deepest appreciation and thanks to each and every one of you who found a way to help and support Ucadia and make some kind of contribution. Because Ucadia has no patrons; and because Ucadia receives no government funding, or funding from any third party organization, or any kind of funding from advertising or seminars or sales campaigns, I rely on the courage and willingness of people like you that are prepared to support in some way. So thank you again for your help and support in keeping Ucadia going!

The nature of Energy and concept of Spiritual Energy

You have no doubt heard the saying that “everything is pure energy”. A hundred years ago, such a concept would have been a radical unsubstantiated claim. But thanks to pioneering physics, we now think that this theory is true. Certainly, fantastic discoveries such as E=Mc 2 seem to back up these claims. In more recent decades, the word energy is increasingly being used by new age healers, psychics and promoters in their description of what various techniques, beliefs, cures, etc unleash or align. I have even found myself using the term, without necessarily explaining myself more clearly what I mean. So what is Energy itself supposed to be made of? And what is Spiritual Energy supposed to be made of?

The word "energy" is derived from the Greek word energeia (ἐνέργεια) meaning “action, act, work”). The word was actually created by Aristotle in the context of his model of science derived from his “Three Unities” or notita (νότητα) of events from the Greek words en (ἐν) meaning “in” and ergon (ἔργον) meaning “work”. The Latin equivalent to energeia was the word eventus from the Latin words e and ventio meaning “action, movement, wind, coming”. Hence, in ancient times, the Greek word energy and the Latin word event meant effectively the same thing.

As for the notion of the Three Unities or notita in Greek, as the source of the meaning of Note, Aristotle had observed that just as a drama, or re-enactment of certain events for entertainment, nature could be defined by similar fundamentals or “unities” in Latin or “notes” in Greek being:

1. Unity of Action being an Event or Energy as a Subject derived from one primary Action as its cause;

2. Unity of Time being that the Action of Energy, or Drama or Event between at least two Actors occurs in a limited period of time – less than a Day;

3. Unity of Place being that the Energy, or Drama or Event occurs in a single space and place.

By the way, just to show you how this model continues to the present day, we see it mirrored in the three forms of Jurisdiction as another way of perfecting the three Unities, being:

1. Subject Matter Jurisdiction as the perfection of Unity of Action; and

2. Personal Jurisdiction as the perfection of Unity of Time; and

3. Territorial Jurisdiction as the perfection of Unity of Place 

In any event, by the time we reach the 19th Century, the term “energy” began to be used in a “scientific sense” as a force of nature and free from any supernatural or Divine Law, first by Thomas Young (1773-1829) in 1807, replacing the previous notion of vis viva or life force by Gottfried Leibiniz (1646-1716). Within the next decades, the term became more and more widely used by various philosophers such as Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis (1792-1843) who invented in 1829 the notion of “kinetic energy”; and William Rankine (1820-1872) who in 1853 invented the notion of “potential energy”; and then the egomaniacal William Thomson (1824-1907), also known as Lord Kelvin, who constructed the now infamous laws of thermodynamics around the middle of the 19th Century as well as trying to name as many theories of energy for himself as possible.

As for the esoteric use of the notion of “energy”, the leaders of esoteric knowledge were slower to adopt the word as an alternate to the ancient notion of ether, or life force or vis viva, now abandoned by Western-Roman Science from the 19th Century. Instead, with the re-discovery of electricity, new age leaders and mystic writers and psychics were busily looking to coin their own words to capture a new market and demand for their services because of such phenomena. At first the notion of aether as the “fifth element” was promoted as the force behind the propagation of electro-magnetic radiation. However, when this failed to be proved by the mid to late 19th Century, a second name was invented by Count Agenor de Gasparin (1810-1871) called “ectoplasm”. However, this notion again was exposed as without merit by the early decades of the 20th Century. It wasn’t until the emergence of the book entitled The Tao of Physics in 1975, that the ancient concept of aether and ectoplasm and vis viva took hold again, now under the notion of a kind of “spiritual energy”. This was further reinforced around the same period by James Lovelock in his book “The Gaia Hypothesis”. Today, the concept of “spiritual energy” is generally accepted across all branches of the New Age Movement. 

In contemporary Western-Roman Science, the word energy is almost always used in terms of describing “work done”. Work is done whenever a force causes movement of an object from one place to another, or from one structure state to another. Energy is defined as the capacity for doing work. Science then makes a distinction between a stationary object and an object in motion. A stationary object is said to have potential energy or stored energy, by virtue of what it is made of, where it is and what is around it. Once the object is in motion, it is said to have kinetic energy.

Contemporary science has been successful in classifying a range of forms of energy- all with different behavioral traits. These include mechanical energy, electrical energy, nuclear energy, heat energy, radiant energy, kinetic energy and chemical energy.

Another fundamental belief of the contemporary scientific model of energy is that energy is interchangeable. In other words, given the right equipment, any one form of energy can be changed into any other form of energy. Science states with absolute confidence that this can happen in many cases relatively easily, while admitting at the same time that conversions of energy can sometimes be much harder.

You may be surprised to learn that there is no coherent explanation that unifies what each Energy is made of, even though science defines energy as a feature of each and every object and "something" that is transferred. Obviously, something has to be a "thing". 

Clearly, the current definition of energy within Western-Roman Science is inadequate as it fails to account for these discrete and unique forms of “exchanges” between particles as well as the relation between energy and motion. So within Ucadia, we have to come up with a clearer definition if we are to move forward.

For the purpose of presenting a unified theory of the Universe as a whole, more than twenty years ago, the Ucadia Model came up with a definition that better described the feature of motion attributed to the Western-Roman Scientific notion of “energy”. Under Ucadia, accumulative motion is now re-defined as energis – Energis is the measure of aggregated motion of all particles in motion to create mass (accumulative kinesis) and the motion of the particle itself.

Similarly, the idea of different units of exchange as attributed to the notion of “energy” such as light, or heat, or radiation, or magnetism is redefined under the Ucadia Model as “Ergons” – actual particles that both combine with larger particles in form as well as behave in particle fields. An Ergon is therefore a certain class of particles that under one set of conditions forms part of larger structures (e.g. Magnetic particles in certain atomic structures), under other conditions breaks form and behaves in particle fields.

We can now make a clear definition between:

(a) particles responsible for affecting form (e.g. Gravitons and Magnetons) and    
(b) motion that creates form and moves form (e.g. Structural and Kinetic).

If you want to see more information on the nature of Energis and Ergon particles in the context of a comprehensive and complete model, then please go and have a look at the Ucadian Patents on  Meanwhile, now we have cleared up the confusion over the notion of energy for Western-Roman Science, what about “spiritual energy”?

Well, it turns out the equivalent in terms of Ergons to the Homo Sapien interaction with its environment are Hormones and Peptides, or in action “Emotions”, while the effect in terms of Kinesis or change is mind, or the classical construct of an “Event” being time, place and action as a Memory. Thus Spiritual Energy can be best described as the effect of emotions and memory on our behavior. 

This now brings us to the importance of spiritual contracts or guilt contracts and how certain interactions each and every day have a profound effect on our state of happiness, our health and our spiritual well being.

Guilt Contracts

Last week, in the third part of the three part series on the Supernatural Explained, we defined the meaning of Guilt via Canon 6592 of Sovereign Law as being: “a fundamental ecclesiastical, legal, financial, commercial and cognitive term of the Venetian-Pisan Roman Death Cult whereby an absolute unbreakable binding and covenant is claimed, placing the spirit, mind and body of an unfortunate person under the full jurisdiction and control of the Roman Death Cult and its agents in this life and the next”.

We then looked at the components of Guilt, based around the absolute falsity and fantasy that memory in terms of Lower Mind is as if etched in stone, namely:

(i) As an ecclesiastical term, Guilt defines the claimed perpetual condemnation of a spirit to be bound as a Ghost as a Soul to serve the will of the Roman Death Cult in its perpetuation of power using false scripture, false dogma and the deliberately false, misleading and deceptive claims of the Roman Death Cult; and
(ii) As a legal term, Guilt defines the physical recording of a "penal sum" or "debt price" and the condemnation of a mind and body as culpable for one or more violations of Western-Roman criminal law; and
(iii) As a financial term, Guilt defines “Gold” literally as the Roman Death Cult commercialization of such sins into money, or the “monetization of sin” is only possible when a record of Guilt is established; and
(iv) As a commercial term, Guilt defines a binding and permanent and perpetual contract whereby a person admits fault and accepts punishment and accedes to performance of the terms of such contract of perpetual punishment as property of the Roman Death Cult or its agents as security; and
(v) As a cognitive term, Guilt defines the interpretation of human behaviors and actions to claim a comprehension and visual evidence of admission of fault and acceptance of any consequential punishment.

In contrast, our discussion last week exposed the very model of Guilt as being essential to the entrapment of minds by the Roman Death Cult and completely false, deceptive, misleading, morally repugnant and profane against true Christianity, the teachings of Jesus and the Carolingian founders of Catholicism in the 8th Century.

Now we return to this critically important concept for the continued enslavement of humanity by the Roman Death Cult and the Illuminati and Global Elite through the notion of a Guilt Contract – or how exactly they trick us into binding and condemning ourselves.

A Guilt Contract is an exchange with another, or within our selves with ghost influence whereby we are presented with three components:

(i) A strong emotional state, often predicated on negative emotions; and
(ii) A recounting of some claimed memory of action, time and place of the past, often unreliable and skewed from an accurate or objective perspective; and
(iii) An obligation, punishment, condemnation, responsibility, curse or performance due in the future associated with the claimed memory of action.

When these three components of strong negative emotion, unreliable memory and negative obligation are presented to us, it is usually on the premise that we accept the components and thereby seal a new contract that has the following effect:

(i) We assume the memory with the emotion, thus accepting a new memory that becomes our memory; and
(ii) We accept explicitly or implicitly the negative consequences and obligations of performance that were previously held by the other party; and
(iii) The party no longer obligated or bound to that memory by the performance is then free to re-write history in their own mind, while we re-write history in our own mind to assume responsibility and liability for events that we had no original part in.

It sounds bizarre when you think about it. Who in their right mind would accept the spiritual equivalent to a bag full of rotting prawn heads and dog shit from someone else, to then carry it around with them, when they may not even eat prawns or own a dog?  Yet that is precisely what we do each and every day to some extent when dealing with people who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and are looking to us as a   target to dump their emotional and spiritual garbage via guilt contracts.

It also exposes the complete lie of the necromancers and Roman Death Cult and its academic agents that claim history and the past is an accurate record and set in stone when the experience of accepting a Guilt Contract sees both parties re-writing history in their own minds.

An irresponsible and unreasonable person, using any manner of excuses not to take account for his or her own mistakes and errors, upon a successful dumping of a Guilt Contract on some unfortunate victim, is then capable of re-writing in his or her own mind a lie whereby the person who accepts performance to “help” or “assist him/her” actually becomes literally responsible for the problems in the first place. If anything goes wrong, it is the fault of the person who assumed the Guilt Contract and not the one who is not taking responsibility for his or her own life.

I cannot tell you over the years and decades how many Guilt Contracts have been thrown at me by people, sometimes in a bullying fashion, demanding justice but in reality, looking for someone else to be blamed for their unwillingness to be objective for their own problems. It is the height of madness and why I say to people now, that no I will not assist you in direct help on your matters and why I cannot assist you directly in your own matters, because you need to take responsibility for your own matters and problems and use the knowledge that is available to work through such problems.

It took a long time to comprehend what was going on with Guilt Contracts and why some people left me drained or feeling physically sick. It was not simply psycho-somatic but the real effect of a Guilt Contract, leaving the conveyor of such a contract free to get on with not taking responsibility while I became the one to blame. As a result, I have suffered as maybe many of you have suffered the utter insanity of people blaming me for their problems, when I had absolutely nothing to do with their original mistakes; and why some people have assumed kindness as weakness.

No one has the right to dump on you, or to force Guilt Contracts onto you. Their lives are their lives. Their emotions are their emotions. If they are unwilling to extract themselves from such negative states of mind, then they have no right to try and off-load that onto you as some desperate attempt for freedom. Instead, they need to read and listen to Ucadia, such as the last three blogs before this one and comprehend what was taught about Guilt and why they feel the way they do in the first place.

Yet the worst perpetrator of Guilt Contracts is not our family or friends or acquaintances, but the Roman System itself. Why do you think you feel sick when you receive a Summons? Because a Summons from a Western-Roman Court is the personification of a Guilt Contract. A Summons is proof that the entire Western-Roman System of Law is a fraud. Let me explain.

From the beginning of civilization, in law the only way to prove the past is through testimony under proper oath and vow. Thus, any system that devalued the notion of the Golden Rule of Law, or the value of truthful testimony, or the validity of oaths and vows by inventing words such as “sworn” to mean the opposite to what people think, exposed itself as a system that does not honor an accurate past, but a history manipulated and moulded to its own ends.

In other words, if no value is placed upon the truth, then no value has been placed upon the past. If no value is placed upon the past, then no value has been placed upon the truth. Courts of Summary Jurisdiction, such as the lower Roman Courts, permit accusations to be accepted as fact without proper inquisition of the facts before proceeding. Such accusations are presumed as true, even through in many cases it is clearly impossible to make such assumptions. Thus, the Summary Justice system, as first promulgated via Westminster to the rest of the world from the 19th Century, effectively implies “The past is whatever we say it is”.

No wonder people feel sick when being forced to attend the Courts of the necromancers and the Roman Death Cult, because they are bombarded by Guilt Contracts without knowing how to properly defend themselves. Yet now you know. The Courts of Admiralty that now masquerade as the lower courts of the United States and all Commonwealth Countries are a fraud and their behavior is an open admission of a repudiation of any accuracy of the past, or statutes, or rulings, or citations, or justice or rule of law. It is impossible and absurd to conclude anything to the contrary.

Your rejection of Guilt Contracts is coming to realize that the reconstruction of past events made by prosecutors is not the truth; and that the negative emotions of guilt, fear, worthlessness and shame are not your emotions, but forced upon you; and that the negative emotions attached to unreasonable and unfair demands for punishment and performance based on threat, fear and intimidation invalidates the whole process entirely.

I know saying this does not help people necessarily when they are looking for actual answers within a court room or within a prison cell or in response to written threats and demands and theft of your life’s work. But we are speaking of the first step. Until tonight, you might never have considered the nature of Guilt Contracts in your life and why you should never help people unwilling to help themselves first. You might never have known the real reason you feel so sick around the Necromancer Courts of the Roman Death Cult. Now you know and now you can do something about it mentally and physically, even if the next steps in paperwork or actions in the temporal realm may still be a little fuzzy.

So I make a commitment to you: If you work on improving your self knowledge and your awareness by reading and learning Ucadia, I will be doing a follow up and new series on dealing with problems in law in the coming weeks where we will specifically tackle the issues of arrest, imprisonment, demands, threats, sentences, claims, foreclosures and the full range of intimidations and torture inflicted by the present system against people.

However, I remind you that a condition for me doing this series is that you make a solemn promise to Yourself and to the Divine Creator of all Existence that You will work everyday to improve Your own knowledge and competence and be prepared to help Yourself. You need to promise that You will be taking responsibility for the issues and errors and mistakes that got You into trouble or made things worse. 

I reject any and all Guilt Contracts dumped on me in the past, the present or the future as such contracts are founded on fraud. I reject any and all demands that any spirit may seek to enforce or impose against me based upon such false, deceptive and misleading assumptions. I certainly will not be accepting any Guilt Contracts from anyone.

Maybe, you also need to consider an affirmation that helps you reject any and all Guilt Contracts yourself. If you are prepared to stand up and take accountability for your own mistakes and errors, yet are also willing to release those false memories and false emotions and false obligations imposed on you by others, then consider the following affirmation as a possible means of pronouncing this fact to the Universe and making it so:

In the name of the Unique Collective Awareness of all Existence and the Divine Creator as the Universal Dreamer and all Spirits and Ancestors as my witness:
I reject any and all Guilt Contracts dumped on me in the past, the present or in the future as any and all such contracts are founded on fraud and so are unenforceable, except if I continue to give them validity; and
I reject any and all memories and negative emotions attached to such Guilt Contracts and attempted to be imposed on me as neither these memories are mine to accept, nor are these negative emotions mine to keep; and
I reject any and all demands that any spirit may seek to enforce or impose against me based upon the false, deceptive and misleading assumptions of Guilt Contracts. 
As I have made such truth clear and expressed my will and good intentions, let it be so.

Redemption of Souls

This leaves one final topic I promised to cover tonight on the issue of souls and the fact that the revelations about Soul have deeply troubled a great number of people, as the word is so prevalent and so heavily used.

What I want to say is this. If you have read the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum, then you would have seen that its entirety is about the enactment of the Divine Forgiveness of the Divine Creator of all existence and the end to Mundi and the concept of Hell and imprisonment of mind.

Also, if you have listened and read the Canons of Law, then you know a great number of concepts that the Roman Death Cult have claimed for themselves are repudiated, such as the notion of “person” being purely and exclusively Roman – an absurd notion.

The same applies to Soul. Even though the design of Soul is about cursing and imprisonment, the ubiquity of the term throughout all literature and consciousness means that if the Roman Death Cult is left to their own devices to continue to promote the word, then it is ceding a critically important and scripturally significant act- as The Book of Revelation and the scriptures of the Roman Death Cult point to the Redemption of Souls as a proof of the End Times and the surrender, abdication and loss of the power of the Vatican upon the return of the true Christ Consciousness. Ucadia is the personification of the true Christ Consciousness.

With this in mind, I remind you of the function of a Divine Trust and Divine Person. A Divine Trust is proof of the sacredness of each and every spirit and higher order being, in direct contrast to the negative notion and curse of soul. Thus a Divine Trust is equivalent to a Soul Redeemed – A fulfilment of scripture to the letter.

Do not be concerned then or afraid that the word Soul is forever condemned within the Ucadia knowledge. What needs to be clear and clarified in any corrections throughout the Ucadia Model is that the advent of the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum means that each and every Soul is redeemed as a Divine Trust, and no soul or person or spirit is cast out or condemned.

Next Steps

So thank you again for taking the time to read and listen. I also want to reach out again to each and every one of you who helped in your support and donations to Ucadia. If you found this information useful tonight and if such information genuinely helps you, then I hope you are also willing and able to click on the link and help and support the continue research that enables this kind of information from Ucadia to continue.

And until we speak next week, please be safe, be well, thank you and good night.


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